Dutton, Turnbull legitimising anti-immigrant vigilantes, say, experts

"Senior politicians' claims of an African gang crisis have lent legitimacy to far-right groups who are now planning vigilante action, experts say.
The True Blue Crew claim they plan to attend crimes in progress and make citizens' arrests, while the Soldiers of Odin say they are running "safety patrols" in the CBD"
Dutton's enabling the very thing he claims he claims he's against "gangs" right-wing hate groups who claim they are free to roam and harass in our cities now that the government is yelling "stranger danger". Our government has become the very enablers of vigilante hate groups in the hope of igniting another Cronulla all for the sake of desperation politics in order to take up the oxygen from One Nation and bow to the right-wing of the Liberal Party.Turnbull really has given in to Abbott's political style and his opposition tactics and shown the color of his fear. It's the model of Conservative politics played off the back foot.
The media ignore any police, community or expert statements and encourage the use of the term ?gang violence" where there is none. There is violence, yes but not gang-related and it's not escalating in Victoria it's in fact decreasing. It's obvious from the incident in Hawaii that if headlines say the word "panic" often enough and distribute it widely enough and then take a poll they will find the "panic" they are looking for and another headline to boot. When the damage has been done it's sufficient to walk away from it and then blame others rather than the fake news created.
"We have a few ideas we hope to put in place. It's about time the community got involved because it's clear to see the police cannot save us all," leader Kane Miller told Channel Seven News." Up close and personal with right=wing groups
"Australian National University radicalization expert Dr. Clarke Jones agrees that political leaders' comments on African gangs have breathed life into extremist groups. "
The government gives more credence to the UPF and vigilante groups than they are prepared to give experts because it's not in their interest.
" A spokeswoman for Minister Dutton said he had "condemned individuals on the extreme right and left"."Academics playing politics make themselves feel better, but add little to the public debate," she said."
What we have then is politically manufactured mayhem by extremist politicians like Dutton, Turnbull's tool and Matthew Guy their Victorian puppet on the ground all encouraging an Orson Welles "War of the Worlds " experience using the media to flame it and deliver the message of panic to an unwitting public. It's the intentional Orwellian creation of division when the facts show the opposite. Youth crime is 50% less in Victoria than Qld Dutton's home state which has a much smaller population and 150% less than NSW using Racism as their tool just as Goebbels once did.
What we have then is politically manufactured mayhem by extremist politicians like Dutton, Turnbull's tool and Matthew Guy their Victorian puppet on the ground all encouraging an Orson Welles "War of the Worlds " experience using the media to flame it and deliver the message of panic to an unwitting public. It's the intentional Orwellian creation of division when the facts show the opposite. Youth crime is 50% less in Victoria than Qld Dutton's home state which has a much smaller population and 150% less than NSW using Racism as their tool just as Goebbels once did.
What African gangs? The youth crime scare is simply class warfare
The Government should be condemned for demonizing poor and minority communities writes Kate Hamley, who suggests a better approach to the issue of youth crime.
Alternative Facts: "Right-wing Gang Threatens People Of African Appearance" - » The Australian Independent Media Network
The impetus for Peter Dutton and his followers like Turnbull to criticise Victoria for lawless African gangs – as opposed to lawless caucasian groups like the ones threatening vigilante action or the youths who rioted in Torquay – was the trashing of an Airbnb. Unfortunately, it turns out that the Sudanese youth who did this were actually down from Sydney, so it’s not because of the Victorian State Government – it must be the fault of the NSW government. I can’t wait to hear the Federal flops attacking Gladys Berejiklian for her inability to maintain law and order.
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