Sunday 16 April 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16/4/17; Bolt's doesn't deny science he equates it to religion; Bolt proves USA's hypocrisy in Syria; Opprtunity for vigilante justice missed in Germany according to Bolt;

Here’s A List Of All The Science That Donald Trump Andrew Bolt Pauline Hanson and Tony Abbott deny

 Here’s A List Of All The Science That Donald Trump Denies | IFLScience

Climate Change, Environment, Renewable technologies,Vaccinations, Sleep, Space,  all building a wall of ignorance It's Easter and they all declare science to be the new religion

"just what is a Greens voter really like, and why the hypocrisy? What surprising new data reveals of this new religion." Andrew Bolt


Syria’s civil war explained from the beginning | News | Al Jazeera

 Note Bolt accuses the "rebels" as being "no better" that Assad. Who have been their financial backers  Israel the USA and Saudis. In fact Newscorp  commentator Shari Markson a regular "truth" teller on The Bolt Report was arrested trying to interview these rebels while being patched up in an Israeli field hospital on the Golan Heights. It was a secret nobody was meant to know. 
So what's the purpose of Bolt's narrative here other than to prove to us that the US , Israel, and the Saudis are co-conspirators in a power struggle for influence in the Middle East. That they are paying mercenaries in that struggle mercenaries who have no regard for the people of Syria and the refugees they have helped create. This is what the left has been saying all along and what Bolt has been denying. Bolt is running a contradictory narrative here telling us US backed forces  are blowing up refugees and that these rebels aren't even ISIS. In other words he's proving the rebels are as immoral as Assad and they are doing it with US support. Thanks for showing your true colours Andrew Bolt  telling us Trump's stance is moral in the same breath proving it's not.Video Exposes Evidence Tampering After Syrian Chemical Attack, Proves WH Report Was Fabricated - MT
  Dennis Kucinich Questions White House’s Gas-Attack Narrative
 Image result for Images of vigilante justice


Germany let in a million illegal immigrants in just one year. And now for the gratitude: "A German court in the western city of Cologne on Monday convicted a 16-year-old Syrian refugee for planning to carry out a terror attack."  
  The telling issue here is Bolt's narrative blaming 1million refugees  for the act of one 16 year old found guilty of planning an act of violence. Also revealing one suspected conspiracy by like minded Bolt extreme right wing thinkers  planning  or maybe actually acting to frame refugees  by bombing a football bus. We don't however accuse 80 mill Germans for Bolt like thinking do we.
Justice hasn't been served or even seen to be done according to right wing extreme sympathiser's like Andrew Bolt because the Germans actually freed an innocent man who was  known to have  ISIS connections whilst having no involvement in this bus bombing.
Bolt the advocate of free speech, free thought, and  the spokesman for everyone being treated equally is pissed off because the Greman authorities actually did that. They listened  and didn't arrest an innocent man or frame him  for the crime. It seems Bolt's preference would have been to  frame him for the bus bombing which he didn't commit and use him a some sort of symbolic sacrificial lamb. A warning to the other 1 million refugees mainly Muslims and show the Nation that they weren't welcome. Very Klanish of Andrew Bolt and in his hypocritical cry for vigilante justice.  The media should resist far-right populist tendencies

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