Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Monday, 19 June 2017
Andrew Bolt's Blog 19/6/17; Reason verses Bigotry a test; Abbott, Turnbull, & Hawke; Helping Catholics not just the Elite; Gillian Triggs;
How stupidly obsessed is Andrew Bolt with Waleed Aly. It's impossible to believe he's been endowed by Murdoch with a platfrom so large as to attack a man an not an issue Islam is an Australian religion one of many Aly is not it;s leader The Catholic Church on the other hand is an organization and George Pell was it's leader. Change in the Catholic Church comes from the top down change in Islam comes from the bottom up. There are as many Islams as there are Mosques
Bolt obviously believes that Waleed is some sort of genie in the bottle "our most prominent Muslim". He's not he's Bolt's most prominent Muslim. He's young Bolt's not. He's educated Bolt's not. He's public Bolt's not. He's beed given awards Bolt hasn't He holds more than one position Bolt doesn't. He feels free and comfortable in a diverse Australia. Bolt doesn't. Aly draws attention to issues and not people. Bolt attacks people more so than issues. Aly is Australian no matter his heratige. Andrew Bolt isn't and makes it quite clear Australia isn't his. The result Bolt complains is aloof and spins. Aly is on the other hand part of the Australian discussion.
History is the history of Australians working together and not just that of a few with camp followers towing along in hope of some crumbs. Basically Bolt's been a Murdoch lackey since the beggining of his career. He talks of meritocracy but has never tested or experienced it. Social mobility for Andrew Bolt came at the hands of who he knew rather than what. The reverse can be said of Waleed Aly. Bolt has a history of spin Aly a history of work these are the differences between the two and not the one Bolt focuses on saying "but he's a Muslim" That alone is the attitude of a bigot.
Bolt is punching down believes he's superior and does it with insulting abusive and highly critical language. Bolt champions fear rather than reason by way of exaggeration about "most" Muslims. He cultivates confusion rather than sanity and belittles others in order not to arrive at any clarity and that's purely an effort to influence rather than understand.
Does it work of course it does. Since 2013 prejudice against some Australians has risen from 9% to over 30 % all at the hands of a racist and bigoted MSM those whose religion happens to be Muslim. That sudden rise in bias has been at the hands of spin and Andrew Bolt being the leading example. However some relief can be found in the fact that Andrew Bolt is a prisoner of his own spin and isn't comfortable or welcomed in his own country whereas Waleed Aly is.
19 JunAndrew
Bolt in the paradoxically the crusader of "free speech" is betraying
the Australian Constitution which James Cameron who he admires so much
said freedom of religion is an Australian value written in our
constitution. I don't think speech is hasn't Bolt been Trumped?
I said earlier in this blog
Bolt would go out of his way to blame the killing of the Muslims in
London and the killing of
a Muslim girl in America on Muslims themselves and he has. Yes Bolt is
blaming the victims as if they alone were dead at the fault of their
faith. He won't claim the
white non Muslim terrorists as his own but he can't accept Muslims like
Waleed Aly doing
the same with fanatics who don't represent his faith eithe. Bolt
apologize or call for a reform of non Muslim attitudes but he does
claim a need for change in the attitudes of the majority of Muslims.
Waleed Aly becomes his excuse for Christian terror. Bolt
lives on a oneway street and if you Muslim your travelling the wrong
way. We are not all Australians but according to our Constitution Andrew
Bolt the least Australian voice.
Given Bolt is so fascinated by the polls today were does he think he would rate next to Waleed Aly?
Hawke brought about consensus and he stole the middle ground from under conservatives and took away the palsy of division. No conservative wants that. Consensus politics is a move away from the dead calm that Abbott offered. The inability to get anything done. Abbott found the art of negotiation and comprmise beyond him and as a result did nothing progressive. We have fallen backwards and very quickly at the hands of Abbott's legacy. Education we rank 39 of 40, Communication dropped from 40th to 65th and we are on the verge of a recession when in 2013 we were world leaders. Meanwhile the EU and USA are bouncing back. Hawke got things done Abbott undone things and remains in denial. According to him it's our Parliamentary system that's at fault and needs to be changed. Echoes of Franco Pinochet and Mussolini even Marie Antoinette when Hockey said the "poor don't drive cars"
"The fact that Gonski 2.0 is seeking to redirect some funding from these privileged Catholic schools to public schools, saving the Budget billions in the process, seems entirely sensible, represents good policy, and should be supported." Macroeconomist
There are no qualifiers when it comes to Andrew Bolt if a Muslim committs an act of terror "most" Muslims are potential terrorists not to be trusted. If some very privileged Catholic schools are defunded "all" Catholics are being robbed. Again Bolt's aim is to confuse not clarify. His aim is not principled it's merely fighting for a taem. However in the meantime Australia is now 39th out of the 40 most wealthy nations in the education we provide and Bolt seems not to care. This is once again an Abbott legacy of having not activated and defunded Gonski 1. Gillard knew immediate action was needed and Abbott did what he could to stall it.
Bolt has been attacking Gillian Triggs for years generally its been presoal and viscious. He can't do the same for Judge Morecai Bromberg who convicted him under Sections 18 C& D of the Racial Discrimination Act. Why because of the fact that contempt charges could be brought against him. So Bolt goes for second best where his cringe worthy revenge is free of prosecution. Bolt targets Triggs and not the AHRC in a personal vendetta rather than any issues he has with the organization. Complaints under the RDA are first submitted to HRC to be examined for validity and if they can be mediated it appears the HRC agreed the complaints in Bolt's case had weight. No mediation was possible so the case was dealt with in the courts and Bolt lost. Since then he's taken it on himself not to whinge about the AHRC but it's head herself. He is without doubt full of invective for Triggs who maintains her silence and dignity as head of a respected Institution.He abuses her rights in an hysteric attempt to gain unreasoned attention. Belittling Triggs will no doubt come to an end when she retires because having forgone the role of AHRC head she will if she wishes take Bolt on in a defamation case. Let's wait and see because time is definitely on her side.
This graph shows Catholic & Independant schools are far from disadvantaged from Gonski2. If it's the case and only some elite schools funding will be cut then there is no disadvantage to Catholics at all. They will in the main be better off. The bias is fair and squarely on the shoulders of those who claim the opposite. As for the Senator one need to ask why in fact he's declarin a familiar sound of nope nope nope which we have heard before.
Red Symons was 'forced" at 68 Symons could hardly be "forced " to do anything. Can Bolt get Symons to back him on the description of his apology I doubt it. As I said I don't believe Symons is a racist. But we all have an Australian psyche which in part is unconsciouslybigoted. Maybe Symons came to the realization of that and apologized. Only people like Bolt with intransigent and fixed minds can't say soory and when they do there is no scincerity. Very professional of Symons and personal of Bolt who has an agenda.
All one can be reminded of is when Abbott was a poll disaster Bolt was crying forget the polls today it's the polls the polls the polls. The truth is if somebody and we know who doesn't make a move against Turnbull soon then it will be Turnbull at the next election. Labor hopes it's Abbott.
Bolt's list and logic condemns our immigration policies by association Bolt doesn't list all rapes but selects one. Then by association leaps to the generalization that our Immigration Policies are to blame. The history of crime in Australia is one of Immigration simply because Australia is an immigrant nation. However Australia doesn't have more crime because it's an Immigrant Nation Nor is the crime rate the highest among Australian Muslims who come from some 73 different countries. The fact is the crime rate among Australians id highest among those who have been here the longest. Yes and that cant be just explained away or ignored as Bolt does.
MSM main stream media are all cut from the same cloth. The Bolt Report The Australian 2GB none are any different. Sensationalism has taken the place of news and information. Australians are fast looking for genuine news in other places. Independant media is surviving on subscriptions and the most trusted news source in the nation is the ABC in fact the ABC is the most supported media in the country. Channel 7 may reward crime but News Corp is a global crime.
The Safe Schools Program is an anti- bullying program first and foremost. Pray tell why Bolt denys it's needed? It's the very enviroment freedom of choice and speech can be learned that Bolt so energetically advocates.
It's not just an enviroment where sexuality the program. It covers race , handicaped kids, gender wealth, and ethnicity among other things. However Bolt chooses to focus on sex why? Would that be is he so uncertain of his own sexuality at 58. The statistics aren't that important the topic of sex even less so but priority is anti- bullying and feeling safe. Australian schools have fallent to 39th out of 40
That Australian schools don't provide a safe enviromenfor kids.
“Australia’s ranking of 39th out of 41 EU/OECD countries in terms of quality education raises serious red flags for children’s learning and development, which can severely impact their chances in life. A deeper dive into the data reveals that 71.7 per cent of 15-year-olds in Australia are achieving baseline competency in reading, mathematics and science (2015) and 80 per cent of children are participating in organised learning one year before the start of compulsory schooling (2013/14). We know that education is a great equalizer in society so it follows that poor quality education produces sharp inequality."
Meanwhile Bolt is trying to convince us no changes are necessary in fact he believes edication isn't a right and should be privatized. How regressive is he?
"How did this bizarre program get funded by both Liberal and Labor governments? No wonder so many parents are sending their children to independent schools instead." Bolt
Bolt stalls when an act of terrorism seemingly is carried out by a non Muslim it may seemingly be just a case of DUI. Not so if a Muslim is under the influence of drugs booze or even mental illness then there is no discount given. Whatever the case Bolt will blame the victims for this seemingly attack. Bolt avoids incidents like this which weaken his diatribe Muslim girl, 17, killed on way home from Virginia mosque
He never even began to suggest that the Grenfell Tower inferno may have been an arson attack on a predominantly Muslim Building.
Exceptions are Bolt's list here a self evident one which fails to explain why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and Christianity the fastest shrinking one. Sami Shah is an exception that proves the rule. Confusion reigns among individuals and their faiths Bolt became agnostic. But individuals fail to explain trends and the tren is the very opposite of Shah. Furthermore 95% of Muslims live peacefully. The wars we see are predominantly political and not religious something Bolt tends to ignore. The influence of the colonial past never enters his framework to help explain how the creation of arbitrary borders and power structure would impact on people in later years. The changing tide of history just doesn't exist for Andrew Bolt.
19 The Liberal Party turning to the extreme right when Labor lost the election that couldn't be won has left us with the legacy we are experiencing today. An economy that's collapsing when the rest of the world is lifting when the moral of a "fair go" has been forgone and Australia takes pride in telling the world just how well we managed the refugee problem when the civilized world is aghast at our chest beating. Tony Abbott devalued the very value that Australia had in the eyes of the rest of the world. He showed ant wants to continue to show that we are not an Asian country just because we are in the Pacific. That alone are reasons we created a major step towards isolation. How on earth could the conservatives believe that we could logically be a member of NATO unless our PM was deluded.
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