Thursday, 13 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/7/17; Bolt uses what people said 10 years ago as evidence against them.



Ten years ago Australia’s snowfield socialists wrote a grovelling invitation to the chief thug who has turned Venezuela into a hell. Remember this as you watch reports on people dying from starvation. “We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country,” read the letter to Hugo Chavez.

 Bolt makes no attempt to explain what is going on in Venezuela but he uses it as an excuse to name and shame those he sees as the voice of his socialist opposition  members of the ABC, the Greens, the CFMEU etc and what they said 10 years ago. Then they supported the legally voted for Chavista government while Bolt today is in favor of the attempted right-wing coup. I've no doubt these people he names still believe in the government of the day but Bolt doesn't bother to ask.

Venezuela has a two-fold problem. Firstly 95% of its income comes from oil the price  which has crashed and secondly US 's interference in its domestic politics.The fall in the price of oil has put a major strain on the legally elected Chavista government. Oil which paid for the sweeping reforms in the country no longer generates the income it once did and the Americans see this as an opportunity to gain control of the country and its resources by any means possible.
The political opposition has taken full advantage and is trying to gain power by ignoring Venezuela's Supreme Court rulings against it and they have been charged with contempt.  Basically, they believe they have the right to physically overthrow the elected government.  Bolt just happens to agree with this attempted coup proving he sees change as revolutionary and not just evolutionary as he keeps saying.
It's difficult for Bolt to find examples anywhere that hasn't seen a shift to the left in recent days. The UK, EU , Canada, are all moving away from extreme right thinking.  Venezuela he feels is somehow his example of incompetent rule and entitles him  to criticize those who once supported it. So as long as a revolution is driven by conservatives Bolt 's in favor of it.
 But as I said Bolt's is simply using Venezuela's unique problems as a generalization to suggest all legitimate left wing governments will end in chaos when history has shown it's not the case.
 He's just an ultra conservative blowing smoke in our eyes. What Venezuela does show however is the importance the economy plays in a country whether left or right and none of us  can escape that reality. The difference in Venezuela being those that only want to help themselves are trying to take over the country illegally from the legal government whose aim is to help the whole country. The crisis they face has been brought on by the fall in the oil price.Venezuela crisis: What is behind the turmoil? - BBC News -

Image result for images of stupid politicians


Michael Lee of the Brighton Savoy Hotel sends me the quotes he's got for his electricity next year: "A one year renewal would lead to an increase of  $37,845.00 or an increase of 52.50%." What madness has possessed our politicians that they can do such harm in the name of global warming?  

Yes Bolt fails to explain why the prices of electricity has risen but rather he uses the fact that it has to blame Global Warming. An official report by experts is totally ignored because it says  It’s gas, not renewables, that is pushing up electricity prices, report finds
There is no doubt the price of electricity has risen but it has nothing to do with Global Warming. Bolt's simply glittering us. We've seen what he does when glittered maybe he deserves the same.. " High gas prices, not high renewable energy prices, are responsible for the latest outsized increase in electricity prices, the second-largest on record, according to a new analysis by one of Australia's leading experts."
 Image result for images of Donald Trump Junior


Poor dear: "Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter to release emails confirming his meetings with a Kremlin-linked lawyer, aimed at getting dirt on the Clinton campaign... The internet exploded with tweetstorms. One of the best came from independent journalist Jared Yates Sexton. For the past year, Sexton has been chasing the Trump-Russia scandal." 
 Paul Mirengoff is a lawyer who plays at being a journalist when he isn't one and he is Bolt's foremost reference here. Mirengoff is known largely for his publication in the American right-wing ezine Powerline. So basically he like Fox like Andrew Bolt are media apologists for anything Trump never mind the facts.  Just keep polishing the turd.


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Niki Savva's manic hatred of Tony Abbott - and professional interest in stopping him - is best shown in her latest column. She mentions four people who support democratic reform of the corrupted NSW Liberal branch - Jim Molan, Nick Greiner, Malcolm Turnbull and Abbott. Guess which is the only one whose motive is trashed. 

 Half a sandwich doesn't make a picnic . Savva is only stating the obvious and the obvious can't be hidden. Abbott's Ahab chasing Moby Dick and we know how that story ended. He is the whole destructive force and doesn't care who he brings down with him.
13 Jul

 Image result for images of stupid politicians


First they turned electricity into a luxury item. Now they're coming for your car. My editorial from last night's The Bolt Report: how politicians mad with global warming are making your lives tougher - all pain for no gain:
 Another repeated post from Bolt. Well the repeated answer is it's the politics of Nope Nope Nope and the privatisation of the energy industry that has caused the rising costs. The world market and the price of gas has left us in the cold having to buy our resource at Asian prices. Yes it's our national resource but it's not ours to use because politicians have turned it into a political football and who grabbed the ball first Tony Abbott. Why isn't Asia buying our coal why are China and India promising to buy less of it. Why has the worlds banks backing off from it because the very idea of clean coal is a lie as big as cheap coal. So look to the privateers and ask why hasn't electricity prices got cheaper in Australia and why is it so much cheaper elsewhere in countries and locations that have reduced coal as a power source. It has nothing to do with material but has a lot to do with profits licences contracts and politics of one side promoting the interests of some of us and not all of us. Bolts blaming the victims for not following King Coal Tony, you know they PM renowned for undeliverable promises. The promises are easy as are the criticisms. Understanding the facts are a little harder It’s gas, not renewables, that is pushing up electricity prices, report finds




From my interview with Mark Morano, in Australia to promote his global warming film, Climate Hustle, an antidote to Al Gore's. We had a great chat about the dud and dodgy predictions of global warming alarmists.
 Surprise surprise I said Marc morano would be given space on Andrew Bolt's show when most of the civilized world recognize Morano for what he is . A noted memeber CFACT  of the Climate Change Deniers Industry who at the best of times finds it difficult to get a media gig anywhere other than on shows like Bolt's "Marc Morano’s employer, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) which pays him a $150,000 annual salary. CFACT and Exxon — along with Chevron, coal utility Southern Company and a number of other front groups — forged a plan in 1998 at the American Petroleum Institute that they continue to follow in 2015."Marc Morano's Climate Hustle Movie "Amateurish" and "Not Very ...



My editorial from The Bolt Report: Craig Kelly is right - high power prices thanks (in part) to global warming policies will kill poor people made too scared to put on the heating.  Shame on the global warming extremists shouting Kelly down. Shame on the politicians who'd rather defend their global warming religion than save the poor.
"Shame on the politicians who'd rather defend their global warming religion than save the poor."
Don't ever let it be said that Andrew Bolt doesn't deem science to be nothing more than a religion. Faith based knowlege that offers nothing in understanding the planet on which we live. That science is deluded to even think it's based on facts. That's Andrew Bolt for you knowledge is whatever you want to believe. If that's the case then doesn't it stand to reason that if the majority of the world believe in Climate Change then climate change is real. After all 193 nations believe in it. the majority of the scientific world believes in it. The biggest financiers and investors believe in it. The even if it's just a religion it's true for most of the planet. It's the greatest religion lo the planet and the fastest growing one. Religion or not the world believes in science, data and method.





Michael Lee of the Brighton Savoy Hotel sends me the quotes he's got for his electricity next year: "A one year renewal would lead to an increase of  $37,845.00 or an increase of 52.50%." What madness has possessed our politicians that they can do such harm in the name of global warming?  
 Bolt simply repeats himself and calls this work. He really is a poor work horse in the News Corp stable. A single sandwitch isn't the picnic Bolt makes it out to be.




Poor dear: "Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter to release emails confirming his meetings with a Kremlin-linked lawyer, aimed at getting dirt on the Clinton campaign... The internet exploded with tweetstorms. One of the best came from independent journalist Jared Yates Sexton. For the past year, Sexton has been chasing the Trump-Russia scandal." 
Has Donald snr made junior put up his hand and take the fall? How are we to believe Junior didn't tell dad what he was doing? To say the Trumps didn't know what was going on stretches all imagination. Has junior taken a pratt fall? Conspiracy charges and the Trumps campaign involvement have been proven. How is it the White house has been so silent? Donald's best was isn't my son great?

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