Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Friday, 22 December 2017
Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/12/17; The menace we face today is the media as represented by Andrew Bolt with News Corps Blessing;
Compare The Age Report and what facts are known so far with Andrew Bolt's innuendo ridden "alternative fact" report. Ask which might be regarded as a fair and balanced statement of events and the one that throws the facts down the sewer in order to raise up the crap and the bigoted terror message that is reflective of and typical of the anti-Semitic reporting in Nazi pre-war Germany. It's 2017 and if you read Andrew Bolt you are transported back in time to an era of pure hatred.
Just because Bolt is not as direct as "Australia Blue" and Erickson their spokesman, wears a suit and is a media personality it doesn't mean he's not trying to deliver the fascist sensitivity and message of Australia's alt- Right bigoted minority using the technical resources and the corporate power of News Corp to do it.
It goes to show the level of work needed to run this propaganda Bolt regards as informed commentary it's certainly not the 80 hours of work a week he claims he does. He's on holiday.
As for the man who committed this act if he had "perceived mistreatment of Muslims, " he certainly wasn't acting in error when it comes to the public reporting of Andrew Bolt who acts as the media enabler of this kind of reaction. We are lucky we do have vilification laws because Bolt would be only too happy to push the buttons on a lot more people in order to promote his bullying causes and then cry, victim.
The actual statement delivered by the police is publicly declared worthless as far as Andrew Bolt is concerned on no basis than his need to create fear by casting little more than a shadow on the real facts as far as they are known to date,
“As I said yesterday, he is a person who is known to have a mental illness. In fact, he was on a mental health treatment plan and missed an appointment yesterday. He has a history of drug use.” Police had not identified that the man had any extremist connection. The man was known to police, Patton said, but was not on bail or subject to a corrections order at the time of the incident." Guardian
The most unpublicized god driven violence is and has always been committed by Christians but that's suggested Bolt rises to deny it. We see it daily in the papers where the perpetrators believe they had every right and justification to commit criminal acts. The only difference is they are not openly declared a Christian explanation. Our laws accept the defense of "perceived injustice" as a mitigating circumstance in crime but not in the case of Muslims it appears as far as Bolt is concerned.
The greatest degree of domestic violence Bolt declares is Aboriginal he leaves out that fact the majority are Christians and the fact that they are beaten for "perceived injustices" generally silent but nevertheless often based on perceived Christian transgressions like speaking back. Bolt's bigotry is often internalized as a cultural norm. Bolt's, however, tends to be exposed in its volume and presentation there is nothing subtle, to say the least and he treats it as his right to vilify.
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