Monday, 31 July 2017

Andrew bolt's Blog,31/7/17; Terrorism unleashed against Asylum seekers on Manus" Australia's Shame; persecuted Christians, Class war;

  Manus Island Detainees Brutally Attacked With 'Bush Knives': Refugee Advocates

Two men are recovering in hospital.
Andrew Bolt rushes to report on Islamic Terror in Germany but ignoresof the terror caused to Muslims  on Manus Island by our Australian civilized"christian" government"
"The Refugee Action Coalition's Ian Rintoul said the "brutality of the attacks" showed how unsafe Manus was for asylum seekers.
He said it showed why some refugees were refusing to move from the Manus detention centre to East Lorengau.

"The moves to meet the arbitrary October deadline for closure is literally putting refugees' lives at risk," Rintoul added in a statement.

"Not only are refugees vulnerable to attack, there is no adequate medical treatment and insufficient food for those forced into East Lornegau.
"It becomes clearer and clearer, that the government has no solution for the people they illegally dumped on Manus, and that the refugees and asylum seekers must be brought to Australia."

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The Muslim Lebanese community again: "A family of suspected Islamist ­extremists allegedly plotted to bring down an Australian commercial jet by gassing the passengers, in what authorities believe was a major terrorist attack plan orchestrated by Islamic State milit­ants from within Syria... Four Lebanese Australians... were in custody."

What happens next?

All four men are being held at the Sydney Police Centre in Surry Hills.
The men can be held without charge for about a week.
During that time, police will search their homes for documents, computers and electronic devices in order to gather evidence and build a picture of the allegations against the group.
The searches are expected to last two to three days, and police say there is potential for further arrests.

We are talking a lot of nonsense on most occasions speaking and using Bolt's most common newsworthy word "allegedly". We never hear when the the alleged were released. Since WW2 in the past 77 years there have been 150 cases of so called terrorism in Australia only 14 conducted by Muslims. Get a grip Bolt from Bolt's perspective Australins are really the most dangerous people here. and Bolt being No 1 on the that list.

14 odd Lebanese are in custody two Muslim Asylum seekers in hospital because they weren't let in. Who has been terrorized the most this Century Australians under threat or Muslims injured and killed in dentention because of the Australian Government policies. 24 million Australians 3 dead 2 largely because of  because of the mental health condition of Man-Monis and one because of a 16 year old boy not too well between the ears either. There has been more human damage and carnage done to some 2000 imprisoned Asylum seekers recently than to any Australians. Bolt asks "who let them in?" the more appropriate question is "Who kept them out?" 

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Christians, prepare for persecution. Open your eyes and choose stronger leaders for the dark days. I am not a Christian, but I am amazed that your bishops and ministers are not warning you of what is already breaking over your heads.  

Bolt's war call to the the right wing Christian fascists to take control of Government schools and ignore the Constitutional separation of powers in this country. There is a clear an present danger to the brainwashing of our children in the school yard. Religious values must be instilled in your children in their formative years. Isn't this a little weird coming from someone declaring "I'm not a Christian but Australia should be? Australia isn't the Christian country Bolt makes it out to be. In fact if the Church were taxed we'd all get away with paying 3% tax. I'm not talking about taxing donations I'm talking about taxing the income on the profits earn't as a business.

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Labor leader Bill Shorten picked the wrong time to call for rebellion against the Queen. Australia is fragmenting and the watchword now is loyalty. Proof: Labor has an MP like Khalil Eideh, who has pledged his “absolute loyalty” to the bloody dictator of Syria. I do not trust Labor to invent new loyalties that bind us as well as have the old.  
 This is yet another call to the fascist Right the patriota and monarchists to take control and like South Africa let the world know Australia is a European Country in the Asian Pacific region. We need to circle the wagons put up the barricades and stop playing at being a multicultural settler country. Labor's biggest threat to Bolt is the notion of 'fairness and the reduction of inequality for all Australians and not just some that puts a shiver up Bolt's spine because it's a cry that blows the smoke away from the fragmented and varied issues Bolt puts forward to divide us.
Labor's call is to  clearly define the material division between the haves and have nots the growing gap of income and wealth inequality. Clearing away the illusion that we are divided by so many other things when we are not. It's bringing economic reality to the fore and encoraging the rebirth of unionism.


The ABC is just too big and biased for a democracy, crowding out commercial rivals. The rivals are now fighting back: "Corporate chiefs at News Corp, Fairfax Media, Seven West Media and Nine Entertainment are among a group of industry leaders throwing new weight behind criticisms the [ABC and SBS] are overstepping their public service remit." 

" We cannot afford to have the media - especially the news media - increasingly dominated by a government-backed broadcaster, and especially one that is so biased."Bolt
This is coming from Andrew Bolt News Corp's top churnalist who for the past decade has been pretending to privide us with fair and balance facts an information. In order to maintain that false image Boltt has spent most of his energy attacking the opposition as being fake news. He's had to go as far as even declaring our universities as being conspiratorial in teaching journalism students how to  create fake news. In fact Bolt claims all our institutions have as a consequence been taken over and are now disemminating fake news and information.
All of his energy is put forward to attempt to stop traing our young to think for themselves rather than teaching the right values and instil in them a homogeneity of Bolt thought. More than ever in the era of Trump and Murdoch is there a necessity for a democracy to to fund and independant news service that looks for the data provided globally by everyday life and be able to appraise it critically rather than just take it as given from a singular perspective.
 Bolt has a singular perspective that deems him right no matter the circumstance. He raely ever admits he is wrong. Even whe he is totally wrong he's obliged to win at all costs. Bolt doesn't know the meaning of the word empathy as there is no other perspective than his. He will tear to shreds those that say otherwise or ignore them as if they don't exist. All are the signs of a psychopath. Hasn't anyone noticed just how many there actually are Tony Abbott, Cory Bernardi, Pauline Hanson to list a few. We need the ABC more than ever.

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Meet the global warming extremist from New York University  invited to Australia to explain his new plan to stop the planet heating: drug the footdraggers until they give up, and dose children with chemicals to keep them short and more planet friendly. Caution: this is not a hoax.
Warming Written by Tony Thomas of Quadrant everything is a hoax. What isn't though and what's lies is Bolt's bullshit about electric cars being too expensive for ordinary Australians to buy I've change my mind while they are only $33k and not Bolt's luxury price they are nevertheless too expensive because the income gap in this country is widening so fast. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer that's why poverty is on the increase and the rich need to be taxed.


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The anti-racism of the Left has become the racism it condemns: "Cambridge University is investigating remarks by the head of [the university students’ Black and Minority Ethnic Campaign] who claimed 'all white people are racist' and praised protesters who clashed violently with police." Black Lives Matter was just the start.
 Reversing  day for Bolt Christians are persecuted in Australia and whites are suffering racism. Threatened with the loss of privilege. Men are suffering from sexism and the the rich are getting poorer. Bolt  has failed every basic tenent of history and the social sciences. His reference to the UK is nothing but his example of what he believes is happening in Australia. White is the new Black according to Bolt Take and old film develop it and look at the negative and you will see Bolt's version of truth. Psychopaths haven't the ability to empathize and Bolt certainly hasn't that capability. Proof of that lack of empathy is found in Bolt's reaction below



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The head of the Halal Certification Authority says he was just teasing "bigots" when he wrote that Australian women needed Muslim men to fertilise them to “keep them surrounded by Muslim babies”, with fertility rates declining so fast that the “white race will be extinct” in 40 years. A  strange joke. More like an invitation to a fight.
"The head of the Halal Certification Authority says he was just teasing "bigots" when he wrote that Australian women needed Muslim men to fertilise them to “keep them surrounded by Muslim babies”, with fertility rates declining so fast that the “white race will be extinct” in 40 years. A  strange joke. More like an invitation to a fight."Bolt
Bolt means what he's saying and he does quite often because he doesn't like or understand jokes coming back at him when what he says about Muslims isn't joking. I still maintain  the Australian police made the wrong call for not charging Bolt with GBH just listen to his words.
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We have taken in more than 21,000 refugees from Syria and Iraq in just two years, and had 30 per cent of them settle in just one Sydney suburb - Fairfield. The ABC describes a ghetto where unemployment is high, Arabic is the common language, English skills low and complaints against the government and employers long. What have we done?
 I remember when Carlton and Caulfield were Jewish ghettos some might argue Caulfield and Windsor still are. Richmond and Prahran  were once Greek and Richmond and Footscray were regarded as Vietnamese. No empathy no understanding that migrants do concentrate in areas they understand it's a natural process of integration that's been going on in settler counties for years. Bolt regarded his own family a satellite family because they had no connection to Australia at all Bolt failed to integrate emotionally for some 30+ years and it seems he still hasn't. He has said he's a loner an alien looking at Australia from the outside. Well he's not only a failed Australian but a person with it seems a lot of psychological issues. More so than the people in enclaves of the newly arrived. Bolt has no apparent understanding of history whatsoever. 
Like Bolt Donald Trump smears himself J.K.Rowling is entitled to an opinion Trump
 isn't he is the President of the United States Is the there a country of some 200 that have a greater opinion of the United States because Trump is President or has Trump made the USA appear weaker in the eyes of the world? Has Trump endeared himself to women has he shown great knowledge in the art of diplomacy. Did Trump mock a handicapped Reporter he did something Bolt let's pass to the wicket keeper, Did he malign women with his locker room banter yes he did. Bolt doesn't know how to raise Trump up so he finds somebody else he can push down. It make him look a Trumpster for Murdoch

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