The ABC has Trump derangement symptom. Latest example: Rory O'Connor on The Drum:
“I flew over Europe because a man destroyed the world saying ‘I’ll make
Germany great’.” And he said “there’s a bloke in America doing the same
thing”...So when I heard that he [Trump] was pulling out of the Paris
Agreement I just think – this isn’t new."
Yassmin can't disparage war veterans but Andrew Bolt can Rory O'Connor
doesn't look 90 years old and he didn't fly over Germany his uncle did
and these are his words a veteran who Andrew Bolt is calling "deranged"
Yassmin gets the sack when she didn't malign anybody Bolt is allowed the
freedom to malign a veteran who saved Europe's ass. " My uncle’s 90 years old and he said: “I flew over Europe because a
man destroyed the world saying ‘I’ll make Germany great’.” And he said
“there’s a bloke in America doing the same thing”. And there was real
fear in his voice. So when I heard that he [Trump] was pulling out of
the Paris Agreement I just think – this isn’t new. And why are we so
surprised." Who if anybody has the right to make comparisons with Hitler if it isn't somebody who fought him and lived it..
Bolt and Henderson can't even get that simple fact right we can only assume they believe Hitler was innocent. These are News Corp's best and finest.Trump Echoed Hitler in His Speech Withdrawing From the Paris Climate AccordSeriously—it’s not a direct quote from the Führer, but it’s perilously close.Sasha Abramsky
How appalling is the Press Council's
decision to appoint the deputy chair of the activist GetUp! to police
the media? Even journalist of the Left complain it's a Left-wing stack.
Not only should she go, but so should the idiot who thought she was just
the person for the job.
Bolt was left naked standing alone complaining about Margret Court being put in her place by Cate McGregor a regular conservative on his show.. He's shut up about the head of ASIO because he's been defended by Peter Dutton and that refugees aren't terrorists. Bolt was put in his place having a go at Adam Goodes and so he tries to have a go at another Indigenous person elected to be Deputy head of the Press Council why? So he can use it as a paywall. Carla McGrath is a consumate professional and has been appointed to the boards of many organizations.
The Australian will boycott Press Council decisions of ‘political stack’ Carla McGrath
spokesman said Ms McGrath was one of more than 20 council members — who
include public members, publisher representatives and independent
journalists — and was chosen for her “Torres Strait Islander background
and younger perspective, as well as experience in corporate governance,
which adds to the voices around the table”.
Australian Press Council seeks to embrace a wide range of diverse
voices and perspectives on its council, including among other things
geographical representativeness, age, vocational background and world
views,” he said.
“These include, for
example, a former state chief justice, a veterinarian, a retired
headmaster, News Corp, Fairfax Media and AAP (representatives). As
proponents of free speech and press freedom underlying a democratic
society, we welcome the contest of ideas in the media, as well as in our
own boardroom.”
Given the variety of people from all walks of life are appointed to the board of Get Up conservatives,moderates,and the left alike it appears Bolt's personal grievance is that Ms McGrath is an Indigenous Australian. Never mind that she has wider experience and is better qualified than Andrew Bolt and the News Corp hack that wrote this piece. Never mind that she has had a history of acting as a consummate professional. Nevermind that members of News Corp are on the board as well or that she won't actually be adjudicating APC complaints. Bolt along with his News Corp cronies have chosen to attack her why? Only one reason is left that stands out yes it's her race.
How long have FBI "sources", journalists
and Democrats been hawking allegations that Donald Trump colluded with
Russia to influence the US election? Yet nearly nine months later
there's still not a single piece of proof. And here's a
startling list of intelligence figures, Democrats and Trump haters
who've been forced to admit it.
It's amazing just how fearful of due process the extreme right are. It was fine to demand and accuse Hilary and cheer when she was investigated. It's fine to complain that investigation got it wrong and that she should be jailed but say a word about Bolt's Donald the man he laughed at before being elected and the investigative process is suddenly skewed. By the way the first person on Bolt's list is neither a journalist or a Democrat but Paul Ryan is a Tea Party Republican. Bolt doesn't seem to know whose who in the zoo he has overlooked John McCain another Republican in his list of Trump Haters.
ABC reporter Louise Milligan has written a
book that hurls abuse, insults and vile allegations at Cardinal George
Pell. Gerard Henderson lists some of the most spiteful asides and then
asks Milligan to explain 11 errors of fact, damning omissions or dubious
and damaging assumptions. Her (non) answers tell us plenty that smells.
There has been a lot said about George Pell none of which counts. Due process is given a wide berth however in this bru ha . Bolt hasn't mentioned Pell and the Jews has he but the Jewish news had an opinion on Pell too.
The guts of the matter is if Andrew Bolt or Gerard Henderson were accused of sexual abuse and persons declared themselves to be victims and not just complainants the process of investigation needs to be attended to by one or more of our institutional bodies. No matter what Gerrard Henderson or Andrew Bolt has to say.
Noted Andrew Bolt started to attack the head of ASIO the day before yesterday. He has quickly shut up 1) because Peter Dutton is defending him and 2) because Tony Abbott strengthened the organization to make us safer and Bolt suddenly realized he couldn't be seen disparaging Tony Abbott could he.
Terry McCrann on the great Paris fraud:
"Good. Or great... That’s the first and most basic thing to be said
about President Trump’s decision to take the US out of the so-called
Paris Climate Accord... It was at best an exercise in pretending to do
something." Read it all. Especially if your name is Malcolm Turnbull.
Forget the Climate , Forget Science for the moment, Clean Energy is a mentally deranged idea that hasn't got anyone investing in it and those that are are just apparently being conned. Banks are divesting in fossil fuels, private investors are divesting and nobody believes in clean coal. So the Kochs need saving and the free market needs to be shut down by Trump. The US EPA needs to be shut down, scientific results shouldn't be published and regulations need to be passed to slow down investment in Green projects. This is the advice coming from the anti scientist and News Corp's whiz financial adviser Terry McCrann. One can only ask do he and Bolt even have a dollar of their own money invested in the production of dirty energy?
McCrann doesn't mention the fact that the Clean Energy Industry is providing far more jobs than all the fossil fuel projects in the world. While fossil fuels are job divesting not because of regulations or the Paris accord but because of robotics and cheaper labor. Not cheaper however than the Clean Energy Sector.The drive to bring back black lung to the work force is over because machines are replacing the work force. Trump returning jobs is bs.
What Trump has done however is put a wall on America's investment in science and innovation. He's slammed on the brakes on innovation and handed it over to the rest of the world as a free gift. That will for pure economics send the US spiraling backwards. Imagine a world of free energy. The US is complaining now about German cars but they are even getting even cheaper. 85% of Germany's energy production hit a new renewable high cheaper than coal free!! Bolt and McCrann are still Neanderthals wanting to cut down the trees, dig up the scenery increasing holes in the ground and run off into the sea when there is as much energy as we want above our heads and like Trump they want to save us from that unlimited resource that Corporations can't own.
Clive James is brilliant in his righteous
wrath against global warming alarmists. "I prefer to blame mankind’s
inherent capacity for raising opportunism to a principle: the enabling
condition for fascism in all its varieties." Names are named, including
Flannery's, of course.
This is just a PAYWALL folks
" “That kind of initiative needed nipping in
the bud, in my opinion,” says James, who has only just returned from
receiving his regular immunoglobulin enhancements in Addenbrooke’s
Hospital near his home in Cambridge where the 77-year-old author of more
than 40 acclaimed published works of poetry, memoir, fiction and
criticism is slowly dying inside a body riddled with leukaemia,
emphysema and carcinomas." James
Of course James is anti-science bitter and crusty with carcinomas. Nevertheless he goes to hospital regularly to try to stave off the inevitable while laughing at the human alarmists the scientists who wish to do the same. James hasn't treated his condition or his doctors as fruit cakes has he? He hasn't accepted his condition or the current inevitability of his fate has he.
It seems to me he's just projecting and trying to find the humor in his own condition death. A fate in the long term of planet that seems inevitable given the growing population of the human race and the shrinking resources the planet has to offer. James is laughing. However does his fatalism bring us to the conclusion that we should do nothing and leave the future to inevitability or to a few who believe they alone are the deserving elect?
Wow. Kathy Griffin first holds up what's
made to look like the bloodied head of Donald Trump, horrifying even her
friends, and now claims she's the victim: "The sitting president of the
United States, and his grown children, and the first lady, are
personally - I feel - personally trying to ruin my life forever." Oh,
and she plays the gender card.
Roger Franklin
calls for the bombing of Q&A and Bolt says nothing that's local and
Australian. However for whatever reason Kathy Griffin fits what he wants
to say even better. If Franklin gets the sack we will see Bolt's crew
doing a Griffin claiming victim-hood. Bolt's done it so many times
himself and supported others that have done the same. What's the
difference Griffin bats for the other team and not for any principle.
Dodging the blame has been Bolt's career. He has always been the hero
or the victim in his minds eye. A hero as the minder for a belly dancer,
a victim of his time at Adelaide Uni, a victim of the Australian
courts, and a hero when Abbott won. Yes Bolt also plays the victim card
to 90% of Australians and our institutions who he seems to hate. He's
the victim of the LNP government.JULIE BISHOP, THE NEW GILLIAN TRIGGS
Why is Julie Bishop trying to extend the
United Nations' power over our own business leaders?: "Today I announce
the establishment of a Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group on the
Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human
Rights." What human rights hell does she believe she must fix that we
can't manage without the UN?
Bolt spent this Saturday playing the man no principles just the bully playing the man. He starts with Rory O'connor and fails because the quote was O'Connor's uncle's. A total flop on Bolt's part. He moves on to Carla McGrath an Indigenous woman all things being equal the board of Get Up also has conservatives on it. So what is Bolt's real beef with Carla all has is that she's not white. He then moves to Louise Milligan she dares write on Pell his pet Catholic. He breaks up the afternoon's disparagement with a moment of praise for Clive James who was commissioned to write satire for Murdoch's masthead The Australian before returning to his sport of bullying. Kathy Griffin has done little more than what Bolt does every day of the week personally attack Trump in much the same way as Roger Franklin did the ABC Finally he's come to Julie Bishop and Gillian Triggs two in one and something about "Human Rights" something Bolt doesn't believe in because he believes in the "elect "those preordained to greatness in a failing Capitalist world where wealth and property has been increasingly concentrated into the hands of a few corporations and the rest reduced to either capsulized labor or rent seekers ensuring the security of the elite.
Marxism has found knew value in todays world and it can be seen in the UK where currently over 40 % of UK voters are willingly prepared tho vote for Corbyn and his openly Marxist team. Conservatives are also finding a new relevance in Marx simply because they know that their free market capitalism and competition can't work in a corporatised world which has in fact suffocated the market.
So all Bolt has in his gun isn't reason but bullets aimed at other individuals to avoid really talking about 'human rights' and his own faults.
A) Corporate corruption exists both within and across borders however without agreement on what constitutes abuse everything becomes relative slavery, pedophilia among other things will find corrupt and safe havens.
B) Those abuses as far as Bolt is concerned don't exist outside our borders. War crimes become totally relative if that's the case why are we dropping bombs illegally on Iraq and Syria and have a body count of 484 civilians on our hands.
C) Proof of Bolt's paranoia and his non belief in any form of democratic process is his disbelief in the lack of professionalism. A doctor who votes Labor can't be trusted to diagnose Bolt or anyone he considers on his team. Bolt's first and only question of anyone is "who do you vote for?" and the answer is all encompassing. Scientist judge or juryman are nobody but their politics. That form of blinkered rigidity leaves no room for the democratic process or the privacy of the ballot box any loss of any kind is unacceptable. It doesn't even allow for the real freedom of competition in the political center where true democracy takes place and lies at the heart of all out institutions which Bolt hates and denies and wants all changed. It's why Abbott can't accept his loss or his inability to lead he like Bolt blames it on our political system that needs changing and they are determined to do it any way possible. How dangerous is that when someone can't accept or own their faults so they cry foul and victim. It's what these conservatives do all along blaming others and fragmenting the nation.
A) Corporate corruption exists both within and across borders however without agreement on what constitutes abuse everything becomes relative slavery, pedophilia among other things will find corrupt and safe havens.
B) Those abuses as far as Bolt is concerned don't exist outside our borders. War crimes become totally relative if that's the case why are we dropping bombs illegally on Iraq and Syria and have a body count of 484 civilians on our hands.
C) Proof of Bolt's paranoia and his non belief in any form of democratic process is his disbelief in the lack of professionalism. A doctor who votes Labor can't be trusted to diagnose Bolt or anyone he considers on his team. Bolt's first and only question of anyone is "who do you vote for?" and the answer is all encompassing. Scientist judge or juryman are nobody but their politics. That form of blinkered rigidity leaves no room for the democratic process or the privacy of the ballot box any loss of any kind is unacceptable. It doesn't even allow for the real freedom of competition in the political center where true democracy takes place and lies at the heart of all out institutions which Bolt hates and denies and wants all changed. It's why Abbott can't accept his loss or his inability to lead he like Bolt blames it on our political system that needs changing and they are determined to do it any way possible. How dangerous is that when someone can't accept or own their faults so they cry foul and victim. It's what these conservatives do all along blaming others and fragmenting the nation.
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