Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 20/6/17; An English man stands up to Bolt; Bolt thinks we should all turn Japanese; The Catholic attack and Finland;


Finsbury Park: ‘Hero’ imam stood between alleged terrorist and angry victims| A reply to Murdoch media bigots




Back to the more usual script: "A car loaded with gas bottles and guns rammed into a police van in Paris leaving the driver dead in what the interior minister said was an 'attempted attack'. Sources said the suspect had links to Islamist extremism and was on the radar of authorities."
Yesterday while Andrew Bolt was blaming the Muslim dead and those injured at Finsbury Mosque for the ram raid by a non-Muslim and looking for an excuse other than terrorism like DUI. Yesterday while Andrew Bolt was screaming and blaming Waleed Aly for not speaking up for Muslims to plead guilty and change. Yesterday when Bolt the thug was blaming the victims for getting as good as they gave and days after he called Conservatives to fight like he did in Carlton violently and dangerously. A Muslim an Imam a teacher did stand up. and said

" It’s maybe proof that this demonisation of the Muslim community at the hand of those who have ulterior motives and wish to divide this country and divide this great city have succeeded to some extent,” Imam Mohammed said.”(They have) influenced the vulnerable and impressionable into thinking we’re barbaric and that we are people who like to shed blood and therefore that we must be eliminated and exterminated.”The fabric of society is not torn. But we have to continue to keep the fabric of the society and this community of London intact – and come together.” Source:

  Finsbury Park: ‘Hero’ imam stood between alleged terrorist and angry victims

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Anti- Australian



After a period in which the wealth gap increased and the top 20% got richer and the rest poorer Andrew Bolt declares it's time for the recession we need and have to have. We should all share the burden equally and become Japanese. The man is loopy as a bag full of cats. The reason he is saying he thinks we should turn Japanese is that he can't define who as Australians we are. The word Multicultural he has no pride in unlike 90 % of us. "fair go" doesn't cut it for him and makes him look the hypocrite he is. Equal before the law is written in in the constitution now as is freedom of religion which he is against. The provision for treating people according to their race is a bit difficult for Bolt but he's happy to forgo that if it makes the Mabo decision null and void. So Bolt lost for words and ideas think we should stop immigration allow the 9% extreme right rule the country breed and turn Japanese. I believe he'd like to invade Indonesia if he could too.


How did a Liberal government manage to start a war with Catholic parents?: "The powerful Catholic education sector has officially declared a loss of confidence in the Turnbull government. 'In the 50 years we have been dealing with governments, we have never had a government not engage with us on major changes to policy.."  
20 Jun
We are 39th out of 40 of the OECD countries in Education ranking. Our kids do not find schools a safe environment and Andrew Bolt complains that " How could it spend billions more on schools for this political result?"The truth is the political result and has nothing to do with the facts of our education system. Is it because his kids have been schooled in the elite private schools which were over funded? The government hasn't attacked Catholic parents at all and notice that Bolt avoids the term elite because that just might tip us off to the politics of his argument.

The fact of funding is evident in this graph that depicts the macroeconomic funding of all schools differentiated by Catholic, Other Independent, and Government schools. It denies what it is that Bolt is saying with regard the economics. The rest is politics but nothing is said about the failing and quality of education since 2013 when Abbott rejected the Gonski plan. Investment in Government Education for Bolt is the equivalent to Social Welfare an unwanted expense.

Finland ranked first of the 40 has no private education system no matter your wealth status you go to your local school and rich and poor integrate without prejudice. Refugees, rich, poor, ethnic learn to integrate from the get go and all students are taught bilingually. What's more, education is free. Everything Bolt despises in one multicultural environment and it's at the top of the ladder when it comes to education. It's not the Assimilationists training ground Andrew Bolt.

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Surely the Greens aren't this tribal - protecting their side rather than the principal? Laura Ingram says she was raped and injured by a man employed by the NSW Greens: "I made an official complaint to the NSW Greens about his behaviour... He was protected and I was ignored."  Other women also complained.
What seems stranger than fiction why a complaint wasn't made to the police. If it was why they found there wasn't sufficient reason to press charges.

The greens aren't in the position to sack people on the basis of just a complaint and or rumors. If the police can't accept the medical report as sufficient evidence how can the Greens?  Bolt denied he was ever engaged to his ex- fiance and recanted his denial with an apology when a stat dec was produced did News Corp sack him?

 Is Bolt and Laura Ingram suggesting the Greens are doing a George Pell? That they knew all along what was going on and George knew but really did nothing? In fact, George Pell accompanied Risdale to court symbolizing the Catholic Church was prepared to side with Risdale and not his victims. If that's the case shouldn't Bolt be on the Greens side rather than Laura's. Sorry, Laura but yes the police do determine if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute a rape case. Employers are also liable to be sued for wrongful sacking on the basis of allegations only. Check out the evidence Bolt's tape presents to justify his violent outrage and GBH in Carlton and ask why hasn't he been charged. He even blew the bugle for other conservatives to follow his example. If they did they would wind up before the court.

The Muslim uprising in the Philipines has been years in progress well before ISIS was formed. However, it's no surprise that the politics of any region where  Muslims are battling the establishment declare an allegiance to ISIS why? It's guaranteed way of getting International publicity from the likes of the world's MSM. Andrew Bolt is the first among many journalists that believe in the truth of ISIS. If they claim a terror event as their own whether true or false you can rest assured Andrew Bolt will report it as fact whether expert investigators confirm it or not. All you need to do is look at Bolt's list of Muslim terror and a nation's official report and you will see Bolt and National officials totally disagree. So is ISIS in the Philippines? We don't know. However, the fact that Bolt has given Philippine Muslim rebels media space ensures that ISIS in a publicity sense will be present.



 Bolt and his favorite Poll Newspoll 6pts behind. He never really bothers with other polls unless they are worse. It seems the Ipsos Essential poll is only a 4pt margin which would indicate things aren't as bad as Bolt would have us think. Particularly when MT rates so much better than Shorten as favorite PM. Bring on Albo I say as the rest of the Anglosphere is moving to Socialism


  • As for Credlin the Liberal Party knocked her back as VIP speaker at that dinner just held.
  • Let's see how vociferous and full-throated Bolt gets when Triggs no longer is required to maintain the composure & dignity that goes with being the head of the HRC. He could just find himself in court

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