Welcome to a Bolt Xmas. The son of a migrant family who admits to not feeling truly Australian but then spends time telling us what is. It's not anyone apparently unless they are like him which is very much a minority of the Australian population. Bolt constantly criticizes our Institutions Arts, Media, Education, Security Forces, Immigration, Police, Health and the majority of politicians sitting in our parliament. That alone places him on the fringe. He's critical of all cultures unless of course they are like him and most religions offend him in some way yet he claims to be the model patriot. He's a holder of dual passports an isolate and a mocker of black people in Australia including Australia's indigenous. That's the Bolt package under our Xmas tree the prick in the box whose not at all frightened of telling us how much we suck and yes Bolt's not spending his holidays in Australia either
"Even before today's no-but-yes, I had trouble trusting anything Victoria Police command said on crime by refugees, ethnic groups or Muslims. " Bolt. What more proof do we need than Bolt's whinge about the Police and our Medical Institutions and doctors that service us. Bolt ignores the fact that the last two run over incidents weren't terrorist but were also mental illness associated. The most important fact here is the driver was a Muslim, therefore, all other aspects must be disregarded. How is it he doesn't do that for the vast amount of violence committed by Christians. In fact, bolt becomes offended if it's suggested Christianity supports and generates violence simply by it's internalized cultural beliefs. Bolt refuses to believe he's violent or a potential thug. He speaks of his family as his property, not as his partners. He's the economic alpha male in his group. He might deny it but it was first brought to light by Anne Summer when she highlighted Bolt's hidden relationship with his former fiancee. Bolt was a kept man and tried to hide the fact he was the "minder" when he was quite the opposite.
We saw Bolt's aggression in Carlton however it was worse when he called Christians to clench their fists and fight like he did. They were according to Bolt gutless and not as committed as the Barcelona terrorists. Australian Christians needed to push back in equal fashion and fundamentally according to Bolt become terrorists. What a propagandist what an enabler of violence Andrew Bolt is.
How long will it take for Bolt to take up the Breitbart alt- Right suggestion that Breitbart editor suggests there is a "correlation between Islam and mental health"

The past 24 hours have been quite something. Bigots, fascists, right-wing commentators, some in the media, first reporting it as terrorism, then demanding we all call it terrorism even though it isn’t. They want blood, they want mayhem, they’re aching for it.
Approximately 23% of the world population identifies as Muslim. But, since September 11, Islamist groups have conducted about 20% of terrorist attacks worldwide. Thus, terrorist attacks are – historically and today – less likely to be conducted by a Muslim than by a non-Muslim group.
On an average day, terrorists kill 21 people worldwide. On that same average day, natural or technological disasters kill 2,200 people – or more than 100 times as many.
The likelihood of dying at the hands of a terrorist is comparable to the odds of drowning in one’s own bathtub.
This does not mean we should be afraid of bathtubs, nor does it mean terrorism is not among the problems that need to be solved with a high priority.
Rather, in the fight against terrorism, seemingly easy conclusions may be drawn too quickly – and we should not forget other matters that affect people’s lives far more than terrorism does.

We saw Bolt's aggression in Carlton however it was worse when he called Christians to clench their fists and fight like he did. They were according to Bolt gutless and not as committed as the Barcelona terrorists. Australian Christians needed to push back in equal fashion and fundamentally according to Bolt become terrorists. What a propagandist what an enabler of violence Andrew Bolt is.
How long will it take for Bolt to take up the Breitbart alt- Right suggestion that Breitbart editor suggests there is a "correlation between Islam and mental health"
Flinders Street attack: Media and Twits pull the terrorism trigger

The past 24 hours have been quite something. Bigots, fascists, right-wing commentators, some in the media, first reporting it as terrorism, then demanding we all call it terrorism even though it isn’t. They want blood, they want mayhem, they’re aching for it.
Approximately 23% of the world population identifies as Muslim. But, since September 11, Islamist groups have conducted about 20% of terrorist attacks worldwide. Thus, terrorist attacks are – historically and today – less likely to be conducted by a Muslim than by a non-Muslim group.
Where to go from here?
Our results suggest it may be time to rethink the way we approach terrorism.On an average day, terrorists kill 21 people worldwide. On that same average day, natural or technological disasters kill 2,200 people – or more than 100 times as many.
The likelihood of dying at the hands of a terrorist is comparable to the odds of drowning in one’s own bathtub.
This does not mean we should be afraid of bathtubs, nor does it mean terrorism is not among the problems that need to be solved with a high priority.
Rather, in the fight against terrorism, seemingly easy conclusions may be drawn too quickly – and we should not forget other matters that affect people’s lives far more than terrorism does.

Police won't call the Muslim Afghan who ran down people in Melbourne a terrorist: "He is a person who is known to have a mental illness. In fact, he was on a mental health treatment plan and missed an appointment yesterday." A question: Japan has very few Muslims; how many mentally ill people there run down pedestrians?
It's quite simple isn't it Bolt could ask the same question and admire Nth Korea as much as he does Japan. What he doesn't tell you that Japan was sued by its Muslim population for excessive surveillance and that they won and were awarded Y90 mill. Nor does he mention that some 20 years ago Japan had successive amounts of domestic terrorist activity happening. 5,500 were injured and 12 died in the subway Sarin gas attack. Bombs were set off at Mitsubishi so to say Japan has never experienced terrorism is totally ludicrous there were a series of events in fact. As for murders and crimes with a substantial element of mental illness, it's not that easy to discover given the Anglosphere media don't report it. So Bolt feels pretty safe making widespread generalizations about a country he knows very little about. But rest assured mentally ill people along with sane people in Japan do commit GBH just as Bolt attempted to do himself when simply pranked. The very fact that Bolt asks that question draws more attention to his state of mind than that of the Japanese. How many Australians are asked to cut their little fingers off annually or demand it of others?
$1 billion of Ice was found today enough for 13.5 mill hits or over half the pop of Australia. Violence due to psychosis can be expected to increase among the young and not just among the Australians who are Muslim immigrants the probability is greater that it will occur more so among the respectable classes as well.
Bolt's fantasy that Japan is immune to mass violence is delusional. The reason cars aren't always the instrument of the violence is the fact the Japanese use public transport more than we do.
"It was revealed this morning Uematsu was involuntarily admitted to hospital earlier this year. "
Bolt's fantasy that Japan is immune to mass violence is delusional. The reason cars aren't always the instrument of the violence is the fact the Japanese use public transport more than we do.
‘I want to get rid of the disabled from this world’ Knifeman kills 19 in Japan care home
A MAN has been arrested after a knife rampage at a care home for disabled people in Japan left up to 19 people dead and almost 50 injured. "It was revealed this morning Uematsu was involuntarily admitted to hospital earlier this year. "
Japan's most recent mass killing was in 2008, when a man drove a truck into a crowd and began stabbing people in Akihabara, Tokyo, killing seven people.
In 2001, a knife-wielding man killed eight students in an elementary school in Ikeda in Osaka Prefecture.
Terrorism in Japan.
Although the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack probably was the most widely reported terrorist event in Japan to date (5,500 injured, 12 dead), the country has suffered numerous other large terrorism-related events in recent decades, including bombings of the headquarters of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Tokyo in 1974 (207 injured, 8 dead), the Hokkaido Prefectural Government office building in Sapporo in 1976 (80 injured, 2 dead), and the Yosakoi-Soran Festival in Sapporo in 2000 (10 injured, none dead). Japan also has experienced two other mass-casualty terrorist events involving chemical releases, including the 1994 Matsumoto sarin attack (600 injured, 7 dead) and the 1998 Wakayama arsenic incident (67 injured, 4 dead). Until 1995, emergency management in Japan focused on planning and preparedness at the local level for the frequent disasters caused by natural events. Since that time, substantial progress has been made in advancing emergency planning and preparedness for terrorism-related events, including the designation of disaster centers in each prefecture, the implementation of several education and training programs for nuclear, biological, and chemical terrorism, and the establishment of a national Antiterrorism Office within the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.
Bolt complains about his inconvenience "More likely, though, they will have to wait again and will be lucky to land here on Christmas Day, four and a half days after they started out. And not a word on compensation." have we heard his response when refugees on Manus or Nauru complain because their flights to normality have been delayed for up to 4 years. Bolt's whinge is that of a nonregular flier who seems to believe he'd run an airline better. But then he thinks he'd run a country better.
This is really about Bolt using his media position to scrounge compensation for himself not for everybody else. His "me" not "we" value orientation on open display.
This is really about Bolt using his media position to scrounge compensation for himself not for everybody else. His "me" not "we" value orientation on open display.
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