Sunday, 30 July 2017

Andrew bolt's Blog,30/7/17 Bolt proves to be News Corp's most prominant Churnalist; Tesla 3 the car Bolt said didn't exist;

Image result for Image of a  non- churnalist

 Sydney terrorism raids believed to relate to 'bomb plot involving aircraft'

 The Australian Federal Police have conducted three terror raids across Sydney on Saturday afternoon.

Compare and contrast Researched and media reports on Terrorism in Australia. Compare and contrast the numbers of Australians that can readily access this information. Why is there such an enormous difference between what the media reports like News Corp's Australian and Government Research of some 69 studies and  Fact Check of comments made on the ABC?

1) The information is freely available in published government published research by senior analysts. Available in statements made on the ABC's Q&A Fact Checked by Academic experts for the Conversation and independent publication with limited distribution.

2)The information is limited but sensationalized by News Corp a private Corporate body the largest print media distributor in the country for a fee a Pay to read wall making statements that are largely opinion devoid of facts to attract readers who have no interest in verification.

3) In a world where time is money  Bolt has no interest, to collect fact or verify them. More often than not he quotes himself and commentary he wrote ever since he began blogging or the commentary of others who do the same thing proving that he's Churnalist and has never been a Journalist. News Corp hasn't the time for much other than Churnalism.

In today's world of information the world that widely declares facts as fake and opinion as truth Murdoch the organ grinder and Andrew Bolt his monkey claim pride of place in being Australia's foremost print communicators. Their motive is less to sell papers as it is to attract advertisers those that spend money to influence us in more than just commercial ways but political to enhance and expand their position in the market place. Truth becomes secondary in this fact free zone. Even facts are of secondary importance.

Terrorism relatively speaking is not a problem of any consequence in Australia yet we are spending billions of dollars to "keep us safe"

Violent extremism in Australia: An Overview
Mar 8, 2017 - While such acts of violence within Australia have been intermittent, around .... activity in Australia (see Box 1) and a number of violent incidents have also .... been found guilty, or pleaded guilty to terrorism charges in Australia ...

Terror risk in Australia 'has never been greater' - The Australian
May 27, 2017 - That so few people have died from terror attacks in Australia speaks to how lucky ... The accused Melbourne terrorists are all young Muslim men from our ... that terrorists target: anywhere that people gather in large numbers.

have any refugees who came to Australia gone on to be terrorists?
Nov 29, 2015 - Since the recent Paris terrorist attacks, Chopra and others have argued .......... asylum seeker who arrived by boat has been charged with domestic terrorism. .... with the Australian government's decision to accept a significant number of ...

10 events are listed here out of 500,000 people 


 The threat of terrorism in Australia is a scam that costs us dearly

More Australians have died at the hands of police, lawfully or unlawfully, in 10 years, than from terrorist attacks in Australia in the past 20 years.

"In the past two decades, just three people have died as victims of terrorist attacks (broadly defined) in Australia. They were the two victims of the Martin Place siege and the NSW police accountant Curtis Cheng.
When Malcolm Turnbull was announcing the formation of the mega Home Affairs department last week, which he insisted was all about improving the domestic security response to "the very real threat of homegrown terrorism that has increased with the spread of global Islamist terrorism", he said that intelligence and law enforcement agencies had successfully interdicted 12 imminent terrorist attacks since September 2014.
There's no way of checking that claim, nor guessing how much harm would actually have transpired, but if that figure of 12 impresses you, you're making my point. Relative to all the other threats we face, it's chicken feed." Ross Gittens



 This week Andrew Bolt claimed Electric cars and Celan Public Transport were unaffordable.
Public transport around the globe is going Electric in California and even in Bolt's beloved Netherlands. Tesla has relased the family affordable Tesla 3 at $33k.



Andrew Bolt chooses to be a Churnalist rather than a Journalist. Facts and verification are of no concern to him. Terror in Australia isn't new since WW2 150 cases have been recorded. Bolt makes no mention of right -wing terrorist threats in Australia particularly the case involving a Dutchman. For Bolt  Terror only exists if it's Muslim. There has only been one death caused by a 16-year-old and two doubtful deaths if we regard the Lindt cafe the act of a sane man. When he churns Bolt often refers to his own past blogs as evidence. How circular is that? His is a news and fact, Free Zone.

Tesla 3 Arrives: Beginning of End of Climate Change? (Video) | Informed Comment

CBS SF Bay Area | (Video News Report) | - - "Tesla Inc. is set to deliver the new electric …



Bill Shorten gives a speech calling for a republic. He is standing in front of just one flag - and it's not the flag of Australia but of the Aboriginal "nation". It is a clear sign that the move to a republic, to such people, is the first step in the disintegration of the nation. UPDATE: Does Shorten's oath mean nothing?
Is Bolt suggesting that Bill Shorten organized the NSW Labor Party Convention and that he wasn't just a guest speaker? It seems Bolt is stuck in the 50s a time when Aborigines weren't recognized at all.
Image result for Image of Andrew Bolt Campaigning for Bob Hawke


Danusha Goshka gives the 10 reasons she's not a Leftist. It is about wanting to build, not destroy. To love, not to hate.  
 Sounds what Bolt says the Churches and the Welfare have been doing for Aboriginal people for some 200 years helping people one at a time not noticing that Australia's shame it that the first peoples of Australia have been even going backwards for the past decade under the TLC of the Intervention. On all social metrics indigenous Australians have fallen behind largely because of the singular approach provided by Bolt's good Christians. It's strange isn't it Bolt will always let it be known who had connections to the Labor Party back in their day and as a result cant and shouldn't be trusted. What's strange is Bolt worked for Labor back in the Day and it appears Danush was a lefty unlike others Bolt recons thay can be trusted. Onwhat grounds he never really says.
Danusha could well have been anyone oft the nuns recommending the removal of indigenous children from their families. Could Christian intent has done bugger all for some families. So like Bolt who blames Indigenous Culture Danusha a foreigner put all the blame on the Hindu Caste system. while advocating individual piece meal welfare which changes nothing. 
 India is changing itself since Independance and  not  in peice meal manner either affirmative action for the Dalits in education, unionisation of Labor the first democratically elected Comminist State in the world brought about massive changes in all areas of life. Kerala was a model of what massive social changes can be achieved when people were allowed to act for themselves to change. That's something Bolt and Danusha rail against in his case it's against white privilege at threat. In Danusha's case if she'd have applied her formula for change in Kerala nothing would have changed.
Modern historic miracle that actually demonstrated change to the world and will be seen in history for that saving of people will be China and India both in many ways works in progress. 



Here is Bolt churning  praise of Lt Gen  Kelly because Trump did in making him Chief of Staff but no such praise was offered by Trump to the parents who lost their military honored son a Captain in the US forces Donald Trump's Confrontation With Muslim Soldier's Parents Emerges ...
No such praise for Captain Khan or his families sacrifice by Bolt Trump or those that voted for him. I believe under the sleight of these assholes like Trump's non recognition they stand taller than Kelly because they themselves weren't military personell brought up in a military culture. Kelly did nothing more than what he was trained to do so Bolt's "special recognition" comes undeserved unlike the Khans.
 What would have Bolt done when Australia was conscripting young men to die in Vietnam had his sons been called up would be a test that Bolt would have done anything to avoid then but even more so today.

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