Saturday, 31 March 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 31/3/18; Andrew Bolt evading guilt; Israel Turns Good Friday Bloody, 16 dead; The Queen of Cringe; The P in LNP; The Fraud Fetale; Bolt's Failure in Florida; Coal-ition want to Nationalize Coal and give it to China for Cheap Labor why? Cheap Labor = Cheaper Dirty Energy







In Gaza, Israel turned Good Friday into bloody Friday

Maybe Warner was evading the guilt that was his. Or may he was avoiding telling truths damaging to others. Bolt
Either way, he has ensured that this scandal rolls on until every question is answered. Bolt
16 protesters dead killed in cold blood by Israel's IDF 1400 wounded and Bolt focuses on Cricket.
 Further 7 White Australian's arrested for organized  Paedophilia must be "abo's according to Bolt because it's not White Anglo-Western Culture. Ignoring it is however singularly Andrew Bolt "evading guilt"


Cheating scandal Steve Smith and David Warner did not create this nasty culture of the Test team by themselves. So spare me sermons from former captain Steve Waugh: "Like many, I'm deeply troubled by the events in Cape Town... Some have now failed our culture." Osman Samiuddin isn't buying the sanctimony, and has the videos to show why.
It didn't start with Waugh Bolt you simply hate history or the facts that might just be found in it. Cricket became a game where Ametueurs and professionals entered the arena form different gates. There was a clear distinct difference between class presence in the game where the working class professionals introduced $$$ win at all cost attitude and sledging to the game because it meant money. Australia was a team of working-class yobbos who brought disreputes the once strictly gentle game of cricket. Imran Khan was one to point that out. Australian's cheered off to the greater commercialisation of the sport and the slave performance wages cricketers were to play for in comparison to the ACB and Television. They were turned into gladiators to win at all costs and Australian Culture of a "Fair Go" turned a blind eye.
So yes Australia did change the nature of cricket  when tradie's working class men got paid to walk on the pitch and they brought their no-frills competitive culture to the game reducing it from an elite team sport to a gladiatorial one where business ruled and individuals were forced to be gladiators and all or nothing became the core of the game. These same people competed in the 20/20 bash and one-day cricket Australia's dreaming calling it the gentleman's game it once was when amateurs ruled. One might well ask why there are an England but no Irish, Welsh or Scottish test teams?
 "Can we learn, please, to do nuance? Proportion? Balance? Or are all these things dead in the age of Twitter and the moral pile-on?" Bolt
Sexual molestation of children is caused by Dysfunctional Abo Culture according to Andrew Bolt. Who ignores the white Aussie Paedophile rings the clergy and denies the consequences and abuse of those who were part of the "Stolen Generation" When White Australians his people are caught out for these crimes Bolt just ignores the facts. Now that's a nuanced approach.
Good Friday in Israel is yet another example of Bolt's nuanced skills.


Fake history Mamamia tells an outrageous untruth to damn an "outrageous" statement: "The first mistake [by Sunrise] was to use an all-white panel.... They spouted outrageous statements implying the Stolen Generations – that saw millions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children forcibly removed ... – happened for “the wellbeing” of Indigenous people." 
 A further example of Bolt's nuanced  approach
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children forcibly removed from their families from 1905 until 1969 " were taken largely for their own good.'"
The children he says were taken with good intent. That's it not a thing to say about the actual organization of that good intent the experience and consequences of that good intent. The molestation, abuse and slavery children experienced in harsh institutions that lied to them about their families parents and siblings dead when they weren't. The nuanced explanation of history  by Bolt is simple removal was for their "well being" and he wants more of it despite the recent review published in December but ignored until now by our government on the systemic injustice done to Indigenous Australians 2% of the population where men are 25 times more likely and women 34 times more likely to be incarcerated for crimes of poverty.
Andrew Bolt's nuanced approach to 2% of Australia's Indigenous population "And so the criminals become the victims in these crazy days.". It's his man in a suit way of saying the "niggas" are acting up and need to be taught a lesson. How Colonial of him. In the meantime, the political classes have stolen $2 Billion from monies allocated to Indigenous Welfare. Banks are laundering Mafia Money and  BCA can't get corporations to even make a pledge of transparency and accountability let alone a promise to fulfil their obligation to pay taxes owing to the ATO. Yes, Bolt and his culture give Australians the bird when these poor white criminals 1% of the nation are addressed. He never discusses the damage they do that effects the nation disproportionately. But that's the distraction of policing in capitalism it's there for image and protection of the wealthy and corporate 1%. 30 of these people cripple millions of citizens daily.
Has Bolt raised the question of cheating Parliamentary rules by the Liberals in Victoria this week to get a bill stopped? Not a word said.


  Pauline Hanson is now the P in LNP…

'She's a fraud': Pauline Hanson's book reignites David Oldfield feud

  • by Adam Gartrell


Day to Day Politics: The Queen of Cringe…

This proves One Nation haven't a clue


 Widow of Pulse nightclub gunman found not guilty

Related image
Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, his second wife Noor Salman and their son.

 Moreno told jurors the FBI did not record its interrogation and coerced Salman into making statements that favoured the prosecution. The defence said prosecutors could not show any direct links between Mateen and Islamic State and provided no evidence that Salman aided her husband.

Andrew Bolt was beside himself at the time reporting mass shooting as Islamic Terrorism only to be denied by an by an Institutional conspiracy by the left thinking Police, FBI and American investigators. At the time Bolt's Fake News and alt-Right media rant were little more than blind hatred of Islam supported and encouraged by News Corp. Bolt was the mirror image of what was then seen as ISIS media. He too was a recruiting agent for potential Islamists and/or White Christian Nationalists to face off. Just as Alan Jones was for the 2005 Cronulla riots. Community fragmentation and division are the only opportunities the ultra-conservative right see to regain a grip on power. It's baton handed to Peter Dutton today from Tony Abbott who was given it by John Howard. The great Australian cricket loving Liar and Cheat.



 Coalition MPs in push to nationalise Liddell coal-fired power station

The charge for intervention is being led by Nationals MP George Christensen, but other MPs are said to have a degree of support for the idea, including former prime minister Tony Abbott and former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce.
Mr Christensen told Fairfax Media a compulsory land acquisition would mean the government could run Liddell itself or, if necessary, sell it to interested Chinese giant Shandong Ruyi.

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