Saturday, 5 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 5/8/17; War on Wages; Corporate Criminals aren't charged;

When Sahar Khalili started work as a casual pharmacist eight years ago, she was paid $35 an hour. Over the years that has fallen to as low as $30 while her rent has more than doubled.

 War on wages: Australians are working harder and going backwards


Money laundering syndicates linked to the CBA compliance scandal worked with drug smugglers who imported ice worth $315 million in 2015.

"Your financial hardship was the main cause of your offending," Justice Jeremy Allanson, who sentenced her to 7½ years' prison in the WA Supreme Court last August, said.
"You have no known criminal history, you have no physical or mental health problems and, as I understand it, you do not use illicit drugs ... the present offences are out of character.
"You needed money and you allowed yourself to be used."

 CommBank ATM scandal syndicate linked to the biggest ice haul in WA history


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Did Malcolm Turnbull secretly agree to take the last 31 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay if the US took our boat people? Is that why Turnbull privately told Donald Trump: "We will then hold up our end of the bargain by taking in our country 31 [inaudible] that you need to move on from... People [Obama was] very keen on getting out of the United States."
  One thing you can be assuered of if Tony Abbott were the negotiator Mr Nope would be assured of negotiating nothing. Remember the  photoshoot at the Alfalfa Club that was to make him appear to be wanted by the world's most powerfull people after he was forgotten and not needed any longer. What a lie that was! It was Rupert Murdoch in attempting get control of the Australian government by getting Tony back as leader that he organized what was in fact a fake photoshoot for the front pages of the Daily Telegraph. They were busted. Aren't we glad that we have a leader that's capable of negotiating something in the nations interest rather than just Murdoch's. As opposed to one that's all show but no go when it comes to progress? That phone conversation that was leaked even made Turnbull look good compared to Trump.

Image result for Images of same sex marriage


Stephen Dawson says the Turnbull Government might still have a way to hold a compulsory public vote on same-sex marriage without the Senate being able to stop it. Tell the Commonwealth Statistician to do it.
 Dawson  Bolt's reference here has shown us why Bolt was wrong in blaming Turnbull for the impasse in the same sex marriage plebiscite. "The Senate has blocked the government's proposal for a same sex marriage plebiscite. There is talk of some kind of postal ballot, but it would not be compulsory and therefore statistically unconvincing. Furthermore, given this impasse the Liberal meeting scheduled for Monday could conceivable lead to the fall of the government. So perhaps an alternative approach is in order." Dawson
While at the same time calling politicians that were willing to cross the floor "defectors" "But those are details. This proposal would, it seems to me, be a way out of the present impasse, and would make it more difficult for potential Liberal defectors to jump straight to a parliamentary vote."Dawson  It simply goes to show what a liar bolt when he says Some of my best friends are LBGTIs he's never for a moment had any empathy for them. He uses them if necessary. Cate McGregor, Tim Wilson are good for the Bolt Report but nothing else. The fact of the matter is that these MP's  are exercising their right to call for a conscience vote on the matter.
 Why is Bolt so against voting  and for delaying a vote to prevent some Australians not to be allowed the priveliges of others have? The answer is to keep the nation as culturally divided as possible because it's the only way the real issues like the economy the unifying issues are kept in the background.

  Image result for Images of stereotypes


Why does apply a label to Henderson but not to Aly? "Waleed Aly has been branded “unhinged” after writing a New York Times article critical of Australia’s policies on immigration and terrorism. Right wing commentator and author Gerard Henderson accused Aly of spreading “fallacies” about Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s initiatives."
 One ought to ask why Andrew Bolt wants to tag, box and stereotype Waleed Aly after all isn't it Bolt who argues we are just all individuals and citizens. Shouldn't he be arguing that Gerard Henderson has been unfairly tagged and stereotyped? It seems Bolt constantly argues against what he stands for wanting Aly labelled and in negative terms by him.  It seems he feels Right wing commentator isn't an edearing term. Maybe Bolt wants Aly tagged as highly qualified, extremely intelligent and a  reasoned Australian thinker who is more respected than those labelled Right wing commentators like Gerard Henderson and Andrew Bolt. Any way news is an affiliated a Murdoch owned company. Whose on Bolt and Henderson's side they obviously didn't find labelling Henderson as offensive and by not labelling Aly at all they weren't providing him with attention.  If Bolt labels anybody in negative terms we instantly know he has qualities worth taking a look at  and listenin to. It's when Bolt finds it necessary to defend someone like Henderson you know it's fake praise.



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How intolerant of debate is the Left?  Morry Schwartz, publisher of the Leftist The Saturday Paper, says he refuses to take paid advertisements of Michael Danby, from the Right of the Labor Party, because they don't fit "the type and tenor of the ads in the paper, which are harder and harder to get".
 Is what we are hearing from Gerard Henderson ( Yawn and Yawn again) really the sound of  a hypocrite demanding that private media  companies accomodate "free speech and debate" from all sides? Is Henderson smearin News Corp who doesn't and praising the ABC because it  does. Is he really arguing that Andrew Bolt should stop moderating the comments to his blogs  (yawn again)?



  Image result for Images The church of Global Warming


I've warned that global warming is a religion, with little to do with reason. Now warmist preacher Al Gore confirms it: "The way we live our lives is definitely connected to this. It is – it’s not a political issue. It is a moral and spiritual issue."
 "I've warned that global warming is a religion, with little to do with reason."Bolt
You have heard it from Bolt conclusively that theoretical Science is a religion and it's preachers like Einstein Newton and Hawkins little more than zealots. If that's a fact what's Medicine, Astrophysics Chemistry modelling is a waste of time trying to interpret impirical data is just a religion.
Bolt it seems has no belief in science and we know thats bullshit because he puts it to use every day. What Bolt is against is science for science's sake it needs to be driven by profit and should not be socialized. However Solar energy is the worlds most popular form of new electricity worldwide and Bolt is calling for that to be stopped by governments which is market regulation or what on any other day he calls leftward thinking.  Bolt's New Religion Global Warming  is based on the false faith of  false interpretation of even false impirical data and it should be ignored. However he finds it difficult to explain why financiers the market and industry apart from mining disagree with him even Adani is the biggest solar power producer in India. Renewables now employ more people globally than coal are producing energy for less and are growing exponentially. It appears nobody is listening to Bolt and if Global Warming is a religion then it's captured Bolt's audience.

Solar now most popular form of new electricity generation worldwide





Professional alarmist Tim Flannery is again not challenged on the ABC: "China’s the place….where the air’s unbreathable, the water’s undrinkable and the food’s inedible – because of pollution."  Gerard Henderson: "You wonder how over a billion Chinese get by every day without being able to eat, drink or even breathe." 
 China is if anything a human miracle that built a nation where people survived  and did it in less than 70 years. They are the worlds biggest movers away from coal and to renewable energy because of their pollution problems. Yes Bolt they have adopted the new religion and if the past 65 years are an example of what their form of government can achieve in such a short period of time for 1 billon people then what will they achieve in the next 65 years compared to Australia.



With the Left it's not the principle that counts but the side: "Brunswick cafe Handsome Her has ... a chalkboard [which] reads: 'House Rules, Rule #1: women have priority seating. Rule #2: men will be charged an 18% premium to reflect the gender pay gap." So sexism is actually good, as long as women are the oppressors. UPDATE: New rules for racism.
Bolt's  continued attempt to try to tell us that reverse racism exists by pointing to single acts of individuals that don't represent the historic widespread patterns of systemic structural behaviours by which the majority of us have lived. Yes women have achieved some equal rights in what was once and still largely is a male dominated society. Yes some Aborigines have improved their status in what has been and still largely is a racist society. What is amazing is Bolt takes tokenism of individual occurrences and blows Gabrial's Trumpet as a warning to the loss of privilege of whites and men and declares it to sexism and racism in practise. No Bolt change isn't sexism or racism it's exactly what it is Social Change something the Right wing of Australia resists in any form.

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