Friday, 1 September 2017

Bolt's Blog, 1/9/17; Alfalfa Club secret News Corp donation; Holocaust and genocide denying have parallels don't they Dan;


Tom Osborn is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is certain that I should be banned by my bosses, although he's clearly totally ignorant of where I work and what I do - and, I suspect, of what I actually say. Some academic. Check out the bizarre tweets of this enemy of debate. UPDATE: What a potty mouth!
1 Sep
"Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is certain that I should be banned by my bosses, although he's clearly totally ignorant of where I work and what I do - and, I suspect, of what I actually say. Some academic.  " Bolt 
 No Andrew Bolt we are aware where you work and what you do for profit. However, we are also aware that because of that you are little more than the organ grinder's monkey and you won't be released. However, we are also aware you believe the organ grinder is tethered to your collar. However, the career path you took you didn't choose for principles but simply for the nuts.  You abandoned reason and education simply because it's the way you were socialized and at a very young age you were socialized, trained very much in isolation by a mum who really never felt or wanted you to be a pioneer Aussie migrant kid who grasped the reigns and looked forward but she kept you looking to the past.
 As a Dutch mum, who so missed home, she realized that your future wasn't the one she was deprived of where class was a barrier. Your future here with a focused eye was far more liquid and merit not necessary. You were taught to be different aloof, polite yes but have the abitions of a Dorian Grey, the ambition of association would take you further than merit after all you were European and the myths associated with that, why?
She realised her son wasn't going to progress because of gifts of natural intelligence but by a mask an ability for non productive social climbing. You were the eldest and as such the most isolated and your mum realised you didn't have the time or intelligence for the meritocratic road your brother sister took. Nobody ever said your mum was dumb but she also didn't arrive here enchanted by the place and never was. Back in the Netherlands she also learned merit was second to image , the skills needed to climb the social ladder and gain status. Her first son's skills were better served by "marrying up" and realizing the social mobility the European way "who you know had far more currency that what you knew". So yes to imagine Andrew Bolt analyse what he says understand why he says these things follow his history and then you may or may not have reason and logic to hate, without just s kneejerk reaction.
Bolt, on the other hand, hates Tom Osborn, Waleed Aly, and probably his own brother deep down for no reason other than they have the ability to know and understand him but the reverse for Bolt is nigh on impossible. He simply hasn't the ability to empathize only to mimic those he wants and needs to impress. Like a used car sales man.
So Bolt's right we do need to know who he works for and what are their motives Rupert Murdoch, Tony Abbott, Michael Kroger etc etc etc and then what you find is what you see the organ grinder's monkey who hoped if Abbott had succeeded he might have been awarded a knighthood for his loyalty but not for his media skills. So yes it's easy to imagine Bolt and hate because he represents the lowest of human achievement his sub text is always "me" never "we" which has always been his disguise.



Peter van Onselen mocks the "slippery slope" warning of gay-marriage critics: "The slippery slope was used by opponents of slavery... Next thing you know blacks will demand voting rights." But he  actually confirms there is a slippery slope - once a principle is conceded, much logically follows. In this case, great. But here's what Peter ignored.
  What we have here is a total PAYWALL. How can you comment? "slippery slope is the clue". 
The ads for "no" by the ACL are repeats of ads that date back to 2004 raised in Massachusets when the marriage equality was voted on. that battle started 15 years ago and the slippery slope was also brought up. Sociological longitudinal studies have shown children from families ofsame sex couples in fact performed better than those of heterosexual couples in every way. Largely because the adults were more committed better educated and had jobs at a higher income level. The families were better at sharing and deciding the goals they wanted to achieve on all levels producing better outcomes. Colombia University also studied 79 research reports and found 97% peer reviewed papers found much the same results. So the only thing Bolt ignores is the social sientific data that proves he's opinions flow down from the top of Bullshit Mountain.


What a colossal waste - and to think that simply building the reactors would have given us more reliable power, too: "Taxpayers will have paid more than $60 billion through federal renewable energy subsidies by 2030, … enough to build about 10 large nuclear reactors."
1 Sep
And have those plants completed some time in the 2070s and beyond. Bolt sounds so certain for that price look what Tony Abbott delivered with the NBN. If you want the speeds promised by Abbott you have to pay. Sounds like Trumps Wall and the promise Mexico will pay. 



Vogue's Lynn Yaeger (left) trashes Melania Trump's fashion sense: "While the nation is riveted by images of thousands of Texans wading ... in chest-high water, desperately seeking refuge; ... Melania Trump is heading to visit them in footwear that is a challenge to walk in on dry land." This Trump hatred is mad. Melania wore runners on arrival.
Remember what Boltused to say about Gillard? He loved and clapped anything negative said about her. when did he ever apologise defend or not entertain himself about her appearance. Bolt's very defensive about women isn't he he keeps his wife hidden in a media Burqa




Fascinating stuff from Martin Armstrong: "Kim Jong-un watches his launch, but on the screen you will notice charts of markets. He is clearly trying to disrupt the financial markets with the launching missiles. Is North Korea playing inside-trading with secret proxy accounts?"

1 Sep
Who cares? The man via inheritance was given the power all fascists could only dream of. A country he controls in a fashion that Hitler, Franco, Pinochet would love to have done. Paid since 1953 not to produce but behave according to opposing interests.  It has the population of Australia but pays half it's pop for uniformed behaviour. The question how else is the money earn't if you take out those who don't fit into uniforms.  We paid for what we sowed the posturing seems obvious $$$$














Singer Dan Sultan: "We should recognise the 26th of January for what it is - which is a day that started the ongoing genocide of our people.” What "ongoing genocide?": "The number of Aboriginal Australians living in NSW and Victoria has doubled since 2001, figures released by the Bureau of Statistics show."
1 Sep
Genocide Andrew Bolt can take many forms and one is Bolt demanding Aboriginal Cultures and languages be let go Bolt simplistic distortion is numbers. Which on any other day has found him arguing that the majority of Aborigines are so racially mixed that he in fact is more indigenous than most. So if we took Bolt's definition into account genocide has taken place and numbers haven't grown as he says they have. The stolen generations were very much an act of on going cultural genocide more so when we here Bolt's version that no such thing ever happened. Bolt sounds and presents facts much the same way as a Holocaust denier. If you use his template of proof the Nazis never attempted genocide either. Aalsmeer the town from where his family came from has nothing to feel sorry about the Jews are liars as much as Dan Sultan is says Bolt to the sound of his heels clicking. There are more Jews in the world today. 
It's insidious isn't it Rupert Murdoch paid for Tony Abbott's expenses at the Alfalfa Club and paid for a photoshoot to be done on the sly to present Tony in the Telegraph as a much missed and wanted statesman. what would that have been valued at in  Party donation terms. Bolt calls the Chinese Australian organizations "a front". What would you call the IPA? A Murdoch "front" after all he was a foundation member he's American and he continues to help the conservatives out where ever and whenever he can. Why isn't that "Disgusting and Frightening". I think it's more so because Murdoch is far far more covert and hiding in plain sight and he's not an Australian. It wasn't that long ago he was married to a Chinese and was as up close and personal as you could get with the regime. $ 6 million is chump change when one looks at the biased freebies  that have been given to Tony Abbott. 

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