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Why has the Australian Medical Association falsely claimed "there is no putative, peer-reviewed evidence to suggest that children raised in same-sex parented families suffer poorer health or psychosocial outcomes as a direct result of the sexual orientation of their parents or carers"? I interviewed former Tasmanian AMA president Chris Middleton:
The question is why is Bolt lying and simply using the evidence of one disgruntled ex AMA official from Tasmania to back up Bolt's lie. There is evidence and a consensus among researchers 75 of 79 studies that show there is no harm either physical or mental to children in same sex marriages and these are studies collated by Colombia University done over decades and examined . Read my post below.AMA CAUGHT OUT: MOST STUDIES WARN OF RISKS OF SAME-SEX FAMILIES
Why does the same-sex marriage movement rely on so much bullying, deception and suppression? The latest: "A former senior Australian Medical Association official has lashed out at the peak medical body’s campaign for same-sex marriage, accusing it of using false and misleading information in claiming the reform was a public health issue."
Bolt refers us to a disgruntled Tassie doctor who makes no reference to any studies in particular. However here is a study of a collection of research done by Colombia University 79 studies in fact that say something quite different to the unhappy Dr Middleton from Tasmania Bolt's ally in bullshit who it appears is not particularly well read. how wrong can Bolt be but it's typical Bolt loose with his facts. Trying to squeeze a marshmallow int a money box as usual, totally impotent.
What does the scholarly research say about the wellbeing of children with gay or lesbian parents?
Evaluating Studies that Conclude Gay Parenting Raises Risks: With regard to the four outlier studies, all share the same flaw. At most a handful of the children who were studied were actually raised by same-sex parents; the rest came from families in which opposite-sex parents raised their children for a period of time, but in which, often, one or more parent(s) subsequently came out as gay or lesbian and left the family or had a same-sex relationship. The result was a family that endured added stress and often disruption or family breakup. Including such children among those labeled as having been “raised by same-sex parents” is so misleading as to be inaccurate, since these children were generally raised by opposite-sex families and only later, after a family disruption, did they live in households with one or more gay parent(s), and only rarely did two parents of the same sex, in a stable, long-term relationship, actually raise the children together. Authors of these outlier studies argue that, nevertheless, such configurations often represent families with gay or lesbian parents, and hence it is reasonable to count them as indicators of what happens when children live with one or more gay parent(s).
Evaluating Studies that Find No Differences Resulting from Having a Gay Parent: Some critics of the LGB parenting research object to the small, non-random sampling methods known as “convenience sampling” that researchers in the field often use to gather their data. Yet within the field, convenience sampling is not considered a methodological flaw, but simply a limitation to generalizability. Within sociology and especially psychology, small, qualitative and longitudinal studies are considered to have certain advantages over probability studies: Such data can allow investigators to notice and analyze subtleties and texture in child development over time that large, statistical studies often miss. It is important to note, moreover, that some of the research that finds no differences among children with same-sex parents does use large, representative data. A 2010 study by Stanford researcher Michael Rosenfeld used census data to examine the school advancement of 3,500 children with same-sex parents, finding no significant differences between households headed by same-sex and opposite-sex parents when controlling for family background. Another study drew on nationally representative, longitudinal data using a sampling pool of over 20,000 children, of which 158 lived in a same-sex parent household. Controlling for family disruptions, those children showed no significant differences from their peers in school outcomes.
For a printer-friendly PDF of this Overview report, click here.
Below are 75 studies concluding that children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children. Click here to jump to the 4 studies concluding that children of gay or lesbian parents face added disadvantages.
Click on any thumbnail to view its abstract; click below each thumbnail to visit the source website.

The lack of self-awareness is stunning: "A panel of Australia’s top journalists ... [attacked] “brand” journos who prefer to voice their own opinions and “exaggerate things”... The panel consisted of Grattan, Laurie Oakes, Sarah Ferguson, Ray Martin and Caroline Jones, all ... awarded with honorary doctorates." Let's discuss exaggeration.
This is the longest post ever written by Bolt in the past three years. Generally the longest weren't even written by Andrew Bolt but were written by his pet " reader" Peter from Bellvue Hills. Peter seems to have fallen by the wayside gone MIA and as a consequence Bolt's Blog posts have become shorter and fewer they could have been written on the back of a postage stamp. So to see a post of such length from a man who claims to work 80 hours a week but is so repetitive that in actuality works an effective 20 is to know it's personal.Ray Martin isn't a "brand"? Laurie Oakes isn't a brand?
Even more ironic is that here they all are, denouncing other journalists as brands while accepting honorary doctorates in the ultimate branding exercise.
These people have also accepted Walkely Awards, Logies and other brand-enhancing prizes. In contrast, I refuse to enter such awards, and the only time in 30 years I was entered it was against my knowledge or will (even though I won)."
The difference Andrew Bolt is that they don't brand themselves.
Others have given praise for the work, the work is primary right or wrong it's excellence and respect for the craft that they are being recognized for when Bolt simply wants the recognition
All Bolt's frenzy is to try to convince he is the same " And then there's that solemn chin-stroking by these "top journalists" over commentators (allegedly including me) who "exaggerate things" and see everything in "black and white". Bolt We are simply watching a turd trying to polish itself. Or it Bolt the brat sitting in the corner singing "nobody loves me everybody hates me I'm going to eat some worms". Like Trump calling all news fake.
Bolt never got a degree it's why he knows so little about Australian universities. When he rails against them he's actually just baying at the moon. Our universities are recognized with distinction globally for their excellence and work and are not as Bolt put's it just left wing social clubs of no consequence."
"In fact, never challenging the pieties of the elites - no matter how wrong-headed or dangerous - wins you the gratitude of the institutions most devoted to them.
In fact, promote them long and loudly enough and you, too, could one day get an honorary doctorate, too. The formal membership of The Club."Bolt
Why does Bolt's CV say he was educated at Adelaide University the when he wasn't if he hates the Institutions so much? That sort of extremism so vehemently anti academic reminds us of the WW2 book burners in Germany that wanted Einstein arrested and thrown into a concentration camp. Why so much effort was put in by the Nazis to ensure he didn't win a Nobel prize.

A leaked transcript shows Malcolm Turnbull telling Donald Trump that we'd take his unwanted refugees if he took out boat people. So why did Turnbull and other minister keep lying to us about what they denied was a people swap? Check the quotes.
One needs to ask why Bolt is blowing smoke in our faces and deflecting an arrangement that was put in place with the Obama administration making out there was something else done with Trump. There is nothing new here other than a confirmation that Trump wouldn't reneg on the deal. Cut and paste conversations are no better than doctoring taped conversations and Bolt has a habit of putting sentences together form something said in 2016 and 2017 as if the context was some continuing discussion. He's blowing smoke in our faces. A deal was done to resettle 2000 refugees women and children who have been held on Manus for up to 4 years and a deep embarassment to Australia in the eyes of the world even more so given New Guinea no longer wants them Bolt doesn't give a rats about them or the solution struck he simply trying to stir up some issue any issue that might make Turnbull look worse than he is. Bolt deflection to Turnbull away from a deal negotiated to end peoples pain is of no consequence to Bolt whatsoever.'So devastating for all of us': Refugee on Manus Island found deadAdvocacy group Doctors for Refugees said the death was "another preventable tragedy", and represented the escalating danger for refugees as facilities on the island are progressively closed.
"This is an emergency," the group's president Barri Phatarfod said. "The Australian government must act to protect these innocent men."
The death is the seventh to take place in Australia's immigration detention network in Manus Island and Nauru since 2014, according to the Australian Border Deaths Database maintained by Monash University.
Go on Bolt keep on discussing he said and what was said out of context and deflect the issue that we are terrorising asylum seekers to death
Voters can't warm to Bill Shorten, but can't vote for Malcolm Turnbull: "The Coalition [is] trailing Labor by 47 to 53 per cent... Turnbull has widened his lead over Bill Shorten as preferred prime minister." UPDATE: Focus groups are harsh: "When asked to name anything that Mr Turnbull had accomplished... people ... were unable to name anything."
The ABC is meant to be impartial. But its boss promises it will be biased and peddle propaganda: "ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has announced a policy shift with the national broadcaster supporting the spirit of indigenous recognition proposals in the Uluru Statement." Tonight: a Q&A stacked with panellists pushing those proposals.
Malcolm Turnbull has conspired with Donald Trump to cook up a fraud of a people swap that puts Australians potentially in more danger. That is the clear message from the leaked transcript of the first conversation between our Prime Minister and the then newly elected President of the United States.
Australia is shamed. A NSW court last week banned construction of a synagogue at Bondi, to save locals from getting accidentally hurt if the Jews are shot or bombed. What next? Send Jews back to the ghettos to keep us safe? Why do we ban the synagogues that are the targets but not the mosques that are the threats?
If Muslims are as dangerous as Bolt says a Mosque ought to be built there to keep everyone safe. THE LIBERALS' PLAN B IS AN F
The Liberals held an emergency meeting of federal MPs and came up with a plan B to stop the party splitting over gay marriage. It is for a voluntary postal vote - which activists can easily rig. What could go wrong? Missing is not just the Prime Minister but any passion for arguing that giving the public a proper vote is a moral issue.
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