Monday 8 May 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,8/5/17; Bolt and his Oedipal guilt, betryal of Milo and his wife revealed; Pratt revealed by a Pratt; One Nation haven't time to think;

Bolt is the braggart employee who claims he works an  80 hour week, loves it and is essential to the company. He's really his class's traitor . He's no more than a worker who claims the unemployed are  parasites on the state while he's a model example of achievement. It seems Bolt managed to do his 80 hours of superhuman effort in a 5 day time frame this week. Because he was idle all this weekend.  Yet he was able to get todays post and his columns done by 10 am. 80 hour week pigs ass.
Bolt's  Oedipal urge and sexual guilt  loom large in his attack on the Macron marriage. The mores of traditional marriage, women as property of men traded for advancement have been contravened  as far as Bolt is concerned why? Because of not only the age difference but because Trogeneaux is also a divorcee who can't have anymore children.  Bolt's not particularly proud of his wife either it seems though she did her job in bearing children to pass on Bolt's  property but more so she provided him with  a pathway up the social ladder which he he could never have achieved alone and he claims as  merit.  His lack of marital  self- pride is demonstrated by his lack of family photos. His envy is shown in his  obsession with showing Walleed Aly and Susan Carland together. While  never showing he and his wife as a couple.
 Currently it's Emannuel Macron and his wife Bolt's absorbed with. He's conflicted by the guilt of his want for his mother for so many years. What he believes marriage is brought to light  and amplified by  this   fixation on the age difference between the Macrons. It seems in  Bolt 's mind that a crime has been committed but one Macron doesn't appear guilty in any way according to French law furthermore the French public don't seem to care. However as usual it's Bolt's law that's been broken. The exemplar of Australian moral values demands we need to be offended why ? It seems to  make him a prude on all things sexual such as his sentiments  child marriage the age of consent and even the family seem devoid of strong logic.
 So Bolt likens Macron and Trogeneaux's marriage to pedophilia wishing his favorite man child Milo to be forgiven but deserving of the punishment he received and which he  believes Macron and his wife have have escaped . When in fact they haven't in the 24 years of their relationship broken any French laws or mores that Bolt can point at but his own. Nobody but and outsider a foreigner like Andrew Bolt has accused them of anything in France. However  that can't be said of Bolt's ultra Conservative brothers in arms when it came to Milo's announcement that he enjoyed playing with men as a child and they loved playing with him. Milo wasn't jailed he was discarded by Bolt's  conservatives like a dirty rag. He lost his job with at Breitbart, was no longer booked by them on their favorite TV shows or speaking circuit and not for a moment defended by them. Bolt certainly didn't defend him he turned his back on him just another fair weather friend  at Murdoch Media globally. Bolt like all ultra conservatives gave him the silent treatment. What is a significant difference is Bolt is not doing the same to the Macrons might it be because their biggest crime in Bolt's eyes is that they aren't conservatives?



Malcolm Turnbull was having a ball with Donald Trump in New York when an Australian reminded him of the trouble tomorrow's Budget must fix. It was cardboard king Anthony Pratt, who said he'd  invest $2 billion in the US because Trump had made “America the greatest place in the world to manufacture”. Trump gave a standing ovation. Turnbull didn't.  

 Bolt repeat last weeks blog and calls it a column and yes he calls that work. He also calls the repetition the recycling work it's renewable energy and he just repeats and repeats it for a lot of profit and little cost to himself. Logic dictates that Anthony Pratt whose business is recycling would have the family's business in the land of most waste production, the USA. Like renewables they make cardboard boxes  collect American waste and recycle it. It's odd here is Bolt praising that which he normally denies cleaner and reduced energy. America is the greatest place in the world for Pratt and Visy Board because it's the greatest producer of the waste they need to make Visy Board a profit and it's increasing not decreasing. That can't be said of other countries it's why for Pratt they are the best which cant be said for all manufacturing. So why is Bolt bringing America's unemployment problem to our attention the problem Obama helped fix and Trump is taking credit for? It's not on the basis of any principle in fact renewing anything is counter to Bolt's principles of mining is great. It's Malcolm Turnbull and the chance to play the man for Tony Abbott that's all folks. Pratt is all for renewable cheap energy and it's place and value in the recycling process.  
 Image result for Image of One Nation Voters


Gerard Henderson: "According to Marr, 'almost all Hanson’s voters left school early but went on to make a good fist of their lives … her followers aren’t poor or unemployed'... They are traditional ­Coalition voters. The relative success of One ­Nation ... should have sent a message to Turnbull to look after the Liberal Party’s base."
 One Nation's overall performance in WA was 4.5% Bolt loves calling that 15%. In Qld the state of it's birth is 9%. If Hanson keeps making the mistakes she has made and continues to do so she's a dead man walking. Howard and Abbott may have shifted to the right 25 years ago and had Hanson jailed to steal her voters but Turnbull won't do that today. Only Tony Abbott will and as far as the Liberals are concerned he too is a dead man walking.  Hanson voters are a mirror image of Pauline "“almost all Hanson’s voters left school early but went on to make a good fist of their lives … her followers aren’t poor or unemployed”. 
Nobody has said Hansonites were poor or unemployed if they were they'd more likely to be critical thinkers. They are yes the uneducated middle class  what's left of it never taught or had the time to think. That's what Henderson calls the Coalition base he openly insults them and believes they are the dummies that only Tony can bring back. What part of the 9% of One Nation do they constitute. A lot of swinging Labour voters that voted fro Abbott turned on the LNP last election because they turned on Abbott. They are the ones that the Liberals need and Abbott won't bring them back and Turnbull will find that difficult as well and without them the will be no LNP

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 Image result for Image the Trump family


How dumb - or plain greedy is this woman? "The sister of President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been in China courting individual investors with a much-criticised federal visa program that provides a path toward obtaining US green cards... A tagline on the brochure read: 'Invest $500,000 and immigrate to the United States.'"
  "A tagline on the brochure read: “Invest $500,000 and immigrate to the United States.”
As if Kushner's sister organized thin in isolation. As if the family didn't know. It's easier to get divorced than separating two people making money together.
  Image result for Image of Le Pen


They said outsider politics would revolutionise Europe: "France has elected its youngest president since Napoleon by voting in the centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron." Not a promising analogy. UPDATE: Robert Gottliebsen says Macron has policies that would transform Australia.
 Is Bolt really attempting to tell us the right wing Le Penn won? He certainly hasn't said it looks bad for the next election. The local one where Macron could win a majority. Le Penn Right Wing party will be the one to witness a revolution. Australia needs a shake up and some youth injected into it's tired old politics which doesn't encourage youth participation. Cameron and Wilson ex IPA are just old men dressed in new suits.


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Catholic parents are furious with the Turnbull Government's plan to slow funding increases for Catholic schools: "Australians who believe that children should be educated in the faith of their family rather indoctrinated by socialist governments’ Queer, anti-Western and anti-Christian school programs might seek alternatives at the ballot box."

 Safe schools are out our kids are better off in schools where bullying is the best practice and exam anxiety is one of the highest among the wealthiest nations. What a load of crap our independent schools are filled with Asian kids from overseas. They are not trying to become Christians. Networking is why kids go to private schools and the culture of privilege given youth unemployment is on the rise and meritocracy is crumbling in the face of who you know and not what you know.  Bolt learned that long ago and wants to ensure it doesn't change. His son's first job is with John Roxon and the IPA, surprised. Does anybody think he was the best applicant in a market equal to all?

 Image result for Image of Gina Rinehart


Mining magnate Gina Rinehart says tomorrow's  Budget must do a Trump and cut spending and red tape. 'It’s very frustrating that there’s wastage going on and that so little attention, real ­attention, is given to making ­ourselves attractive for investment.'" Rinehart needed 4000 permits to open just one mine. Less investment, fewer jobs.
 Rinehart hasn't the trust of her own family and wants Australia to trust her in opening a mine. Unfortunately he investment in Ch 10 was of no help in gaining her the respectability she wants. All she has is the politicians who crave her donations and support Barnaby being just one. Andrew Bolt certainly won't curry any favors for her among Liberals. Yes she wants Turnbull to hand the country over to the billioaires just as Trump has but he didn't hand it over he was always batting on their side.

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Emmanuel Macron fell in love with his teacher and pursued her when he was 15. He later married her and French voters seem now to have made him president.  Milo Yiannopoulos said he was 17 when he seduced his own teacher, a Catholic priest. Yet Milo has been damned and his career destroyed. And the difference is?
CoAccording to the Pope it's better to be and Atheist than a hypocritical Catholic. Though not a papist Bolt best declare himself as such rather than say he's Agnostic .
 Bolt is the braggart employee who claims he works an  80 hour week and loves it. He's really his class's traitor who claims the unemployed are  parasites on the state. It seems Bolt manages to do his 80 hours within a 5 day period because he was idle this weekend. 

Bolt's  Oedipal urge and guilt ridden sexual urge looms large in his attack on the Macron marriage. The mores of marriage and women as property for men's advancement have been contravened because the age difference has been not only reversed but Trogeneaux is a divorcee.  Bolt's not particularly proud of his wife it seems she was routinely property a pathway up the social ladder he calls merit.  His lack of pride demonstrated by his lack of family photos  juxtaposed with obsession with showing Walleed Aly and Susan Carland together all the time but never he and his wife as a couple.
 Currently it's Emannuel Macron and his wife. Bolt's conflicted guilt by his want of his mother and what he believes marriage is brought to light  and amplified by his  fixation on the age difference between the two. It appears in  Bolt 's mind thinks a crime has been committed the crime being that Macron doesn't appear guilty in any way and the French Catholic public don't really care. However Bolt the exemplar of Australian moral values demands we do. After all it makes his anti-Muslim sentiments against child marriage simply seem devoid of logic
Bolt likens Macron and Trogeneaux's marriage to pedophilia wishing his favorite man child Milo to be forgiven but deserving of the punishment he received and which he  believes Macron and his wife have have escaped . When in fact they haven't in the 24 years of their relationship broken any French laws or mores that Bolt can point at but his own. Nobody but and outsider a foreigner like Andrew Bolt has accused them of anything in France. However  that can't be said of Bolt's ultra Conservative brothers in arms when it came to Milo's announcement that he enjoyed playing with men as a child and they loved playing with him. Milo wasn't jailed he was discarded by Bolt's  conservatives like a dirty rag. He lost his job with at Breitbart, was no longer booked by them on their favorite TV shows or speaking circuit and not for a moment defended by them. Bolt certainly didn't defend him he turned his back on him just another fair weather friend  at Murdoch Media globally. Bolt like all ultra conservatives gave him the silent treatment. What is a significant difference is Bolt is not doing the same to the Macrons might it be because their biggest crime in Bolt's eyes is that they aren't conservatives?



The ABC uses $1 billion of taxpayers' money to offer free the news that struggling papers such as The Age and Sydney Morning Herald must sell to survive. But with those Fairfax papers now brought to their knees, the subsidised ABC staff send their sympathies to the journalists they've helped to make unemployed. It's so touching.
The ABC didn't put Fairfax or News Corp workers out of work their advertisers did. When the advertizers do a runner heads fall. We saw a perfect example of that at News Corp USA when Roger Ailes Bill O'Reilly and Shine all got the sack. The Advertizers abandoned News Corp along with readers. In Australia that's happening as well and the readers sick of getting crap are also abandoning the ships.
The ABC provides News and Information Australia wide it doesn't compete with either News Corp  or Fairfax which do neither. They supply sport, entertainment and crosswords disguised as newspapers. News Corp is a sport entertainment and pay to view corporation that isn't even in the news business. They are rather lobbyists in the influence business and as such their operating costs are better seen as an investment in political influence. Murdoch advises Trump on a daily basis Fox News is America's government channel. There is no real equivalent to the ABC in the USA. However Murdoch's business model is to rid the UK and Australia of the BBC and the ABC effectively creating a global conservative broadcasting system throughout the English speaking world. However he needs political and business influence to do so. The ABC is Australia's primary and most trusted news service providing the nation with services News Corp doesn't even consider relevant the very services Bolt claims reinforce our cultural values and brings us closer together. All you need to do is turn on Foxtel and see if you can find Australian content or just repeat on repeat of shows that were created last century. Sorry News Corp was never in the business of journalism only Churnalism.



Treasurer Scott Morrison says tomorrow's Budget will "not tickle the ears of ideologues". Which means it will spend lots of money we don't have, splash out more handouts and "invest" billions more in dodgy projects in sensitive seats. Who needs Labor when you have a Turnbull Government? Phillip Coorey, Adam Creighton and Judith Sloan put it well.  
 A post that Andrew Bolt doesn't understand just the copy and pasted work of his troll Peter BH.
Who gathers together the thoughts of News Corp and IPA ideologues Coorey, Creighton and Sloane. Couples them with Tingles minimal line that says nothings changed since Tony Abbott raised the bar on the the debt deficit to $500 bill and put his foot on the spending accelerator. Turnbull is fully aware if you put your foot on the brake and turn the wheel all you will do is flip. Bolt likes that because those with money can buy up the bargains in the carnage.  Classic tale of the rich getting richer leaving the poor behind as roadkill.


New Labor, sneering at the houses of the poor.  Sam Dastyari makes a good point in his video on house prices in the wrong way: "Sam is shown standing in front of a house... 'This is what a million dollars in Sydney will buy you... (It’s) on one of the busiest roads, and you know if it’s got security shutters, you’re onto a good thing..'"
8 M Among all this noise about Sam is the the fact that a house was sold for $1.3mill and Sam Needs to be worried. Not because a working class family made money but that working class people didn't pay $1.3 mill for it and the nature of the suburb may not change superficially but it will change in ownership terms. What Bolt doesn't realize until the working class stop living there they won't stop voting there because the new owners will most likely be landlords parking money in the hope of a capital gain because they sure as hell won't be getting a rental return. Sam wasn't insulting the sellers he was pointing fingers at people like Andrew Bolt who are celebrating the boom in the property market. Is Bolt a landlord?


What a joke: "Activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied will keep her job on a Federal Government advisory board after an investigation by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop found no basis for removing her over controversial remarks about Anzac Day." But this government adviser will herself now get an adviser - a "mentor".  So why not replace her with her mentor?  
  Three words and Bolt has taken an axe to Yassmin. Death by a thousand verbal cuts along with the demand for action. I hope the nations lawyers are watching and Bolt puts one foot over the line so he can be judged in Australia's courts. Julie Bishop along with a good dose of common sense hasn't tried to make Yassmin a political football. Bolt tried with Adam Goodes and fell flat on his face. He started to defend Milo for a second but abruptly stopped when he realized conservatives worldwide had turned against him and Bolt then followed suit in kind. But Yassmin a woman a Muslim and on the ABC was easy prey and Bolt has pounced screaming "sack her" "replace her" symbolically "rape her". That's his notion of free speech in a civilized society. Nazi's could and should be able to yell out "gas her" and the say it wasn't my fault if someone does.  No care no responsibility but the freedom to be an A- hole is Bolt's demand. Yassmin is free to reply to the onslaught in the same "civilized " fashion. Thank you Julie Bishop for staying uninvolved you were free do do so.


My editorial from The Bolt Report: the stolen generations myth is killing Aboriginal children. New evidence today shows a shocking level of denial.
  Bolt's media active in genocide largely cultural but genocide all the same. He's in total denial of Aboriginal history and the Aboriginal experience. If he could he'd make English the compulsory Australian Language and the European history the official history of Australia along with Christian values whatever they might be. After all Bolt believes he's more Indigenous than Adam Goodes and those born after him. Bolt's arguments are so divorced from our common understanding so abstract as to be solipsistic and meaningless. Bolt's arguments against the notion of a"stolen generations" legitimizes the sexual molestation of indigenous  children in orphanages and foster homes it denies the workhouse conditions experienced the lies told children and supports  the written word of policy makers at the time as charitable. Nobody denies problems exist today but Bolt maintains Don Dale and other welfare practices are the best means and approach available to socially control an otherwise dysfunctional race victimized by their own culture. Yes that's similar to the stories put out by Hitler when describing the Romany. Right wing explanations for dysfunction tend to select process and stereotype those they wish to blame. No self reflection required as self analysis is a left wing weakness. Notice no science involved or necessary in Bolt's explanation simply a faith in being right and in control.


Peta Credlin says Malcolm Turnbull has attacked the Liberal base again by picking a fight with Catholics over their schools. 
 People like these live in a world turned on it's head. The Liberal base some of whom are Catholics need to stop their war with Turnbull and listen to the words of their Pope who said "it's better to be and Atheist than a hypocritical Catholic. Abbott, Andrews etc don't listen to the head of the Liberal Party maybe it's time they listened to the head of their church. Bolt would do well to listen to given he's such a promoter of Christian values and a hypocrite to boot.

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