Now joining (at least) two pairs of magpies, two crows, pigeons and mynah birds (bad!) at the daily feeding on my balcony is this wonderful crimson rosella. Sorry about the dull lighting. It was an overcast day and I didn't dare get off the couch and scare it.
Andrew Bolt is worse than any non English speaking immigrant worse than those he despises so much. All advice given by Australian Naturalists Ecologists Vetinarians and Zoologists begins with the premise DON"T FEED THE WILD LIFE. However Bolt knows better. He is a member of the aloof elite and does what ever he wants. He isn't an Australian that's for sure. 

Let it be said Malcolm Turnbull graciously introduced Abbott to the Party he could have introduced and pointed anybodies presence and people would clapped and cheered it seems Bolt doesn't know the Aussie welcome after 58 years. Has he been that aloof and removed from us? We know he doesn't holiday in Australia preferring to spend his money elsewhere.
As usual numbers are unknown and none are cited. What we do know however is the right- wing of the Liberal Party is and has been extremely vocal and disturbing. I'm sure they had their say on Saturday as well. That's another quality Bolt fails to recognize. All members have rights.
However, it's of no surprise that a party in such turmoil isn't really a party at all. Abbott will destroy the Liberal Party of Australia and continue to destroy anything else he has to do with why? Because he has to be Captain coach and has a poor record doing that. It's the nature of the man. Let's hope he can convince Bolt to be his Press Secretary. Unfortunately Bolt is even more conservative than Abbott and would never take the risk to leave News Corp is a challenge beyond him. As he misogynistic-ally lets us know Sally is incapable." After all someone in his family has to bring home the bacon his wife can't." Bolt

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