Saturday, 2 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,2/9/17; Free speech Andrew Bolt style what occurs behind the curtain; Corruption in High Places Tony Abbott's back bench ego costs us; Climate Sceptic: The ranting and ravings of Herr Adrew Bolt. It's really difficult to unravel his agenda ho ho;


The media is busy creating a left-wing “threat” to balance out the awful racist right-wing hordes who threaten civil society –

We have to be vigilant about the coming smear project against Antifa. Andrew Bolt dreams of returning to the days when ASIO and the NCC were extensions of government hunting down Australian citizens for being Communists or anti government activists of any sort.  People like Frank Hardy, Gary Foley Brian Pola all suffered the on going retribution of their protests for years after. Unable to get jobs and promotions du to direct orders from the ASIO. Any wonder people hide their faces from the Australia's Secret Police. More of it says Bolt. Shut those citizens down yells Bolt.

 The media is busy creating a left-wing “threat” to balance out the awful racist right-wing hordes who threaten civil society –

 FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks - POLITICO

Abbott will become the second former Australian prime minister to address the Global Warming Policy Foundation, following John Howard in 2013

'Daring to Doubt': Tony Abbott to address London climate sceptic group | Australia news | The Guardian



Curiously, almost every line in Michelle Grattan's analysis points to the obvious conclusion: only Tony Abbott can hope to keep the Liberal Party together, rally the base and win the election. Only one thing - other than a refusal to admit an error of judgment - seems to stop her from accepting Abbott as the answer. 
  A liar, a man of poor judgment, and in 2016 the man who spent more than 5 previous PMs put together on domestic travel $116,000. When asked what for "on previous PM's business" was his answer. Abbott is as transparent as a lead lined brick wall and Andrew Bolt claims Michelle Grattan's analysis points to the "obvious conclusion". Yes, he can't be trusted. However, that counts for nothing when as Bolt put's it. It's all about strategy and tactics which count for far more than principles and Abbott's the sneakiest in the ACT. Besides Abbott is the only one assured of News Corps support. As long as he gets rid of the AHRC which reneged on doing last time round along with dismantling the ABC another promise he broke to Rupert he's still the best. Nevertheless, Bolt says you can trust him he just get's wrong by accident so often. That certainly counts for nothing.

Tony Abbott's ego as big as Phar Lap's heart

My calculations, based on the figures published by the Department of Finance for 2016, show that Mr Abbott spent $79,236.13 on "domestic scheduled fares" and received $37,471 in travel allowances, a total of $116,707.13.The other five former prime ministers – Julia Gillard, Bob Hawke, John Howard, Paul Keating and Kevin Rudd – between them in 2016 spent a total $73,152.21 on "domestic scheduled fares".(For the record, Abbott's predecessors claimed for domestic travel as follows: Gillard – $22,631.24; Hawke – $13,971.31; Howard – $30,837.91; Keating – $2,149.86; Rudd – $3,662.49.)
 Mr Abbott's acquittal for most of those 65 nights away states their purpose as "former prime minister – official business". This is a new category of employment.
 He is the man who in 2012, when he was Leader of the Opposition, charged taxpayers $8800 to take one of his daughters to the Tamworth Country Music Festival and more than $10,000 so his family could attend Derby Day and the AFL grand final.
Image result for Images of Andrew Bolt in Lygon st Carlton


All opponents of same-sex marriage just hate gays: "I have spent much of my life witnessing this instinctual revulsion, most commonly by barking 'poofter' or 'faggot'." That's Rick Morton's argument, anyway.  Abuse beats having to mount any real rebuttal. Less brain-hurty. Oh, and Morton viciously smears Tony Abbott and denounces his own dad.

 Bolt's doing a Trump isn't he, not everyone in Charlottesville was a Nazi or member of the KKK there were some really nice white nationalists there too and in the same way not everyone against same sex marriage is poofter basher. However, those on the left are the real bullies, not us.
Let me remind you when Andrew Bolt got glittered in the picture above. What would have happened if he had a weapon? Yes, this is what you can expect when you prank Bolt.
"What a despicable slur, made with no evidence was made against Tony Abbott "  How much more evidence is needed when Abbott can say of his own sister her children would be better raised by a man? Bolt buries that one when he talked of despicable slurs never handed out by Tony Abbott or himself. Poofters can't be trusted to raise kids is what they are saying. Proof, Bolt picks through the mountain of research rejected in peer reviewed studies like that done by Colombia University to search out 3% negative findings when 97% of the work done in 79% of research papers done over 3 decades proved the opposite of what poofter basher Bolt is saying. Yes, it is confusing to pick out the nice  Nazis from the nice poofter bashers isn't it. They wear suits and don't have tats on the outside only the inside. Trump was so on the ball as is Andrew Dolt they could be twins but Trump is smarter some think.




The offence industry is making wimps of men. To whine is to be powerful: "Students at the University of Mississippi ...  were forced to cancel a "Greek Life" retreat last weekend after a discarded banana peel was found hanging in a tree... A historically black sorority...  assumed the peel was a racially tinged threat." 
 Bolt spends 90% of his media effort in whining about Australia having been taken over by the left. That we are all a pathetic bunch of Christian Cowards who don't have the guts that young radicalized Muslims show who are prepared to die for their beliefs. Bolt sounds like a media recruiter for Isil or a doppelganger recruiting for the Christian Caliphate. Does anybody for a moment believe Andrew Bolt would give his life for anything other than greater celebrity?




The militant new world forced on us by activists against the traditional definition of marriage: "A heart-tugging television commercial celebrating Fath­er’s Day by promoting the ­special role of fathers in the lives of their children has been pulled after being deemed too “polit­ical” ahead of the government’s same-sex ­marriage postal ballot." 
  "Crushing Dissent"  A PAYWALL 
 The only reason Father's Day ad's have been pulled was because Tony Abbott plotted against a conscience vote in Parliament in the first place. A tactic to prevent Democracy moving forward and to stop the change of the legal definition of marriage from the way John Howard legally defined it in the first place. The bill another of Abbott's many zombie Bills wasn't passed. So the survey was invented in it's place and it's challenge still heard in the High Court. Will we be surveying to go to war with Nth Korea in the future? Will all bills have to be surveyed and taxes proportionately divided between Yes, No and I Don't Know in the future as  Bolt seems to think is only fair. So he doesn't have to contribute to those things he doesn't want his taxes to go towards? He's complained about it from his point of view only.
Tha fact is what are we voting for? Marriage Equality but Bolt believes he's entitled to discuss his neighbor's sexual habits if it has a possible chance of distracting and or confusing the issue. Truth is of no importance when freedom of speech is concerned. 
 I believe the best thing possible is to let the "no" whingers make all the noise and reveal themselves for the bigots they are. They lost in Boston in 2004 because nobody listened to them then and lost in California because what they proposed was against the Constitution.  What they said would happen 14 years ago hasn't. And that's been the case wherever they have face defeated. I guess Bolt might just have gone live in Iran to feel at home given he feels so deeply about it. 


My editorial from The Bolt Report is back up, following legal threats. So to repeat: the response of the media and activists to the first ad of the No campaign proves the point: the bullying by the same-sex marriage lobby is the issue, becausee the women in the ad are right. Watch. UPDATE: More evidence that the women were right.
  As was said would happen the vote according to Bolt isn't about Marriage Equality. It's about everything else but and that was predicted would happen in the first place as long as you vote "no" you can be assured you're doing the right thing. Do you think  "no" then your right! It's as simple as that play it safe.
Bolt should be as demanding for the rights of gay kids in schools who there are more of complaining about their treatment than the complaint of a single mum mother's complaint that her son had the right to wear a dress if he wanted. Nobody was intruding on his freedoms it seems other than his mother.  Strange the voice of anti - freedom is coming from Bolt. Who doesn't complain about Kilts or when Goths were popular skirts or about women wearing trousers or girls in shorts? The variables are never ending, aren't they? I'm totally offended when I see a man who wears suits every day has himself photographed in a pair of jeans and put out a different message as Bolt sometimes tries to do. Next you'll see him in long hair. 



Left commentators are red-hot on child abuse by priests that occurred, on average, more than 30 years ago and has been largely eliminated. But they are silent on children being abused right now: "A police operation [in Roebourne] has identified 184 child-sex victims in and near the town that is home to just 1410 people." Why the silence? It's race. 
"Largely eliminated?" What evidence does Bolt posit for this blind piece of faith? Remember when he told us that Christianity protects women and children from domestic violence and not so Muslims. How he ravaged Julia Baird and the ABC for revealing research that said otherwise. He's turned to Roeburn
"The image of Aboriginal culture must be protected by the media class at the expense of Aboriginal children.And, yes, we must talk about this Aboriginal culture and not be diverted by criticism of white culture and "racism" instead:" Bolt
Do you see a word or a hint from Bolt that this town was largely  Christian? Why not? Do you notice that Catholic Priests didn't out the sexual abuse their order was committing that nuns didn't speak of the violence being perpetrated? The victims had been saying it for years only to be brushed aside and threatened if he revealed it.
Bolt fails to mention it was the elders of Roeburn that revealed what was going on not hiding it. They genuinely didn't know and those that did had knowledge of past experiences that if they spoke up their children would be "stolen" no taken away from mom and dad. No such thing happened to the children of white families who were abused by priests they were allowed to stay at home and suicide and have mental break downs having been called liars and threatened by the power of the Church.
Yes, Roeburn is an example of just how ineffective government services have been for some 200 years. Token engineering to hide systemic harm being done to peoples over generations not just mistakes. Some, however, would argue how successful it's been in destroying the Aboriginal culture.  It could be called cultural genocide allowing racists like Bolt to blame Aboriginal families the victims instead and he certainly does. It's what the Nazis did to Jews they blamed their culture as well. Israeli Rabbis are doing it too describing Palestinian as rats needing to be exterminated. Racists you see will find and jump at the chance to blame peoples for their dysfunction or Aboriginality in Bolt's case rather than their interface and conversion to Christianity without any bvenefits. Which is the fragmentation of their culture as Dan Sultan said continuously over 200 years.
Here is a point to be made if Bolt and his righteous Christian Churches paid taxes we most likely be paying 3% tax. Imagine what real welfare could have looked like instead of it's failures over 200 years and it's enormous growth in wealth which is hidden in property, corporations, non paid voluntary staff and government subsidies to boot. Bob Hawke was right when he said there is no logical reason any child needs to grow up in poverty.. Bolt's  anagnostic he should agree except of course Aborigines. Because he believes in the Hankockism breed them out of existense and nobody will notice.

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