Bolt's the man whose always in a dlilema when it comes to progress. There are no decisions possible on either objective or reasoned grounds. Every current decision is in fact subjective equivalent to a religious belief and therefore political. The safest decisions are for Bolt none.
Who should be choen as Australian of the year or the Book of the year ? Well knowing full well he will never be chosen Journo of the the year Bolt comes up with " I don't care" "I don't give a dam about awards or award ceremonies" other than Anzac Day and Australia Day.
Yes Bolt is the center of his own universe and we don't give a dam either about what he thinks. Compensation for criminal actions justified as welfare are warranted and even Bolt admits mistakes made. Well they will be compensated and will be assessed not on legal terms but on moral ones. On terms that were ignored, hidden and forgotten by Bolt's Christian and State godbotherers who broke up families seperated siblings lied and insured renuification was never possible. Their motives won't be challenged however their actions will as will the results. Judgement won't be soley on the basis of why a decision was made but the consequences something not as documented as Bolt would like.
Just as Bolt's forebears didn't document the atrocities done to the Jews or those accused of being Jews in Aalsmere and the Netherlands in WW2. Just as the Dutch tried to make out that they were the heroes in their record of history taught a revision will occur. It took until the 1980s for Jewish investigators to prove the Dutch weren't as lily white as they said they were. that history was rewritten. In fact the Dutch were even worse than the Germans when it came to decisions made.
So it will be remembered that Australian Andrew Bolt the eldest son of Dutch immigrants resisted the need to rewrite the history as presented and taught to Australian children evidenced in the "official record". What a load of regressive crap from some moron that goes about declaring he's more Indigenous with a better Culture than the majority of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.
Previously undisclosed arrangement involved use of party funds to give the Nationals leader wage during campaign
Grassroots Nationals members had to foot the bill to pay Barnaby Joyce a
salary for six weeks after the Deputy Prime Minister was thrown out of
Parliament and lost his $416,000-a-year job. That's $48,000 unemployment benefits paid by taxpayers Bolt fails to mention
Bolt hasn't any support if one took a poll on whether or not he should remain in his commentary box or has had his day he wouldn't rate highly. He certainly wouldn't go either the money is too good.
Column But what about the wives? Why can’t we say that what Barnaby Joyce did to his wife was immoral? Boy, have commentators shied off such judgments. But not so the married women ringing me on talkback, hot with anger. How many wives have sacrificed their own careers to stay at home and raise the children so their husband can soar?
For Bolt to even search a photo like this is shows he's on a moral witchhunt he doesn't really care about Barnaby Joyce one way or another. The context of the photo is unknown but Bolt's bullying motive is perfectly clear. He was celebrated Joyce's electoral victory after the by-election as much as the Nationals did.
What Bolt does care about is making life hard for the Liberal Party and Malcolm Turnbull. His misogyny and the place of women he calls "frightbats" is clear we saw how he treated Miranda Devine when Steve Price's show had her as the headliner Bolt went publicly apeshit and Devine has rarely been seen on his show since. Prior to any of that Devine to Bolt was what the woman in this photo appears to be to Barnaby Joyce. Bolt's choice of photo to make a point amplifies his hypocrisy.
Uh oh. Seems lies were told: "Adult film star Stormy Daniels
reportedly believes recent comments by President Trump's lawyer open the
way for her to discuss publicly her alleged affair with Trump...
Michael Cohen [said he] arranged a $130,000 payment to Daniels shortly
before the 2016 election in exchange for her silence on the alleged
Bolt's morality
"Once again, the affair is one thing. Many politicians have affairs and
there are no consequences for public policy or political performance.
Who cares, as long as it's discreet." well that's personal and lying is quite acceptable it seems and even for the President of the USA who has been recorde to have lied 2500 times in his first year. The fact that Trump had an affair has been of no surprise to the American voters but his constant lying and being caught out for it does not just to Americans but to the whole world.
The number 2,500 certainly didn't arise with Clinton or any other President even Nixon.

The shooter, a white redheaded male wearing a crimson sweater, was taken into custody by police shortly after the shooting.
What is the chance of Andrew Bolt even mentioning this? Unless of course if the shooter is an albino black, an immigrant refugee, Latino or Muslim. Bolt does mention it without any of the political innuendo that his comments are usually accompanied with. He even leaves the fact of the one certain death out or comment on the fact that the shooter was white a definite trend in the US.
What sickness is this? Another school shooting in the United
States: "At least 20 students were feared hurt and 'there are many
deaths,' according to Sen. Bill Nelson, in a shooting ... at a high
school in Parkland, Florida, as local media reported a student was
considered a person of interest." A video shot inside one room captures
the terror.
"So far no confirmation from police of deaths:" This is in fact not true
and is a lie on Bolt's part or his incompetence Will Bolt post an
than 40 “active shooter” episodes in schools have been recorded in the
United States since 2000, according to F.B.I. and news reports. Two
15-year-old students were killed and 18 more people were injured last
month in a school in rural Benton, Ky. The shootings have become common
enough that many schools, including Stoneman Douglas High, run annual
drills in which students practice huddling in classrooms behind locked
With the Parkland shooting, three of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern United States history have come in the last five months.
Yet the gun laws remain unchanged
teen gunman who allegedly opened fire killing 17 and causing the
evacuation of 3000 students left bodies scattered in hallways and
outside school grounds.Guess Bolt just might point out that Cruz is a Latino name. Given that News Corp and Fox News support the NRA Bolt never seems critical of the laws but searches for stereotypical narratives to blame non Whites and immigrants for these massacres. Bolt never really focuses on the fact that it's White Christian Americans that in fact own and are the most likely people found to be armed in America and who more than likely when voting vote Red
The problem with having North Korea co-host the Winter
Olympics is that freedom suffers: "A Kim Jong-Un impersonator says he
was dragged out of the Winter Olympics by 'North Korean heavies' after
turning up in character and dancing in front of regime cheerleaders.
Today said he was detained by cops beneath the stands for around half an
"Tyrannies don't do humour. And too many democracies don't defend it." This comment is coming from Bolt who does humour extremely badly and constatly attacks Australian humour as a leftist denigration of the State calling for it to be banned from the ABC, SBS and any Arts funding.
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