US Defence Secretary James Mattis says countering China's rapidly expanding military and an increasingly aggressive Russia are now the main focus of America's national security, outpacing the threat of terrorism.
Remember when "terrorism was the biggest threat to Australia. When we needed urgently to spend a half billion dollar a year on a task force to bomb the Middle East in our "defense". Well, it seems to have quietly slipped off the political radar for the moment the urgency is over. Why isn't the Murdoch media heralding the news in celebration of the victory as it did the danger raising Tony Abbott's stocks?
Why is it the LNP in this country has always been the political party to "attack" and "invade" other nations and call it "defense" Vietnam wasn't a necessary loss but a futile and moronic efforts to scare the shit out of us and call it defense for politics? The Movie The Post shows just how politicians hid the facts in favor of their political interests and told us we operated in a democracy. The LNP is doing it now calling our aggression "defense" even though it's half a world away and silently walking away when it's no longer their political priority. Asylum seekers no longer potential terrorists are still rotting on Manus and Nauru. Will this government now follow the US and change it's focus on China and Russia now?
Dutton has turned on Sudanese Christians as the threat conveniently leaving out the fact that they are Christians and throwing in the Somalis to suggest by innuendo they are Muslims. It's as simple as that and it's what Trump has done declaring nations "shitholes". When media the size of Murdoch takes sides he's able. You can run a false headline for a few days and any attempt to prove it fake takes not only time to begin but even longer to extinguish. The damage done and haven't we be watching Dutton do just that with Murdoch help lately?
Most stories in the media about Africa stick to well-worn paths of war, conflict and
disaster, reinforcing narrow and negative images. Sometimes these preconceptions tap into older prejudices about the "dark continent" that hark back to the days of colonialism and slavery.
Dutton's ignorance was revealed and amplified to the world during his prejidiced 'Boomgate' moment joking about the Pacific Islands with Tony Abbott on TV. He's shown it to be even worse in his current response to the South Sudanese in Victoria. Andrew Bolt consistently uses the term 'African" in a derogative and perjorative way which exhibits the same level of unsophisticated ignorance that Racists use mimicking Trump in his opinion of 'shithole ' countries. Dutton and Bolt really show Australia definitely the most predjudiced country in the region when they make us out to be the most shithole when we are not. Melbourne in fact has been voted to be the most livable city in the world and they Dutton and Bolt, more than anyone, with access to media ensure everyone it's not. Boomgate repeats and repeats and mirrors their bigoted un-Australian mentality.
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