Friday, 16 March 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,16/3/18; 28 seconds of dumb silence and Bolt thinks Abbott's Keating; Bolt's off in Cuckoo La La land of the hypotheticals bringing 1991 to 2018 and asking Turnbull to be Labour's Keating;



"Not all are poor, of course, being retirees sitting on substantial assets."Bolt This might just translate to none are poor which Bolt in his usual fashion has flipped and redefined. Shorten's policy is about to effect 10% of pensioners only and in varying ways. By this stage Bolt has had too many whiskeys "This is Malcolm Turnbull's change to do to Labor's big bold policy what Paul Keating did to John Hewson's Fightback.". Trying to tell us, Mr Canadia Abbott, the Suppository of all smart comments is the one needed. I don't think so. Remember the TV interview that the comedians of the world used to show just how not Keating he is. He broke the world record for stunned silence. Bolt's question "Who in the Liberal ranks would be a more relentlessly effective destroyer of a Labor policy?" comes from not just an over-enthusiastic Abbott sycophant but a less than average twit. When for one second did Tony Abbott or Andrew Bolt ever have the turn of the tongue that Keating had or has had since? 1992.
Guess Bolt might pump for Peter Dutton to do a Keating for Malcolm given his outspoken conservative moments that have always grabbed attention.  Remember Boomgate, now the queue of White Sth African farmers that don't want to leave their homes and the rising crime rate in Victoria which is, in fact, a 12 year low.  He was once Bolt's alternative conservative superhero second to Tony Abbott and another PM hope to topple Turnbull. Turnbull doesn't need to do a Keating he needs to rid the party of dead wood.

 Image result for Images of flying pigs


Can Malcolm Turnbull be the Liberals' Paul Keating?  Keating won the unwinnable 1991 election by smashing the Opposition's bold Fightback policy and its 15 per cent GST. Now another Opposition has produced a Fightback - this time Labor's $59 billion grab for tax rebates for share dividends.  But where is Turnbull? My editorial from The Bolt Report.
Is Bolt sane? Time 27 years ago 1991is for Bolt Turnbull's same challenge in  2018. 
1 Keating was a Labour PM Turnbull's not
2 Keating had been in continuous government with Hawke Turnbull hasn't
3 Hewson isn't Shorten and Shorten isn't Hewson
so all Bolt has done is shifted the question to a hypothetical that has no relevance to reality. can Bolt be a pig yes can he fly not a chance in this world. It wouldn't even be fair to ask. Is Bolt an idiot well there's no contest.

The reality 10% of pensioners will in various degrees feel the effect of Shorten's Policy however, they in the main aren't the diverse lot of 2 million they are the richest shareholders not the poorest they are the ones Corman says Shorten's constituents are jealous of. Yes, Bolt and Corman are fighting for the wealthiest minority and Shorten's trying to find relief a fair go for the majority of working and productive Australians.
 So here we are, with our parliament in a stalemate, wavering at the crossroads. One of the two paths leads out of the jungle. The other is a dead end. That’s where all the screeching is coming from Bolt's dead end. The kings of the jungle don’t want us to leave because they have been making money. They like it here.
The rest of us need to decide. Because the jungle is not going to civilise itself only a united opposition can and Shorten like Keating once did is the only one who can achieve that. making Bolt's hypothetical nonsense

Capitalism The LNP Ideal
"It’s a parasite, the ancient pathogen of rent-seeking. No need for invention or contribution. Just identify something lots of people depend on. Housing, utilities, jobs, transportation, health, education, credit. Then give your support to politicians who will help you extract a premium for nothing.
We carry this sickness in our body politic. When it flares up, it turns back the clock on the lives of ordinary people, as it is doing today. And it invites us, through spurious mythologies of origin and identity, to forget about the “fair go” and compete in a race that’s stacked against us.
Yes, Australia is still a benign place to live compared to much of the world. But the point is that’s changing. We’re slipping fast, down in the economic expectations of the IMF, down the OECD rankings for health, education and social security, and down the international indices of wellbeing."
Turnbull can't win an unwinnable election because he's on the wrong side and Abbott has never won an unwinnable one and is the least likely to even put up a show Bolt's question is just another distraction. The question, however, is better phrased can Turnbull and News Corp win an unwinnable election and that is hardly likely because at the moment they don't have a dog in the race.

Scott Morrison

In its rush to paint Labor as wild-eyed tax-and-spend merchants ... the Coalition is deliberately over-egging the impact

 Factchecking Coalition claims: is Labor going after Mum and Dad's savings? | Katharine Murphy | Australia news | The Guardian

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