Friday, 4 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,4/8/17, Bolt has shown his Psychopathic side for a week; When Bondi Council treats religion equally; Shock Horror is Bolt's daily message he hates the place

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My editorial from The Bolt Report  - the ABC latest series on of religion and domestic violence has falsely portrayed Christianity as dangerous to women and falsely portrayed Islam as safe for women. What better evidence that it is at war with our culture?
Bolt made a fool of himself when he made his feeble attempt to attack Julia Baird and the ABC he even had to turn on the hierarchy of the Anglican Church for publicly agreeing with Baird and apologizing for the way the church treated the wives of Christians who beat their wives. The only way Bolt has tried not to appear foolish was to act like a psychopath. Psychopaths can't accept a loss of any kind and refuse to see any error in what they are saying. They have no empathy or understanding of what's going on and will maintain their position no matter what. Bolt ticks all the boxes1) Baird wasn't promoting an opinion nor was she reporting only an aspect of Wilcox's research findings. She qualified that quite clearly but Bolt chose to ignore it.
2)The ABC wasn't attacking any faith by allowing her to report a studies facts and throwing the information up for discussion
3)The fact is that discussion and Anglican Bishop not only agreed with her but he apologized. 
4) Bolt himself spends an inordinate amount of time telling us Aborigines are Australia's most likely wife beaters but he fails to mention that in the main they are Christians. Making Bolt an idiot for both agreeing with Baird and maligning the Christian faith unwittingly and refusing to accept he's wrong. No like a psychopath Bolt continues to say everybody else is wrong.

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How utterly disgusting. The terrorists have won. Jews back to the ghettos: "A local council has banned the construction of a synagogue in Bondi because it could be a terrorist target, in a shock move that religious leaders say has caved into Islamic extremism... The Land and Environment Court backed the decision by Waverley Council." 
Here's Bolt yet again denying what he says is the ideal Australia one day to the opposite the next. Australia is a nation where all it's citizens are treated the same no matter the color or creed. However not in the case of Muslims and Jews. At Bondi Jews, it seems have a higher standing than Muslims when it comes to building their places of worship ,a Temple.
According to Bolt's outrage, " Jewish leaders are shocked the decision appears to suggest they cannot freely practice their religion because they are the target of hate by Islamist extremists". Bolt
However for all his and the Jewish chest beating nothing of the sort was said. A Mosque Temple and Church would have been refused and all creeds treated equally. 
Not according to Bolt who then decides to take his hysterical outrage up a notch declaring the Bondi Council to be likened to Nazi sympathizers. in a game of imagining. Well, two can play at that one could imagine the Council in Israel as well if an application for a mosque were to be made by Palestinian Israelis in a country where it's Right wing PM Netanyahu has been trying to orchestrate a plan to remove 20% of it's citizens from the country. Imagine if the Jews wanted to build a Mosque in Aalsmeer the town Bolt calls his second home. Just imagine what his relatives and his mother and father would have done in WW2


The leaked transcript of their talk shows Malcolm Turnbull conspired with Donald Trump to cook up a fraud of a people swap. He told Trump he'd import many fake refugees from Costa Rica if Trump just pretended he'd take our boat people in exchange. Our security would be weakened to save Turnbull's skin. Oh, and Julie Bishop lied.
  Turnbull talking to Trump showed just what a competent negotiator he is. He certainly wasn't a three-word sloganeer that Abbott was. Can you imagine the conversation Abbott and Trump would have as two nope nope nope's talking with each other? Turnbull did have a US vetting crew at Manus.
In the three posts by Bolt today the time is taken up by posturing like a school boy rather than an adult. Shameful day and Julia Baird saw him wriggling to get out of his embarrassing denial that Christians aren't wife beaters while telling us how terrible Aborigines are. Abbott lied to the electorate while Turnbull was seen negotiating with someone Bolt thinks a genius and too smart for our PM. Conservatives haven't a good word for anybody trying to move forward that's for sure and Bolt demonstrates that here. It won't be long before Bolt can't be seen to be alone in his mugging of Baird LGBTQI's because he's running out of ideas. When will he be calling in the heavy mouthpieces like Thomas and Dean for support? They are the combined hate Australia group who try to shift the notion of left to include the majority of Liberals, Academics, Media and even the Arts community of the Nation. They hate anything they chose to and run media campaigns like Goebells did in Germany against the Jews. Hit run for a week then change the focus hit and media in the MSM orchestrated Breitbart style for Trump's benefit. However this time here it's for Rupert's monkey Tony.
Bolt seems to be posting less and less since Peter from Bellvue Hill stopped writing posts for him. Some that were long and required work 
What do you know? Dean has jumped in to defend Bolt. With his article "War on Frauds" However he fails to point out he and Bolt are the Frauds all that huffing and puffing to blow Baird down and support themselves fails to even mention Bolt's claim that Christians are the worst offenders of domestic violence in Australia. Boll Leak did a Cartoon Bolt keeps telling us Aborigines are the worst offenders in the country and even Dean fails to correct Bolt by letting him know that he overlooked the small fact that in the main they are Christians. So as I said Dean is there not to provide any truth only there to support the cause. That what we see and take for granted is the "natural order of things" It's why Baird drawing us to a little-known issue discovered in a research paper and throwing it open for discussion brought the idiots out of the wood work for us all to see.


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