Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's blog, 8/8/17; Yassmin calls Bolt a hypocrite who just talks in circles; Newspoll and the fact Turnbull is the preferred PM is missing; Bolt the spoilt child and the Bolt Report;

Andrew Bolt, are you up to the challenge?

 Yassmin Abdel-Magied: where were my free-speech defenders?


"In which case Abdel-Magied and The Age should also defend me.
Which they don't - making this article, by their own absurd standards, an attack on my own free speech."Bolt
Oh for crying out loud freedom from criticism is a free speech action Bolt stop fucking around and just playing with words you to have been heard clearly demanding the same thing you twat. You expect to be heard as much as she does it's called civilized debate which more often than not you don't do.
 This is living proof of Bolt's solipsism and circularity, his lack of debating skills and to his simplistic philosophical logic trick which shows him off to be little more than a self-made echo. Inas much as you can't debate a mirror you can't debate Andrew Bolt. He is the schoolyard bully the dunce who has no arguments so repeats ad nausea what's said to him. He's a man with no clothes a man of hollow words a mirror without argument. That's the difference between Bolt, Yassmin, Waleed Aly and Gillian Triggs and all those people he calls elitist are in fact educated and gone past the childish games Bolt plays
The very premise that "free speech" ever existed which Bolt can't show us or ought to exist in social reality  is meaningless nonsense.  It doesn't exist in Bolt's home or any of his social circles or any society in time or space. It has never existed and never will.  Bolt's taken a simplistic debating device of a man who has no arguments typical of the dumb schoolyard bully to repeat everything you say back. He reduces debate an exchange of ideas to a barage of circular meaningless statements that have no relevance to extending our knowledge about the real world in which we live. To argue with Bolt is simply to argue with an echo or mirror. It's  what Trump does with media when he calls it fake news. It runs away from debate or exchange of any ideas. It's communication destroyed.
The difference between Yassmin Waleed and Bolt is they are educated and have moved beyond First-year Philosophy and logic 101 and have learned the fundamentals of reasoned debate and Epistemology which Bolt scuttles away from like a rat when he hears the footsteps of reason coming. It's why Bolt is the moderator of his blog comments and why the Bolt Report is structured the way it is not for debate but only for Propaganda
 His hypocrisy, however, shows when he sends his kids to be educated in those places that teach more than Bolt logic and not to argue in false circularity but to step into the real world of reasoned discussion and criticism a world where right and wrong exist and so does the sense to know the difference does too.
" So Abdel-Magied is free to say dumb things. I am free to criticise her for saying those dumb things." Bolt
That's the best Bolt can say Yassmin is stupid but I'm not? Bolt argues that he knows better
 "Lt me try to explain this to her and Age reporter Timna Jacks.
Freedom of speech actually means the freedom to speak your mind without being killed, censored or jailed - particularly by the state."Bolt
This is Bolt's conservative defense for small government and noninterference in the power hierarchy that exists and for rules and regulations that interfere with that balance dangerously bring on change. It's why conservatives are anti-science anti-any process that might alter the current structure of privilege.

That's Bolt sole argument that the State should leave him alone but focus on  Muslims, whistleblowers or Aborigines who claim the white man has had his foot on their necks for years and it hurts that to Bolt becomes his catch cry of reverse racism. The fact is arguments about the real world aren't just circular they are about the micro the macro and the middle theories drawn from verifiable facts about the world in which we live the data and always in the process of being examined questioned and tested. Bolt's escape he calls that just another religion which he claims makes him a skeptic.

The fact is Bolt is sending his kids to the very Institutions he says he despises to be taught by the very people he hates which shows just how disingenuous he is. The thing, however, that separates Bolt and Yassmin, Waleed, Gillian is education and the first lesson learned is ability not to just talk in circular nonsense like Andrew Bolt who was never educated or by all appearances even self-taught. 


what we have her is a failure to communicate and it's Anddrew Bolt


  Malcolm Turnbull will lose this fight for a public vote on same-sex marriage unless he makes this a real war on the bullies and finger-waggers trying to shut us up. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
8 Aug

  "Yassmin Abdel-Magied is not demanding free speech but freedom from criticism. She is demanding the freedom of a narcissist. " Bolt

"Malcolm Turnbull will lose this fight for a public vote on same-sex marriage unless he makes this a real war on the bullies and finger-waggers trying to shut us up."Bolt

Bolt the hypocrite above calls Yassmin a "narcissist"  for trying to stop his criticism of her? However here he is making the same request of Turnbull demanding Turnbull to stop the bullies criticizing him and for trying to shut him up. Bolcalled Yassmin request that of a small child if that's the case what's his? He's either bullying Turnbull or whining like a snivelling brat. I actually believe he's both


Jim Bolger at press conference cropped.jpg


New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is campaigning to end the Maori-only seats in Parliament, despite having a Maori father himself. Say not to race politics, he advises. From my interview on The Bolt Report.
Remenber when ex conservative PM of NZ Jim Bolger laughed and almost patted Andrew Bolt on the head like a small precocious child for his insistense that he too was an Indigenous Australia.  Bolger left Bolt standing there in silence stumped by diregard he recieved. It was the ABC program Recognition Yes or No.
 Bolt of course has found someone to support him but that's the very nature of The Bolt Report is to avoid debate but surround himself with supporters and find the suckers as guests to support his nonsense. It's Narcistic to the max offers his audience little or no information to make them think for themselves and it's pure propaganda cloned from Fox News USA so far without the sex culture of the American version but then Bolt is still a newbie.




Which leader has led the Liberals to such depths? "Since February, the Coalition’s primary vote has been over 36 per cent just once, 37 per cent in March, and below it three times... The Turnbull government has already racked up the most sustained run of poor primary vote results for the Coalition in Newspoll history


Is Andrew Bolt doing a Julia Baird by only looking at an aspect of Newspoll data? Unlike Baird, he's neither throwing it out for discussion nor telling the whole story of the poll.  Bolt can't even argue about a consensus of research other than his own interpretation what's missing? Turnbull is still throughout this period of 17 polls lead the Party as Australia's  preferred PM all this time when the Party specifically showed Abbott wasn't. The call to bring Abbott back Bolt's current call is still falling on deaf ears despite it being Rupert Murdoch's and the IPA's as well.
What is happening and has continued to happen is the conservatives have been running a campaign from within and without doing all that's possible to fragment the government. The Culture wars being their tool same sex marriage, safe schools, Islamophobia, Climate change are tools to divide rather than unite even though they are not major concerns of the public interest. These are amplified to distract from the material things that really unite Australians jobs wages debt and the economy. Turnbull hasn't had the time to address any of these things.
 Bolt avoids the real material issues of the day by doing what he claims Baird did and the ABC did attack Christianity. However, he is doing the same using an aspect of Newspoll to attack Turnbull the Liberal Party and sitting MPs in the hope of raising Lazarus.
 Image result for Images on Euthanasia
Like Australia Holland is an aging population one can only expect figures to rise. However, Bolt makes no effort to define the legal meaning of 'euthanasia in Holland and the legal meaning that would be attributed to it here why? Why does he want us to assume Victoria will be the same as Holland in law simply because he is against it?  Why is it Bolt puts us on a slippery slope of language to even suggest that  Victoria will be Holland?
The number of 'suspected' crimes is up, of course, it is how many charges were laid brought to court and found guilty. Bolt suspects all Muslims of countless things and also claims his suspicions are evidence. It's no surprise that Trump backs him up if all he turns to is Breitbart and Fox for his information. Trumps even started his own cable news channel.
What Bolt doesn't tell you what else his source reports which is the reality of the crime rate in Germany which is down and
 "Most of the crimes are committed by repeat offenders, and just 1 per cent of migrants account for 40 per cent of migrant crimes, according to the figures. Refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria are statistically less likely to commit crimes than rejected asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants from elsewhere.
The highest crime rate was among migrants from the Balkans, Morocco, Algeria and the former Soviet Union, who have little chance of being granted asylum."

Image result for Images  anti same sex marriage


Former National Party leader John Anderson on why the public should get a vote on same-sex marriage. For one, Parliament has lost its moral authority to make such a profound change. Listen, because it's now rare to hear such an adult contribution to the debate.


Is Bolt redefining our Constitutional Democracy? All laws have a degree of moral authority built into them so Bolt seems to think we should be Switzerland and raise our hands on all laws? Daily plebiscites and postal votes the new Australia. If not who is to choose Australia's moral compass? Surely Human Rights and equality are fundamentals which Bolt readily turns his back on that's moral compass that's in our constitution but ignored. To recognize it becomes an imperative that needs to address same sex marriage women's rights, the rights of indigenous Australians and those in need of social welfare. All of whom Bolt claims need to be policed.



Why does Malcolm Turnbull employ as a staffer the mayor of the council which argued that a new synagogue should be banned as a terrorism risk for neighbours? And why has Turnbull, the local member, said nothing about this scandal?

What a stupid question people have been arguing that same point about NewsCorp for years why do they employ Bolt? The answer is because they can. Built into that is the notion of equality and choice. The council has chosen to ban a Synagogue it has chosen not to make the land available for any religious buildings and is applying that to all religions besides they are entitled to. There were Jewish councilors that also came to that decision and voted against the idea too.
Bolt lives in Melbourne and is totally uninvolved in his local politics but chooses in ignorance to involve himself in Bondi why?
How typical is this of Bolt use of empirical evidence Guess what the earth must be cooling.
"The gods are laughing at warming extremists."Bolt
No mention that we have just experienced the warmest July on record or make a distinction between meteorology and the Global warming science. It's typical of why Bolt never managed to get a degree got sick of the shipping news and went from obituaries to opinion pieces the equivalent of what was once known as Dorothy Dixers. Basically, there's no work required other than being a churnalist and living proof that there is any reason to subscribe to any News Corp media because all you will find is commentary like this from an example of other Andrew Bolt clones. Bolt himself is cloned from Fox News. There is news to be found but you won't find it in the Bolt's news free and no logic zone. 

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