Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp has posted an $817m financial year loss on the back of dramatic falls in the value of newspapers in the UK and Australia and write downs at Australian pay TV platform Foxtel.The Australian arm of the Murdoch empire should brace itself for another round of cost cutting as the $40m cut from the business in 2017 would be repeated in 2018, the company signaled.

The continent's favourite tourism hotspots are suffering from chronic overcrowding, prompting many locals to lash out, with some going to far as to attack tourist buses.
How isit Bolt gets so many things backwards?
Aren't you sick of the hate speech of the hypocritical same-sex marriage activists? And another question: who needs Labor when this juvenile slagging off at former Liberal Prime Minister Tony Abbott comes from an advisor to a NSW Liberal frontbencher, Brad Hazzard?
Abbott's cry to stop political correctness and allow free speech is the ultimate in crying to allow hate speech. Abbott's always been a a godbothering Christian fascist who has been a poofter and commie basher since his days in the DLP he's never changed. His mentor was Bob Santamaria the closest political Australia had to America's Senator Joe McCarthy. The NCC and ASIO joined forces to ensure any Australians belonging to the Communist Party were hounded out of their jobs were named and shamed. These where the very people that lent support to the death of 1million Indonesians and sent our 18 year olds off to Vietnam. What's changed? Slogans like say "no" to same -sex marriage hide the truth What Abbott is sayin "no" to is the equality for Australian citizens, Is the freedom to vilify and that's not coming from the Liberal Left it's calling for the true forces of facism to unite and Australia into the Christian and godbothering Fascist Nation that Bob Santamaria and the NCC wanted. Thats the History of the 50s and 60s Abbott wants us to return to
Labor's Tony Burke has an electorate where a fifth of voters are Muslim: "He warned the government’s [citizenship] changes — which would toughen the English language test... — would sow division. 'There is a huge community outcry.'" But Mark Latham takes his microphone to Burke's streets to ask locals, and gets a very different response.
Bolt is an example of an Australian that doesn't speak English but demands others do. Well to do as well as does is questionable iteslf.. Apparently, according to Bolt, voters in Tony Burke's electorate vote Muslim or as he put's it are Muslim voters. Well there isn't a Muslim Party in Burke's electorate."Labor's Tony Burke has an electorate where a fifth of voters are Muslim voters."Bolt . The stupidity of the man is that devout Muslims actually are "no" voters like Bolt when it comes to marriage equality yet Bolt still so anti- Muslim?
No political correctness here is there just undisguised hate. Where does Bolt come up with the figure that 20% of the electorate are Muslims anvote for Labor if Labor is encouraging a "yes" vote.? English I don't think is the problem Bolt definitely is.No Bolt 100% of the voting public in any electorate are Australians.
Isn't it Bolt that insists when if an Aborigine Australian color doesn't matter that we are all equal under the Constitution and he's as indigenous as they are so say no to "recognition"? How is it he doesn't practice what he preaches when it comes to marriage equality? It seems that he has a major language problem?

Roger Franklin: "A professor at Sydney Conservatory ... is calling for each and every concert bill to be split 50:50 between male and female composers. Performance quotas, she asserts, are needed tools to 're-imagine legitimacy'." And they're needed to get her an audience I think she doesn't deserve. Listen for yourself.
Bolt's the alpha male gorilla when it comes to women here he is doing what he does best and what he loves to do to frightbats, Ford, Triggs, Bishop, Abdel-Magied Van Badham, Baird, etc etc etc he doesn't do it in the same way to his own gender. When they give as good as they get face to face Bolt hates it because it actualyy shows him up for what he is Mirand Devine shamed him publicly on radio and you can bet he's never forgotten it. Does Bolt ever complement or thank his wife? He mentioned he in terms of having to bring home the bacon for the family and having to take them on holidays. It always sounds such a chore as far as Bolt is concerned. You see Bolt doesn't believe in meritocracy he's in fact threatened by it. He believes in reverse sexism and that his privileges are at risk by really giving women the opportunity to compete. That's why he tends to ridicule them in ways he doesn't men. He banters like Trump. If you don't believe me look at the time he spends laying the boot into Julie Bisop below. Not a single fact all just name calling ye Bolt doesit like Trump.
The patron and creator of the ABF was none other than Tony Abbott. He made such a show of it being the the new Security measure Australia needed to help keep us safe. It goes to show how little Abbott new about this gang the Australian Customs service or cared. It was all politics for show and quite happy to waste our dough. Abbott in fact increased their power.
Bolt seems to have some idea that Lebanese Muslims are criminals because they are Lebanese Muslims. That's the key factor that thes Australians are crims because they are Lebanese Muslims .He doesn't do the same with Italian Christians and how the liberal Party wines and dines withe the Mafia does he why is that? Amanda Vanstone helped the same crew as Matthew Guy. Nor does he begin to mention the Jewish Mafia that was very active in the Jewellery Industry and ran abbotoirs that exported kangaroo meat as steak fenced stolen goods and openly waged war on the streets of Melbourne with Eastern Europeans. Bolt doesn't seem to understand That when it came to cocaine crooks were Latin American when it came dance party drugs you'd find the Dutch. When it came to heroine the Asians.
Dim as a blackout is Bolt who only sees Australa as a white anglo saxon christian country one to which even he says quite often that he doesn't belong. Australia is a multicultural country not only is our food and religion multicultural but so is our crime. Like business everywhere Lebanese run Lebanese Restaurants are in the caterin business and when it comes to crime they involved themselves in the activities in which they had the best contacts. That applies to Aussie Aussie Australians, Italians Vietnamese etc. However at the top of the tree of crime and corruption you will always find the most powerful and they happen tobe the Corporate Criminals that control our major industries and very rarely get caught or questioned but when they do it's bigger than Bolt ever wants to talk about. More often than not they even have our politicians and their parties in their pockets.
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