Far right group threatens to take a stand over 'African gangs'
Dutton's Drongos call for Cronulla Action
Members of the nationalist True Blue Crew are planning to "take a stand on the streets" in response to Melbourne's so-called 'African gang crisis'.
Law body worried over attack on judiciary as Dutton steps up 'African gangs' rhetoric
What's the difference between these two bullshitters?

Power: Yao wants to integrate with Dutton ouch!
Dutton is scared and just sees him as Black Sudanese and usable not however fuckable.
The Sudanese like Australia's Aborigines just see him as another card-carrying Liberal Conservative and well fucked.
The US Role in Turning Countries into Shitholes and provoking Immigration | Informed Comment
The alternative to taking in immigrants is to shrink demographically, as Japan is doing and as Germany was doing before the recent change in immigration policy. Urban educated people don’t want a house full of children usually, and so the Japanese are not replacing themselves, and nor would Americans without immigration. A big shrinkage of the population of the sort in which Japan is engaged is an unprecedented social experiment. Who will support the growing ranks of the elderly and retired? Who will build new buildings? What will happen to property prices as houses and schools empty out? Who will serve in the military? Who will invent new technology? Wouldn’t the country become weak economically and militarily and perhaps prey for a younger, more dynamic neighbor? And, no, Trump, Norway is not going to save you from all that. Salvadoran Americans might, if you let them.
Andrew Bolt ran the argument that we are "full" that we can't afford immigrants from "shithole" countries as well.
Banning the Quakers won’t stop our struggle for justice in Israel-Palestine | +972 Magazine

The American Friends Service Committee once saved thousands of Jews from the Holocaust, now we are being banned from entering Israel due to our support for a nonviolent struggle for equality. Israel is shoving the Quakers off the Wall of the Righteous.
How times have changed and Jewish Rabbis are calling Palestinian children vermin to be exterminated before they reach maturity.
“There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us [the Jews], and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults.” Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira
“If they don’t stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000,” Eliyahu told the Jerusalem Post in 2007. “And if they do not stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don’t stop we must kill 100,000, even a million.” Rabbi Eliayahu
"Rabbi Ovadia Yossef said in a sermon during the Jewish Passover that the Arabs should be "annihilated" with missiles because they were "evil and damnable". He said: "It is forbidden to be merciful to them."
"Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim’s appointment is being met with backlash — as he is outspoken for allowing soldiers to rape women during wartime.
The list of proclamations by Rabbis goes on and on and Andrew Bolt supports Israel where the extreme religious right rule.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
"Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!"
However, the embassy website showed the decision to move the location was made in 2008 under George W Bush, months before Barack Obama took office in January 2009.
It would have been impossible to retrofit the aging concrete building with the security measures needed, officials said at the time.
American rednecks are still lapping the entertainment up they gave politics away years ago.
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