Sunday, 11 March 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/3/18; Monuments; Bolt dumber than dumb from his kingsize bed; Privilege of a non productive talking head we subsidize; Obama;

 Abbott and Bolt's Monuments vs Reality
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Andrew Bolt claims to be an Indigenous Australian and what it feels like today


1h Bolt
 He think's he's funny


Jordan Peterson, now touring Australia, gets it said: "If you have 'unfairly benefited' then quit your job. Now. Let someone less privileged have a chance at it. Or shut the hell up. From BC. In Canada (for God's sake)."

5m Link

Bolt's response to those who speak of white privilege form his Sunday king sized bed"Jordan Peterson, now touring Australia, gets it said: "BOLT 

The thing is the campaign that Teresa Downs actually represents is one against the Racism and Safe Schools. Bolt dumber than dumb lays in his king-size Sunday bed and refuses to stand up and acknowledge that he's privileged. In fact, he's an unproductive overpaid twat that offers nothing to the Australian GDP other than a subsidy we pay News Corp to blind us. There he lies like Marie Antoinette saying "let them eat cake their prejudice is Black Racism and I can bear it"

"Downs said they decided to launch the campaign as part of the district’s conversations about colonization, racism and prejudice.“We feel that when any group that is defined as a minority is being impacted by racism, you also need to have the conversation that someone is benefiting from that racism,” said Downs. “And we here acknowledge that as white privilege and feel that that is an equally important conversation that needs to be occurring.” Downs 

 What Bolt doesn't emphasize is this part of a Safe School Campaign run in Canada and 95% of parents are happy about it.

 ‘If you don’t have to think about it, it’s a privilege’ B.C. school district under fire for anti-racism campaign

“I am mindfully aware that my path and my journey has been easier because I am white.” Continue reading 

Jacinta Price
Brave young politician Jacinta Price challenges the new racism: "I am half Warlpiri and a mixture of Irish, Scottish and Welsh. My sons are of Warlpiri, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Malay, Indian, French, African, Chinese, Scandinavian and ­German ancestry. My stepson is half Scottish and a quarter Mauritian. They are all 100 per cent ­Australian.” 

"I hope that "half Walpiri" ancestry may at least spare Price from being called a racist and sued for pointing out a useful reality - and our only way forward.
Cheer the rise of our mongrel nation. A bit of everything to make 100 per cent Australian.
The alternative is not just a lie but a menace."Bolt
Bolt constantly fails to admit he was convicted of loose facts and lies undre Section 18 D which failed to protect him as a commentator and what he's arguing for is that lies are good if you want to debate and should be allowed. He also has a habit of twisting language in so far as to make debate meaningless when he declares that history is over and that he's more Indigenous than Jacinta Price or Adam Goodes.
 Bolt cheers Price's concept of a Mongrel Nation  but is determined to deny a Mongrel Culture one of divided privilege, Jacinta Price says she's Mongrel,yes but identifies with her Indigeneity. She represents one of a diverse number of political points of view of the Indigenous which might indicate  their diversity but not their disunity. Her priorities still remain closing the gap on Health, Education, Jobs etc and systemic prejudice which Bolt seems to ignore here and doesn't ever like to mention. Such as the $2 billion Welfare dollars gone missing in the NT.In other words all Bolt's done is twisted the woman's arguments and not addressed them. Just as he did in the post above.

Bolt unfortunately wants to sculpt his narrative of our Mongeral Nation into a mono-cultural one and do it at the fastest rate possible by saying all's well help does nothing for anyone other than making the privileged pay and that's black Racism.

Bolt's Colonial privilege  explained away by the fact he doesn't say "Boong"

"They feel they have a better grasp on the English language than what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do. So therefore it's their right to tell us what we are called."
In 2018 there is still a disturbing number of media outlets using outdated and offensive terms when reporting on Indigenous Australians.


 Catholic Church fails to confront tragedy of 'epic proportions'

Estimated 7% of clergy were sexual predators of children. The leaders like claim they knew nothing of it despite the ritual of confession and the rumours and complaints that abounded life was treated as normal. Right-wing media crusaders defend the church and certainly don't demand the removal of children.
Indigenous Australia openly cries help when exceptions of child molestation occur and right-wing media trolls, hounds like Andrew Bolt, rise to the opportunity and occasion to decry the poverty of  Indigenous Culture and that their children need to be removed for their safety not stolen. They decry the money spent on Indigenous Welfare but remain silent on the $2 billion diverted no stolen in paper shuffling. $2 billion allocated to close the gap. No such outcry is heard or action demanded of these other organizations like the Catholic Church. Who needs the greater government assistance in the care of children families who love them or $30 billion organization with an arms-length attitude to welfare that profit by numbers  (Old Dog)

 Here lies in bed an overweight Bolt in bed wanting it all for nothing paranoid he isn't being told the truth as once claims he was by Tony Abbott. Do we really have to list the lies Abbott told to get into power let alone the ones he told to have himself thrown out of office by his own team?
What does Bolt's  schoolyard name calling do for his reputation? It shows us it's Sunday for one and he's isolated from the cronies the works with for ideas. Yes he did feed off Rita for this but look at his response and his banner. He puts himself fairly and squarely in the schoolyard.
As for games well President Trump has entertained himself with over 100 days playing Golf thats near 33% of his Presidency and Bolt no doubt thinks that's fine given News Corp makes money out of him no matter what he does no matter whose ideas he steals and no matter the scandals he denies. News Corp via Bolt even suggests Trump is the most popular President recorded by the polls in modern times with a multitude of friends. One only has to count the numbers walking out the White House door.

Bolt is not about the rate of immigration at all he is directly demanding immigration programs that are far more selective about where immigrants come from he's against the chain immigration that unites families. Basically Bolt isn't calling for a scientific, statistical or reasoned approach inclusive of needs of immigrants but an emotive prejudiced and exclusive one. What Bolt prefers to promote is an anecdotal one supporting his arguments for a White Christian and Conservative Australia. 

Andrew Bolt speaks from the wisdom of an extremest right -winger desperate for attention and who is at the bottom talking and telling Australians to jump and enjoy his ingnorance along with his minority ilk.
How so?
1) Australians are already against Corporate tax cuts and the myth of the trickle down effect that the majority of global economists deny has ever worked.
2) Australians are against the Coal obsession because investing in it is a form of global bankruptcy. The banks, Hedge funds and Australia's largest miners are divesting away from coal. Technologists admit to the myth of clean coal and renewables are growing despite government interferance. Bolt certainly has never admitted to investing in it and sounds more like a fraudulent financial planner for doing so.
3) Bolt's concept of the regulation of the rate Immigration intake is simply based to further his Racist and Ethnocentric principles with no real regard for the statistcal reality of the benefits of Immigration or the needs of those wanting to come. Ultimately his approach of attracting the best migrants possible means little or no Immigration whatsoever because the successful aren't in a rush to leave their countries unless they are corrupt or wanted. Why did Bolt's family flee the Nazi town of Alsmeer in Netherlands one might well ask? Why did his mother hate it here so much yet stay?
4) Release the Coalition Agreement the LNP wouldn't dare move to a greater Democracy and if it did and had Tony Abbott continued at the reins the Liberals would have been reduced to the size of One Nation.
5) Reconciliation Australia is the only country without a Human Rights Bill  the only Country 
 without a Treaty with it's First Peoples Canada, USA, and NZ must far too radically Left for Andrew Bolt who calls Recognition the New Racism if it's the New Racism what's the Old? He fails to acknowledge any of the truths revealed in our history.
6) Forget the Country but not the Mining or the Corporatization of it. Forget Australia or Land Rights which needs to benefit from a new corporate alliance with government and not an alliance with it's citizens who simply need to be retrained in a new narrative.
7) Gender targets what are they women are already sufficiently targeted by men in a Patriarchy why support the NEW Sexism if there's a News Sexism what was the Old Bolt. You can hear him now saying " I will put it in a little if it hurts I promise to take it out"
8) Campaign Finance reform is the terror of the LNP that devised every way possible of defining what Campaign financing is. What's News Corp front pages worth for 8 weeks? In fact what was the 2,800 pages of anti- Muslim Rhetoric and hate-news worth to the LNP last year. Couple that with Sky TV and Bolt's Blog and ask why Campaign Finance Reform is necessary and not the type that Michellia Cash moronicly attempted with raids on the AWU offices
Last but not least forget Bolt he didn't contribute to this post his worker Peter BH did it

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