Rowan Dean says June 24 is the day the Liberals raised the white flag, as Treasurer Scott Morrison declared: "The challenge for us as Liberals is to come to terms with the fact that it is no longer about convincing Australians to be on our side, but to convince them that we are on theirs." The Liberals now stand for whatever.
According to Andrew Bolt, we are given he watches Newspoll as if life depended on it. I always was lead to believe Democracy was a populist movement that depended on what the people wanted. Dean seems to have translated 'the people' to mean 'the left'. Interesting isn't it that he Bolt and ultra right winger politicians who claim to be Conservatives have no respect for 'the people' "Scott Morrison made the following terrifying comment: “The challenge for us as Liberals is to come to terms with the fact that it is no longer about convincing Australians to be on our side, but to convince them that we are on theirs.” Dean So Dean prefers the politics of Nope Nope Nope standing still doing nothing and just collecting salaries as pollies pass go. Of course, he does he's a words man all talk don't stop don't listen."We want, and in fact we need, our politicians to fight passionately for what they believe in because that is why we elected them in the first place."Dean No Dean, we voted for them to represent " we believe" not what "they believe". A stand alone politician is a Despot, a stand-alone group is Fascists. It's the difference between Abbott who collected his money and Gillard who got bills passed. It's known as a Representative Parliamentary Democracy the word Representative is not just a poly with his own ideas.
Rowan Dean and Andrew Bolt seemed to miss the very esscence of the Liberal Party in Morrison's speech why is that? Because they thought they can get away with it after all they aren't politicians and don't officially represent anyone they simply have the luxury of platforms. However what the despise is umpires of any sort statuary appointed or not. For them Separationof Law, Religion and Government is an anathema but isn't that exactly what ISIS thinks?
Rowan Dean and Andrew Bolt seemed to miss the very esscence of the Liberal Party in Morrison's speech why is that? Because they thought they can get away with it after all they aren't politicians and don't officially represent anyone they simply have the luxury of platforms. However what the despise is umpires of any sort statuary appointed or not. For them Separationof Law, Religion and Government is an anathema but isn't that exactly what ISIS thinks?
Christopher Pyne has ignited a factional war, boasting the Left is in the "winner's circle" of Malcolm Turnbull’s government. Next in turning the Liberals into Labor-lite is same-sex marriage: Pyne told a bar full of supporters "we're going to get it" and “it might even be sooner than everyone thinks". (Hear Pyne on tape on The Bolt Report.)
If Democracy is Labor -Lite we will see progress rather than stagnation and regress. So Same -Sex Marriage is a "divisive" issue. Previously it was the Conservatives saying they knew the majority of Australians were for it but let's have the plebiscite to prove it's popularity. That's significantly different from an issue that divides the country or an even a Liberal Party conscience vote. However a conscience vote would see just how the party numbers stack up wouldn't it? "But Pyne’s boasting at a Sydney bar is likely to instead trigger a revolt from conservative MPs already furious that Turnbull has signed up the Liberals to Labor-style policies on global warming, school funding and debt." Bolt. It would seem Turnbull's pretty confident. Is this really what Bolt calls an "explosive revelation". It's as loud as the thunder and quake of bursting soap bubble. Bolt is simply trying to prove he is still a media man of some consequence since Abbott has gone. No, he's feeder of Australian wild life a nuisance and waste of space.Abbott lashes out at Pyne over leadership, gay marriage comments
The reality Tony Abbott the inveterate king of electoral promise breaking comes out to cast his shadow over the Liberal party how? By warning Turnbull not to break an electoral promise! All this by normalizing the lack of trust anywhere within the Liberal Party why? For self -serving internal politics within the Liberal Party to just box Turnbull in. These so called assimilationists are again dividing and fracturing their own party for the minority to gain advantage where little or none is of a real value for us. Abbott is asking, no telling us he certainly doesn't lead by example but by threat. When he talks of the lack of loyalty of Pyne simply because he's a moderate. Abbott's a walking talking contradiction talking about committed promises but then he's desperate because he has nothing left to lose. Nobody will be a winner here it simply signals that the Liberal leadership can't be open and needs to be bubble wrapped the way Credlin did when the backbench rioted against him. I leave you with the amazing words of Tony Abbott about an "incredible broken breach of faith". Remember his promises pre-election 2013 broken!!!!Turnbull’s careful strategy was undercut today | The Monthly
"Abbott, Abetz and Christensen may be writing themselves out of history, but for now they are still here, and desperate to make their presence felt. That, and not the opinions of one Christopher Pyne, is Turnbull’s problem." Monthly

Given banks are honest businesses Mr. Bolt why don't they pay GST like the rest of businesses? Why doe we the people guarantee them from failing? Why is their tax structure different from other businesses? More so why when they act criminally with the full knowledge of their board CEO and executive officers nobody ever goes to jail. The Banks once belonged to us they no longer do they were sold and now belong to them. We were promised competition and the best price for money but now Australian banks are the 2nd most expensive banks in the world that once dealt in savings and handed out money boxes to kids in schools but now hand out credit cards at 22% plus interest and give you 2% for your savings and charge fees. poor banks!!

Andrew Rule says Victoria Police seems reluctant to explain how one woman beat off three men armed with iron bars tried to hijack her car. You see, she was a policewoman and whipped out her gun - which suggests being armed is excellent protection.
"But Rule also points out that criminals now seem to have no trouble arming themselves and rates of violent crime are now frighteningly high. If the law-abiding were also armed, maybe they'd feel more able themselves to drive off crooks." Bolt
Bolt wants Australia Americanized his favorite country it seems The majority of the USA want to be Australianized when it comes to gun laws their NRA is not the representative of majority thought. Bolt it seems would like to see minority power and the freedom to carry a gun. Migrants desperately want to be Australian One Nation wants them to wait 10 years Bolt it seems doesn't the grass is greener for him elsewhere. As far as the media report goes how is it the Herald Sun Bolts News Corp Team took so long to find "old News" They sacked staff and now only Churnalize.
Greg Sheridan warns that the Liberals without are one spark from destroying themselves, as Malcolm Turnbull alienates his own supporters and now attacks Catholics. And Peta Credlin warns that the Liberals' new social policy must fail when the party has nothing to sell.
26 How is it that the Catholics schools have stated the opposite Andrew Bolt that Gonski 2 is, in fact, good and they will be getting more money not less. Less only if you consider Gillard's Gonski 1 was fantastic and Abbott's cut destructive. It seems Turnbull found some agreeable air.
But that's what this post isn't about it's about boring pedestrian Bolt self-boosting " Sheridan wrote this before hearing of the tape I got of Christopher Pyne boasting privately that Malcolm Turnbull would deliver same-sex marriage "sooner than everyone thinks"Bolt
As fo Sheridan school standards in Australia have fallen from top 10 to 39th out of 40 OECD countries all since Tony Abbott won government and Bolt are somehow entertaining himself by saying increased funding is not important if you don't know how to use it. Guess Bolt has never read Gonski Turnbull isn't meant to be the Education Department he doesn't lick their stamps.
"Catholic education authorities will in effect be campaigning against the Turnbull government until election day... "Sheridan. Bolt is so far behind it's a joke this is frankly not true. Catholic Education is pleased the rest merely posturing.
Credlin makes it clear that the Conservatives can't do better than Turnbull because what's a three-word slogan for "me" and not "we" "stop the boats"? Or would "stop immigration" be better? What can they hang their hat on, "stop sex"?
Bernardi has gained 3 independents with the prediction of "Between the Australian Conservatives and Pauline Hanson's One Nation, the Liberals will be eaten alive."Bolt Every effort 18 plus months away from an election and Andrew Bolt really want's the Liberals to lose and He and Abbott talk of loyalty. Family First, the DLP, and Abbott's conservatives are all living Labor's dream. Which has little or nothing to with a Representative Parliamentary Democracy. Until Labor actually is in power we won't see a government ruling for the people only one ruling for themselves and post parliamentary careers.
ABC host and Australian columnist Phillip Adams couldn't recognise a dictator if one smacked him in the head. He once praised Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez and asked him to come teach us how to lead, but now likens the democratically elected Donald Trump to Mussolini.
To quote Trump " I won't have a poor man in my Cabinet" To quote Mussolini "Fascism is when the government and business work hand in hand" or in other words "I won't have a poor man in my Cabinet". No, Kim Jong -un has no Cabinet which it seems everyone thinks it's a poison chalice so It seems Trump hasn't one either. So Adams is not the chump that Bolt is but right. In fact, Adams uses a technique that Bolt uses here and uses in most of his posts daily disparagement and mockery so he really isn't in a position to complain "Does Adams seriously believe this offensive nonsense? Or is he getting progressively more extreme to reclaim the attention he long lost?Bolt. Philip Adams over the years was a creative and as Bolt points out had the attention of Australia. What creativity pray tell has Andrew Bolt ever brought to the table in his working life?
The state-funded ABC behemoth is eating its competition, so taxpayers now employ journalists Fairfax can no longer afford: "The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is the new employer of at least six recently departed Fairfax refugees." The ABC is now too big and biased for a democracy and for private media of the Left.
The ABC is now too big and biased for a democracy and for private media of the Left." Bolt
The ABC fulfills wide number of needs in order to provide the broadest platform for this diverse and multicultural nation of ours. It provides the broadest voice in Australian produced entertainment, current affairs and news across the widest range of platforms. It's diametrically the opposite of Media orgs like News Corp. As a consequence it is the most supported media org in the country and the most trusted. It's position of support keeps it neutral of any political influence. It provides a standard of news and information that embarrasses private and sponsored services
Newspapers cannot be part of a Press Council that appoints activists as policemen: "GetUp!’s deputy chair Carla McGrath will help decide the membership of the selection panel that will identify candidates for the chairmanship of the Press Council." That is a scandal.
The un-moderated voice of Australians voting with donations. Why does Bolt seem not to mention that he is a member of News Corp It's as if he's attempting to present himself as somewhat of an objective observer when he's not. Network Ten: Regulator should investigate Murdoch and Gordon’s behaviour, experts say
Deflection, Distortion and Diversion "Facts are Fiction" are being used to conflate what happened during the election and confuse the FBI investigation as if it were one and the same. The independence and separation of the Law and government are what's at stake here. It's what Tony Abbott did of the AHRC and Gillian Triggs because she was duty bound to report that under the Abbott government the release of children in detention stalled in comparison to the rate of release prior to him forming the government. Abbott hand the conservatives have maintained a personal invective and war against Triggs and the Independence of the AHRC to investigate their actions. Basically, Abbott et al are breaking Australian Constitutional Law.
"The FBI, moreover, has been using it for investigative leads on Trump associates like Carter Page, even though former FBI Director James Comey this month described the dossier as “salacious and unverified.” The FBI clearly are aware of the quality of this report being referred to here which is not of their making and their investigation isn't at all based on it. In fact, the Post really stays clear of accusing the FBI at all it is rather accusing what it regards as Liberal media using it and so trying to do the Trump thing and call it Fake News, Fake Facts and really promote an Orwellian take over of media control. Meanwhile, the FBI does it's work!
"The FBI, moreover, has been using it for investigative leads on Trump associates like Carter Page, even though former FBI Director James Comey this month described the dossier as “salacious and unverified.” The FBI clearly are aware of the quality of this report being referred to here which is not of their making and their investigation isn't at all based on it. In fact, the Post really stays clear of accusing the FBI at all it is rather accusing what it regards as Liberal media using it and so trying to do the Trump thing and call it Fake News, Fake Facts and really promote an Orwellian take over of media control. Meanwhile, the FBI does it's work!
Fox host asks Trump if "Democrats, "deep state," or "fake news media" is his biggest opponent
Fox's Brit Hume: Even if the Trump campaign did collude with Russia, “it’s not a crime”
Senator Cory Bernardi already has signed up two South Australian politicians from Family First for his Australian Conservatives. Now he signs up a Victorian politician: "Victorian Upper House MP Rachel Carling-Jenkins has confirmed she will join federal senator Cory Bernardi's Australian Conservatives party." The Liberals are getting eaten alive.
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