Friday, 11 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog 11/8/17; What You Wont hear from Andrew Bolt; Progress of Tony Abbott's ABF; Banks and Corporate crime ripped off by the top1%; Adani Polluting Abbott's Point; It's Marriage Equality vs Christian Fascism and not just same sex marriage; The uncivilizing force of the Protestant Ethic;


Tony Abbott models roo-skin leather jacket

Abbott launches Australia Border Force | Programs - SBS

 Australian Border Force farce leaves Tony Abbott under fire

Two members of a cell of allegedly corrupt border force officers have been arrested this week.
Leaked confidential government documents and briefings from senior officials suggest the pair who were arrested – one a current officer, Craig Eakin, and one a former officer, Johayna Merhi – were just the latest of several alleged corrupt insiders in Border Force and Customs who have allegedly compromised Sydney Airport or Port Botany since as early as 2003.

What you do hear from Andrew Bolt is how a unionist fiddled some petty cash and don't be hard on bankers they had their bonuses stopped

 Sydney crime arrests: the inside story of corruption in Australian Border Force


Hundreds of Australians are owed millions of dollars in compensation from businesses that have gone bankrupt, with many of them victims of bad financial advice.
"You had Macquarie Bank representatives on stage actually presenting the product ... and then Peter Spann would come back onto the stage afterwards and basically do the hype which was, 'can you believe what you've just heard?" Mr Wheeler said.
"It was actually marketed as a safe product with lower volatility than both the share market and real estate."
Bolt declares banks innocent of blame. Unionists are the real crooks they steal petty cash yes but not your home. They don't launder the proceeds of crime and help avoid tax. $ 90 mill laundered and sent overseas.

 Families still waiting for compensation after receving bad financial advice - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


Dumped water containing over eight times the permitted amount of sediment was released by family-linked company during Cyclone Debbie in March

 Adani fined for dumping coal-laden stormwater into sea at Abbot Point | Business | The Guardian

Image result for Image of Marriage Equality


Labor frontbencher Penny Wong in 2010: "On the issue of marriage I think the reality is there is a cultural, religious, historical view around that which we have to respect. The party's position is very clear that this is an institution that is between a man and a woman." Wong now demands same-sex marriage and says we cannot even debate this.
When and where is the debate Andrew Bolt? It's certainly not with you in any form. There is no room for debate on the Bolt Report only opinion supported by the Bolt opinion chorus. Without veried facts and people preaching Bolt think children are worse off in same sex marriage.  However if one asks where did you get that information from because in "fact" Colombia University examined 79 research studies done over 30 years and arrived at the the opposite conclusion that there is no difference among children raised by same sex couples in fact more often than not the children of same sex couples are above average. 
The Colombia research in fact found  consensus among 75 studies that said the opposite of what Bolt claimsin his fact free zone. What we are talking about here is not same sex marriage at all but marriage equality that all citizens if Australia are entitled to be married everything else then becomes  a side issue raised to distract from the fact of inequality for some.  Bolt's often grand cry for equality for all Australian citizens is not a reality and he'd prefer to keep it that way. 
Penny Wong is taken out of context by Bol. She paid respect to the fact that the institution of marriage does have historic and social roots but she certianly isn't saying it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be available to everyone and it shouldn't evolve. Yes she's listening to the other side of the debate and empathises fairness  unlike Bolt who just disregards it and simply imposes his view by turning  false facts and a chorus of voices for support. 

Tony Abbott has never advocated a ''yes'' case in his life. He built his political career on saying no to things, ripping stuff down, it's what he does best. He's already out of the blocks and don't think what he did was a lone act...he's working with the churches and the Christian lobby and they are very well organised, they have a simple message: 'Don't do it'. He's got a well honed message that is playing into the culture wars: 'this is (about) trying to tell you how to think, this is about your religious freedom'. Of course it's not about any of that, but that is the message he is propagating. Even if the ''yes'' people, after a month or so, they realise we better get behind this, Abbott is going to be 100 yards ahead of you. That's the risk you take. We've seen it before. My money at this stage is on a ''no'' vote winning ... unless the squabbling stops.
Lest we for get Tony Abbott's mentor was none other than Australia's answer to Senator Joe McCarthy of the USA none other than the Commie Hunter and leader of the NCC Bob Santa Maria who was financed to the tune of millions of dollars by the Catholic Bishops of the day. To not just hunt out Communists but to tell the Catholics of Australia how to think. The were homophobic to the core and because poofter bashing was a sport back then and the police were Catholic you simply got away with it. That was the mind set in which Abbott was brought up.

 Come Take A Terrifying Little History Lesson About Tony Abbott| Christian Facism& the State

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Why is the Queensland Government trying to stop the spread of a civilising influence? "Queensland schoolchildren will be permitted to hand out Christmas cards in the playground without fear of disciplinary action, but inviting school friends to church-run events would likely be discouraged, under the state’s latest religious instruction advice."
  What a moronic hypocrite Bolt is "Why is the Queensland Labor Government trying to stop the spread of a civilising influence?" Bolt  Apart from the Separation of Powers written in our Constitution isn't it Bolt who tells us just how uncivilized and culturally poor Aborigines are? He's the loudest right wing media spruiker accusing first Australians as being un-Australian.  However while they are 3% of our population they are in the main  Christians so where is that civilizing influence Bolt is talking about?  For a start they drink like Christians they wife beat like Christians they do everything like Christians  because they are Christians. They do one thing more than Bolt's Christians do they share more than any of Bolt's civilized Christians do. So much so it seems there's more and more non -Aboriginal Australians taking up the first Australian lifestyle. At the moment it's very visible and called tent city in Sydney but remember first Australians had one first in Canberra.
  When white Australians gather in groups in town or down by the river under a bridge it's called homelesseness unemployment and welfare bludging and the haven't and aren't aware they have adopted what Bolt sarcasticly calls the poverty of Aboriginal Culture in order to deflect the mistreatment of  broader society inability to help. That drives people into  the streets and to behave in ways that enables them  to survive materially and psychologically ways in which Bolt calls aboriginal rather than systemically conditioned Australian culture.
Yes Bolt is a victim blamer. These  homeless Christians don't have the luxury of hating Christianity because it taught them to hate themselves more often than not or the conditions that drove them to where they find themselves.  The fact is the church doors are locked to them and the grounds have no trespassers allowed signs. Become a Christian like Aborigines and the homless and the Christian world like Bolt walks past you to scared to look.
But shit recruit the kiddlies in the play ground and that's a must for the future. It's a bit like Scientology. However if they become homeless or like Bolt's Aboriginals you turn your back on them and no longer call them Christian.  Refuse them welfare, blame them  for their circumstance and if they can't get up alone cut them off altogether. Now that's what Bolt calls civilized'
Bolt takes teaching the children a step further if you teach  logic and reason to children enabling them to learn for themselves you are denying them his truth that science is just another religion " Are there similar bans on recruiting for the Green faith? Any other faiths? Bolt
 What's not funny our subsidizes MSM sewer rats or trolls like Bolt by giving them $30mill to preach this propaganda and allow them to complain about the ABC which actually creates real platforms for debate. Do you want or can yoy imagine a little Bolt in your schoolyard?

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