Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 7/6/17; Wow Bolt attacked two kids that egged him what a noise; narrow Perspective sure is; Chicken Little Politics, FEAR is good for regression; Changing the definitions;

  Andrew Bolt sprayed with dye and glitter by masked men during Melbourne book launch - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Image result for Image of UPF Australia


If three Australian Patriots had attacked an ABC presenter in the street, that would be in every news bulletin, right? With much rage directed at thugs trying to silence debate? Hmm. With the Left it's not the principle but the side.

Read the whinge when Bolt's ratings grab fails
 When Alan Joyce was egged who did Bolt defend "the attacker". Joyce never retaliated he didn't create the" I've been terrorized" bru ha that  Andrew Bolt is creating here.
1) Bolt was egged  by a couple of kids and look at the noise he's making.
2) Like a UPF or Reclaim Australia thug but without the Australian flag over his face Bolt retaliated punching and kicking the kids trying to get away. Lucky he just may have had a counter suit against him for over reaction.
3) He bragged about it. That he gave as good as he got and injured someone. He  was intent on physical harm they weren't that's  a big difference. Mr Bolt was pleased with himself.
4) He was however embarassed by his over reaction and wished he had an Aussie flag over his face because in reality he acted like a bully in jack boots  for the world to see against some idealistic pranksters."I don't really fight nice if I'm pushed too far,"  Bolt said. Is that a legal admission?

5) He's then tried to deflect the blame onto unmasked kid doing what kids do today taking photos with their phones. Maybe Bolt thinks the woman who stopped  him was also part of the gang. Next time a woman asks he just might punch her in the face . Was everyone there really out to get him?
6) The real and valid question why was a camera man there ready to film the whole incident?  All Bolt was doing was walking into a restaurant there wasn't a crowd present and he was on his own.
This looks like a paparazzi prank doesn't it?
7) Was this a set up for a book launch? It seems to be a reasonable question in the circumstance  given that Bolt's complaining about the lack of media attention it's been given "If three Australian Patriots had attacked an ABC presenter in the street, that would be in every news bulletin, right? With much rage directed at thugs trying to silence debate?  "Bolt 
8) Finally  Bolt needs to look up the definition of Fascist not just change it to squeeze some protesting kids into his use of the term. Bolt  comes far closer to what Mussolini was referring to when he coined the term Fascist. The Cabal of News Corp, Conservative politicians and the IPA is real and if Abbott is raised from the dead his and their intent is to change our political system of governmental power to ensure he Mr Nope Nope Nope can do what they want this time. That's their promise to change the Senate and leap further towards Fascism.
9) What's even stranger Bolt's story is entirely his own despite three other people being present and he's been convicted with being loose with facts. Why did the camera man jump in and help if he thought Bolt might be in danger? Why are there no witness statements?The only person in the video that appears to be the most violent is Andrew Bolt himself.


  Bolt is accusing this unmasked guy taking photos of being part of a conspiracy to get him. It seems to make sense to Andrew Bolt. "If you know this man - the photographer who was with the two Leftist fascists who attacked me yesterday - please let me know here or by email. Or ring the North Melbourne police."Bolt One might well ask why Bolt didn't kick him in the balls too after all he doesn't seem as if he's trying to get away or hide. What about the woman was she involved too?
Here I'am Launching Steve's book look at the crowd I've drawn


So why does the ABC broadcast two hours a day of Qatar's Al Jazeera?: "Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states [have cut ties] with Qatar over allegations the small emirate supports extremists... Qatar also has given financial or diplomatic support to Mideast rebel groups, ...  providing sanctuary to leaders of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood."
  It's amusing more that anything else coming from Bolt who scours the world for news on terrorist activities that will fit his little set of preformed conclusions. He announces all the news ISIS media put's and is the first to do it and he of all people asks this question of the ABC Yes he does squeeze his precious marshmallows into his money box made of preformed conclusions.
 When someone wants a broader view and explores other perspectives on a topic it becomes a danger to Bolt's little and narrow collection of facts collected for a purpose and not understanding. So why is the ABC so dangerous to Bolt. They are provide a much broader view and one that just might question Bolt's ever so narrow one which he doesn't want questioned because it's a mean and justification to a single minded end like stop the intake of refugees. Why, why, why dismantles Bolt's quest to have us comply which then becomes a demand in which winner takes all and any compromise is loss..
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They pretend they don't need to shut the gate. They tell us they screen the refugees, but they can't screen the children. They say there's a terror watchlist, but there's not much watching. They say there's a deradicalisation program, but give it to activists to run - and its failures are dangerous.
"I have no confidence in the willingness or ability of politicians to handle the challenge they so recklessly import through our refugee program." Bolt
Bolt has his list and has his definitions and when in a corner he changes the definition of what he's talking about so much that any discussion becomes imbecilic. Talk about Indigenous Australians we have seen Bolt reduce Indigenous to himself saying he's more Indigenous than most Aborigines. Talk about Terrorism and Bolt has a list however when examined his list is not only tenuous in what's regarded as terrorism but what he overlooks showing it not to be a systemic problem at all. When Duncan Lewis says there is no evidence that a connection exists between terrorism and refugees it be comes a matter of urgency for Bolt to shut him down. When the AFP and Peter Dutton agree  it becomes a greater problem. Does Bolt turn to the research and statistical analysis collected across Australia to argue against them in any form of reasoned dicussion not at all. Numbers and their importance are given away to case studies, Terrorism is reduced only to those acts committed by Muslims the rest ignored. Case studies  are amplified  over and above evidence collected about the whole country. In other words Bolt simply stirs the pot to confuse in order to use his platform to talks the loudest. Bolt doesn't want to be "serious" about terrorism. He wants to "appear" to be serious Politicians Policing bodies and  experts we are told by Bolt aren't serious. Given that occurs with Immigration, Education, Climate etc don't you start to suspect what we have going on here is little more than a tactic to distract. Eric Bolling on Trump falsely claiming a robbery was a terror attack: “What was the big deal?”

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Another terrorist attack: "A man armed with a hammer shouted "this is for Syria" and wounded a policeman before being shot and wounded by other officers outside Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris." Just a tiny minority, right?
Yes Bolt just a tiny minority and individuals do get angry for all sorts of reasons. Maybe the youth in a country are taught that the future is theirs they have a say too only to find out they don't. France has a Colonial past to wipe that history and their current involvement in the Nth Africa and the Middle East have something to do with why a kid picks up a hammer. Why is it of such media importance? Has every act of violence made it to Bolt's attention? 
In France it's important because there is an election on and security is a central issue and events like this fuel politics. Today they are used as fuel here to and Bolt uses these events for just that purpose. What's notable however the number of Algerians in France citizens or not that don't get his attention because they are relieved to be there.


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   As I said yesterday Multiculturalism  is reflected in every part of our lives it's the character of a Settler Nation. It's reflected even in crime it's not it's cause. If it were we'd have one of the worlds highest crime rates and as far as I know we don't. Andrew Bolt simply put's the cart before the horse  because he believes Indigenous Culture, Muslim Culture serve no purpose and are to blame. In order to prove that he's the  curmudgeon with a list every crime every opinion against what he's saying is listed. 
Research and statistical analysis have no place in Bolt's bigoted world that's why Duncan Lewis head of ASIO  needed  to be mocked. It's a shame for Bolt that the AFP and Peter Dutton agreed with Lewis so Bolt changed tack in his noise making and went back to his old nemisis the man he loves to hate Waleed Aly. 
Refugees and immigrants are here in this country Andrew Bolt because they made it what it is over a period of 200 years.We have created a system within which we all live despite our differences  but not everything we have done systemically  is to be  proud of. It can be changed and it took till the 1980's to make one massive change. The Mabo decision was a significant change. However there is a lot more to do than quibble about Andrew Bolt's petty shopping list of perceived mistakes

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