TO ALL those who called me with sympathy for being attacked on Tuesday
by masked protesters: stop it. Sympathy is for losers. And we must be
losers no more.

Self adulation , trivializing danger what Bolt did was to try to king hit a prankster. Someone that threw glitter at him and he's taken to center stage to distort the event. It's going to a circus folks because he's back peddling and avoiding be charged. George Colombaris was charged for pushing someone. Bolt tried knuckle the man.
Bolt remind me of the self adulating bully Biff in Back to the Future.
Andrew Bolt defied the advice of all Security experts of removing yourself from the situation in order not to provoke unnecessary violence. Bolt's true character was revealed in this moment he might hve well covered his head in the Australian Flag because he attacked like any Bogan. The terrorists of glitter suddenly found they had to defend themselves from the attack of this aging pit-bull. Had any of his punches connected he could have killed somebody's son a glitter thrower.
There is a maxim in journalism: the fastest
way to destroy a reader's trust is to write on a topic they actually
know intimately. But I always knew the ABC, a too-powerful state
broadcaster, would put whatever happened to me in the most malevolent
light. Here's the latest example. God spare me from the ABC's spite
should I one day truly err.
Biff Tannen Back to the Future Conservative
Prankster protesters tag Andrew Bolt and he tried to king hit them The truth of the matter is that Bolt was the most violent person at that scene. Punching kicking and yet trying to claim victim-hood after the event. Naming calling kids Fascist Left flipping the whole meaning of the term Fascist.
Bolt gloated yesterday making out he gave as good as he got. The man got glittered he was neither punched nor kicked. It seems he had a camera man present for his grand entry into a restaurant book launch in Carlton. The camera man didn't seem too concerned for Bolt's safety from the video and nobody was outside to meet or greet Bolt. By the looks of it a few stragglers a woman wanting a selfie and an unmasked young man taking a snap with his phone. Poor bastard was accused by Bolt for being part of the gang. How dumb is Bolt?
Bolt has now gone from "Oh don't call me victim" and we haven't to turning it into a "celebrity event" an auctioning of a suit for Charity. How very paparazzi of him given that he in fact is the one who could be sued for getting physical and trying to one punch a kid. We know how many people have been killed recently in those circumstances. Nobody threw anything but glitter at Bolt
Lest we forget charges were brought against Mick Gatto for murder in Carlton. He cried victim too and had to prove it in court. He may have won but if Bolt had to prove his case of assault in court his video evidence raises more questions than his claim of innocence.
Bolt had the gall to blame some unmasked passer by with a phone as a co-conspirator of a gang when his camera man seemingly un-phased kept filming was he a conspirator too?. More than likely it seemed a publicity stunt to me ,concocted before or after the event I don't know but look at the picture with the suit and the Barnum and Bailey announcement of an auction and it convinces me it was even more. I won't help advertise this circus. I believe Bolt should be charged for attempting to king hit a kid a prankster maybe but that's all. Alan Joyce didn't get violent.
To all those who called me with sympathy for being attacked on Tuesday
by masked protesters: stop it. Sympathy is for losers. And we must be
losers no more. UPDATE: The photographer who was with the attackers
claims he wasn't part of the ambush. I have trouble believing him, given
how little my attendance was publicised. Watch his film here.
The violent Antifa group has claimed
indirect responsibility for the attack on me. It confirms it is what it
condemns - fascist, hate-speaking and even the victim: "Some of our
family in solidarity were attacked by Andrew Bolt while they were
protesting today. Why he isn't in prison for his horrendous, violent
language yet is beyond me."
Bolt seems really concerned that if he gets too much attention he just might be charged the denies the words of an Australian professional photographer but not the words of ISIS who claim anything and everything as their own with Bolt's support. Bolt who usually rejects anything that ANTIFA says has jumped the fence and supports them too why because by saying they supported the protesters Bolt then can say they are one and the same. The fact however is that's a total deflection of what occurred. Bolt was violated with glitter the protesters were violated with fists and boots that's a big difference. Remember Bolt has a history being loose with the facts. It makes me believe the man is clutching at straws celebrating himself and justifying it just in case.
Three weeks ago ASIO boss Duncan Lewis told
a Senate committee on oath: “I have absolutely no evidence to suggest
there is a connection between refugees and terrorism.” But last Sunday,
Somali-born Yacqub Khayre became the latest refugee terrorist to prove
him wrong. Yet still our politicians won't shut the gate.
ISIS are Sunni radicals Man Monis was a Shia with 43 sex charges against him along with an accessory to murder charge out on bail with a severe psychiatric condition. None of Bolts terrorists could have spent a day together let alone had a common cause mad bad and ugly applies to Multicultural Australia Multiculturalism isn't the cause of bad behavior being a refugee isn't the cause of terrorism Islam isn't either Bolt just has the cart before the horse and Duncan Lewis is stating the fact that ASIO research and statistics out weigh anything Bolt has to say in promoting stupidityISLAMIC COUNCIL WANTS SAFE SPACE FOR HATE SPEECH. AND WE MUST PAY
The Islamic Council of Victoria, which runs
the state's deradicalisation program, has lost the plot : "Muslim young
people are feeling more emotionally overloaded. A safe space is needed
for them to meet and talk about a range of issues in emotional terms,
where they can be frank and even use words which in a public space would
sound inflammatory."
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