Thursday, 18 January 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,18/1/18; Meet the Trump's; Dutton's politicising fake and biased statistics; Australia Day, Bernardi stealing songs without permission;

 Donald Trump Told Porn Star Mistress She Reminded Him Of Ivanka | Crooks and Liars

Donald Trump Told Porn Star Mistress She Reminded Him Of Ivanka

Before you read this post, I am going to warn you that the content is disgusting, offensive and flat-out despicable. Please wait to read this until you have digested your last meal or you may throw it up.
Ok, ready?
 Donald Trump Told Porn Star Mistress She Reminded Him Of Ivanka | Crooks and Liars
What statistics can and can't tell us about Melbourne's African crime issue - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)



What statistics can and can't tell us about Melbourne's African crime issue - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"Fifty per cent of the Sudanese population is under the age of 25, and that's compared with 33 per cent of the Australian general population. So you're not comparing like with like."As you'd probably guess, the overwhelming majority of crimes in Victoria are committed by people born in Australia, followed by New Zealanders.

Sudanese are only 5th, we are only talking "alleged" Crimes so profiling also skews the stats. So basically Dutton is not comparing apples with apples and politicizing fake facts. There is an over representation of young people in the 6000 Sudanese in Victoria 50% compared with 33% in the general population.

Fear mongering not helping

There's a problem with the over-representation of young Sudanese men in Victoria's justice system, but tackling the issue would be easier without hyped-up political rhetoric, Richard Willingham writes.


    Most Aussies don't mind when Australia Day is held, poll finds

    Fifty-six per cent of Australians say they don't care when the country's national day is held as long it involves a celebration, a new poll finds, with almost half of those surveyed agreeing the occasion should not be offensive to Indigenous Australian


A composite image of Cory Bernardi and Darren Hayes

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