Aboriginal Australians are a problem for our society - » The Australian Independent Media Network
We can teach our children real Australian history because, just like ‘the convict stain’ that until fairly recently we didn’t want to admit was in our blood, the atrocities committed against the Aboriginal people of Australia was a very real thing. We hunted them like they were foxes from old England, pests and sexual playthings in a country where white women were few and far between and destroyed them for acting in ways we could not understand.
Wholesale slaughter of the Aboriginal people was common and rarely punished. Poisoned flour and tea was given to them freely and generously, as deaths from sickness in the Indigenous population was something never investigated by the government.
Should Aboriginal people just forget about it? Forget that until fifty years ago they were considered more akin to livestock than humans according to governmental policy, their existence legislated under the Flora and Fauna Act, instead of the Constitution like the rest of us.
We have forgotten or never accepted the fact that we have created the world they now live in and, though we want them to accept responsibility and fix the problems that exist in their division of society, we refuse to allow them the tools and mechanisms to make this possible.
This won’t fix the problem, but it might help all Australians to look at the social divide a bit more carefully.
We need a new public holiday.
Victoria's first female Aboriginal MP receives death threats over Australia Day comments - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Victoria's first female Aboriginal MP says she has been threatened with death and gang rape for her comments over Australia Day.
Greens MP Lidia Thorpe has previously called for flags to be flown at half-mast on January 26 to recognise the crimes committed against Aboriginal people.
But her calls earlier this week were met with threatening emails and notes, which since reported to Victoria Police.
Ms Thorpe said she would not be silent despite the threats.
"I am not going to stand for this kind of behaviour and I'm not going to back down from the message that I'm trying to send out there to the people of this country," she said.
"We need to deal with the true history of this country.
Australia Day: Tony Abbott says British settlement 'a very good thing' | Australia news | The Guardian
Is it a coincidence or does Tony Abbott seem to only speak up when Malcolm's out of the country or Tony himself is out of the country or is it merely only then he can garner media attention? Or doe it simply show how few people listen to Ray Haddleyon 2GB?
Former prime minister says Australia must not give in to ‘carping self-criticism’ as Malcolm Turnbull visits Japan
'Mystical' contemporary art celebrates Australia

'Mystical' contemporary art celebrates Australia
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