This Australia Day, I'll be looking forward, not backwards
"On Australia Day, I will not be thinking of the First Fleet. I will raise a glass to this marvelous country, to what we have achieved and what lies ahead. For all of us. Together."
Typical of the beneficiaries of crime Vanstone appealing for a Statute of Limitations be placed on Invasion Theft Murder and Mayhem and focusing on their eradication by the "lies ahead" focus on the education of the next generations. The falsification of history would suit her Catholic Church and the removal of child molestation as well
. However, how does one know the direction 'forward' without knowing where one came from in the first place. Is there a concept of North without knowing where South is? How does one evaluate progress if one hasn't a grip on the past a true grip on the past? Imagine the Germans wanting their past erased and what Vanstone would have to say about Holocaust and just forget it. Should India and Africa forget their past and the colonial theft of their stolen generations? Should Vietnam forget their napalm scarred lands and the millions killed because of its embarrassment to the US and Australia? Vanstone says yes "it was a defence as was Iraq" Is that the truth everything we do is a defense but everything others do isn't? Forgive us is Vanstone's songbook but don't ask for any 'rights' or compensation just forget it. It seems she opts for the re-education process and of manufacturing a liars history not really a focus on moving forward but one of ensuring the brakes are on real progress and the real inclusion of all the nations citizenry.
Even a 24hour shift in a date is too extreme for her Greens plan major Australia Day date- change campaign
Teens arrested in relation to Thomastown, Laverton armed robberies

Dutton and Guy Twins but not like Arnie and Devito but Dumber and Dumber
Media sanity at last a report that doesn't politicize gangs of "redheads" terrorizing the streets of Melbourne along with Dutton demanding Immigration laws to protect us from them. A report that doesn't focus on the opinions of Matthew Guy or Peter Dutton who seem to suggest Victoria has the worst youth crime problem in the country despite the fact that statistics show Qld Dutton's state, with less population, has rates of youth crime 50% higher than Victoria and NSW 150% higher. Matthew Guy is a little man with a major math problem too. Hardly a person capable of running the State, Lets not forget when as Planning Minister he was doing deals for his mates at Phillip Island and instead of being sacked he reversed the problem with money.
One might well ask what sparks delinquent action among kids if racist advertising has been reported as the cause of H&M stores being trashed what do kids trash when the media publishes our political racism put out by our racist politicians namely the Liberals. They don't own a store but they run this country.
H&M stores trashed in protest over 'racist' ad
Protesters storm H&M stores in South Africa, pushing over mannequins and tearing down racks of clothing after the retail giant was embroiled in a racism controversy.
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