Suspect in Florida school massacre charged with 17 counts of murder
A picture of the Florida high school shooting suspect has emerged of a deeply troubled and violent teenager who tortured animals, had no parents, trained with a white supremacist paramilitary group and was the subject of numerous calls to police.
Andrew Bolt called the Barcelona terrorists heroes with conviction ready to die for their cause and called young white Christians gutless.It seems we have discovered Bolt's heroes recently in the white and determined mass shooters of America who certainly aren't Black, Muslims, refugees or immigrants but are white and proud Americans. 3% of the population who on average have 8 weapons each bought legally in a country that houses 350 mill private weapons or 48% of the worlds total and comes together and practices using them in patriotic groups often after church. They in the main vote Red, vote Trump and watch Fox News.
When Donald Trump tweeted his go-to response full of "prayers and condolences," some students responded to him, demanding he acknowledge gun control laws.
"Why was a student able to terrorize my school mr president," one student tweeted.
When Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren tweeted the standard conservative line that "this isn't about a gun," multiple students responded to her on Twitter.
"I was hiding in a closet for 2 hours," one tweeted back. "It was about guns. You weren't there, you don't know how it felt."

Melbourne Grammar student suspended over 'hit list' and kill comments
Melbourne Grammar School has suspended a student who created a “hit list’’ of dozens of his classmates and spoke about killing theCopies of the disturbing list have been circulated among senior students at the prestigious private school and includes a short, offensive description against each child’s name.“I don’t think I’ll be able to kill him he never shows up anyway,” one entry on the list says.
Don't for one moment think that the privileged elite youth of Australia aren't violent, criminal or don't do drugs and yet they are the kids held up as Bolt's ideal and real Australians. This is the reality Andrew Bolt spends his energy fantasizing about the imaginary yardstick of his idealized Australian youth just like Arthur Rylah's "Teenage Daughter" our Liberal Deputy Premier in the 60s banning and wanting to ban everything in sight. However, it was pointed out to Rylah that he didn't have a teenage daughter.
What these kids have in common is the belief in Bolt's "them and me"," Might is Right" what separates them our Gun Laws that the conservatives would like moderated.
One Fact is clear Andrew Bolt follows Fox News format and has avoided commenting on the Florida Massacre as if it's not Newsworthy. It proves those who call him a Racist are right.
According to right-wing media, it's never the time to talk about gun violence
Shep Smith defies Fox, calls for giving more resources for research to stop gun violence

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Thursday accused Democrats of politicizing the latest school massacre and insisted that "evil" would always be present regardless of gun laws.
Ted Cruz Blames Obama For Mass Shooting After Accusing Dems Of Trying To 'Politicize' Florida Massacre
Maker of assault weapon used in Florida school shooting has donated over $1,000,000 to the NRA

Malcolm Turnbull, reacting to the Barnaby Joyce disaster, bans Ministers from having sex with their staff. But Joyce isn't is strife for the sex but for everything he did afterwards - not just leaving his wife, but handing his girfriend taxpayer-funded jobs and taking a free-apartment from a mate.
Malcolm Turnbull humilates Barnaby Joyce, saying he was "appalled" by his "shocking" behavior and stopping him from serving next week as Acting Prime Minister. He also asks him to "consider his position". But Joyce, fighting for his career and $400,000 salary, refuses to quit, making Turnbull look weak. Chained together, they sink.
Joyce is selfish. His is destroying the Government, humiliating the prime minister and turning his Nationals party into a laughing stock - the "family values" party that now looks like a pack of hypocrites."
Malcolm Turnbull yesterday said he was "appalled" by Barnaby Joyce's "shocking" behaviour, choked over the pain Joycwife for his staffer and suggested he consider quitting. But Turnbull knew of this affair in December and said nothing. In fact, he hugged Joyce and claimed they formed "the closest, best team". What changed?

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