If international reputations are anything to go by Al Gore soars over Marc Morano employed by Exxon and CFACT. Marc Morano can't get air time in America because he's rated so badly as a professional denier. Facts that Morano produces are that the 93% Consensus of Climate scientists constitutes 79 scientists when the 97% actually originates for a study of 14,000 research papers and articles presented by scientists. Imagine Morano has found clean air and boosting with Andrew Bolt whose trying to put the wind in his sails with his 20,000 viewers.
Morano's film was laughed at so loudly because it's amateurish and without facts but then so is Andrew Bolt. It simply doesn't get air time in the US and I guess Bolt doesn't rate here so they are a match of sorts. Bolt is promoting it nevertheless as he does all the media detritus, flotsam, and jetsom that's cast aside.

This strikes me as unhealthy, and even dangerous: "The latest data from European statistics bureau Eurostat shows that 43 per cent of Turks living in Germany are economically inactive". Germany has around 4 million people of Turkish background, and they tend to be poorer.
"And underclass marked off by ethnicity and religion? That is asking for trouble." Typical of Bolt to blame the poor for their poverty does that with Aborigines and Torre Strait Islanders as well. Poverty is a character deficiency brought about by Culture and Religion. Notice Bolt makes no reference to the numbers involved their length of stay which would impact on the percentages. There isn't even a link to verify what's being said or its 's accuracy. But the Bolt generally gives clear air and wind to fake news.
According to Bolt, the Turks are 5% of the German population all at various lengths of stay. They were brought there to do the work Germany refuse to do so logic dictates they are the lowest paid 43% However it doesn't even begin to explain who is or isn't employed women children aren't mentioned by Bolt. Naturally, 23% is a smaller figure given the German population is 82 mill Bolt has stated nothing but the obvious here and it's why Germans aren't complaining and only he is. What's more shocking however is he says native Germans who have lived their lives in Germany are at 23 % below the poverty line. This is every reason to doubt what Bolt is saying is even true. 19mill Germans live below the poverty line almost X 10 times the number of Turks......Bull...t

This anti-Trump hysteria has got to stop. It's insane and dangerous. Former Prime Minister John Howard praises Donald Trump, while noted lawyer Alan Dershowitz mocks ludicrous claims of "treason" and CNN gets owned. Time for the fightback.
Donald Trump is America's Boris Yeltsin in the eyes of the world and even in the eyes of Republicans. No matter who defends him they to do it with clown's mask on. Bolt does it with the Fox mask on. Howard admits Trump is unique and inexperienced but we should be looking at the good he has done what one good thing has he done pray tell?
Bolt turns to John Howard the Australian conspirator almost charged by the international court for crimes against humanity. John Howard who conspired and lied to Australians even more than Trump has. He didn't spend his days watching Fox News and tweeting. Howard was dirty hands on when it came to public lying. Remember the "children overboard" bullshit he tried to peddle us or the lies when it came to invading Iraq on the pretext of that massive lie about WMDs. The Middle East is what it is today because of John Howard. Yes both he and Trump were hysterical in their own ways.

The head of Hezbollah, backed by past Grand Muftis of Australia, says child marriage should be encouraged. It was good enough for Mohammed, Hassan Nasrallah says, and "those who spread the culture of opposition to early marriage in our society are unknowingly serving Satan". Watch:
Child marriage is practiced by Christians and Hindus and many other religious and cultural groups Bolt's failure is that he tries to suggest it's only a Muslim practice. It does, however, show how disingenuous Bolt is when it comes to data and facts. Fundamentally Andrew Bolt is a Cultural and Religious illiterate living in a pluralistic society. Denial of that reality and promoting divides at any level is purely a conservative political action to avoid attention on the fundamentally material patterns of relationships that divide us.
Hezbollah boss Nassan Nasrallah says child marriage should be encouraged, and "those who spread the culture of opposition to early marriage in our society are unknowingly serving Satan". Watch. UPDATE: Sydney University now offers a course defending shariah law, using a text book noting there's no minimum age in marriage.
Just more of the same. Trying to convince us that this is just Muslim Culture when it's not. It show's Bolt's intent to disparage Muslims or it shows his ignorance neither is something to brag about.

Astonishing. The ABC reports an "unexpected consequence" of a crackdown on domestic violence is more Aboriginal men getting jailed. How can that be unexpected when Aboriginal women are at least 31 times more likely to be hospitalised for domestic violence? Has the ABC not been paying attention?
Racial stereotyping by the ABC is Bolt joking? He's the king of stereotyping and punching down. Domestic violence among Aborigines is defined by Bolt as a result of poor parenting, substance abuse, sexual abuse, all are brought on by the "poverty of Aboriginal culture". However when Bolt faced court and was convicted of "vilification "it was the fault of the system and not his lack of character in the circumstance. The man tells us color doesn't count if that's so shouldn't each case be judged on it's merits? That is significantly different from Bolt's simple explanation Oh they're Aborigines so you can expect the lack of character and culture.
What's strange SBS ran a program on homelessness, domestic violence, and substance abuse, what we saw were white fella's coping in much the same way as Aborigines but having no knowledge of Aboriginal Culture which suggests something else is going on in the circumstance and Bolt's simplistic explanations totally miss the mark altogether.
When Bolt claimed to be a victim abused by the system he was nearer the truth than he'd like to admit. Our systemic way of life pushes people down it generally fails to raise them up. If you found yourself on the bottom of the heap getting up isn't that easy and we are proving that more and more by it's increased visibility every day on the street, in squats, boarding houses, and overcrowding.
Levels of dysfunction happen in all social meilues. Alcohol drugs sexual and domestic abuse occurs at all social levels. However, levels of help and how it's dealt with are significantly different from one class to the next. In Bolt's what is expected is his lack of insight with regard the world he lives in. He only sees Aborigines Muslims Frightbats, and punches them down as stereotypes rather than lends a hand.
"Clementine Ford is making a career of being the victim-martyr of vile abuse, which she often detects by trawling on line for examples." Bolt
Andrew Bolt ensures it's true because he stalks her and ensures nothing good is said of her. Declaring her sexist in a patriarchal society which is a contradiction in terms. For Bolt and everyone like him, Ford's only crime is to act like and speak like a "man" impolite maybe but it never gains as much attention as when men do it. All Ford is doing is using the vernacular of men and Bolt can't stand it. It's as if she were a woman walking into the public bar of a pub in the 50's a crime has been committed says Bolt
"Abuse others, search high and low for responses and then pose as the true victim."Bolt
Bolt knows this strategy he claims Ford is using because he uses it himself on a regular basis. Reverse racism, Reverse Sexism, Reverse Religious Bigotry are all tools in Bolt's bag of tricks but the fact is none of them are true in his case. Ford does, however, live in a patriarchal society where women aren't seen as equal and Bolt denies that they even should be. Boy, wasn't he peeved when Miranda Devine told him to stop being a wimp and fuck off? Ford proves the point she's trying to make and misogynist Bolt bites. It would be funny if it weren't true. Bolt has to take his wife to Bali what a chore. Bolt's the only breadwinner in the family what a chore. Bolt has to go to PTA meetings what a chore.
He was once a minder to a belly dancer what aload of bullshit.
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