Sunday, 18 March 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,18/3/18; Labor wins Batman; Dutton the mouth of News Corp;

 Batman votes: Labor holds seat in crucial byelection

Labour looks to have held onto its Melbourne seat of Batman, defeating a strong challenge from the Greens.
However not so in  the South Australian State Election

The Guardian

  Peter Dutton’s offer to white South African farmers started on the far right | Jason Wilson | Opinion | The Guardian

Like Trump Policy from Murdoch in Australia and yes it's from the mouth of Boomgate Dutton

The myth of ‘white genocide’ is a disturbing example of how alt-right ideology is mainstreamed and sold as policy
News’s campaign on the issue included reporting and two crucial columns by Miranda Devine and Caroline Marcus, which argued that the the latest moves on land reform put the country’s farmers in grave peril.

Peter Dutton
Peter Dutton is considering fast-track visas for white South African farmers, after the issue was put on the national agenda by News Corp papers.
Earlier, Devine had written about the kinship between Australians and “our oppressed white, Christian, industrious, rugby and cricket-playing Commonwealth cousins”, saying that they would “integrate seamlessly”.

The Slacker's Blog Andrew Bolt actually realized he has a resposibility to New Corp to whom he he's not just grateful for a job but psuedo position called a Non-News career. Friday & Saturday nothing and this is Sunday's result called work.

What a stupid statement minor parties flopped but so did the major ones it really doesn't make any sense. Fact is Labor won in Batman and the Liberals in SA I do fear for SA because the Liberals will wind back Labor's renewable energy program and set a progressive state back into the wilderness.
Weatherill may have lost the election but the state won't have lost the Renewable debate. Banks, Investors and Business will determine the direction that takes even if the new Government tries to cripple it. Trump is trying to do that in America and is failing badly.
Bolt certainly isn't a friend of the Liberals. He's simply pushing to have his dog reentered in the race. Turnbull still remains their leader no matter what Bolt says even something as moronic as Turnbull should be Keating. Moronic because he believes the Tony Abbott who was once a global joke as a leader. Bolt claims he is the Liberal Keating. How clever is that?
Andrew Bolt simply hates clear cut humour unless it has serious intent and like Milo. Milo really did support Paedophilia  with consenting children under the age of 16. Now Milo wasn't a "C..T as far as Bolt is concerned he supported him before and after the fact. He supported Bill Leak certainly didn't consider him to be a C..T. Tim is clearly being humorous. When Milo and Leak were being something else but Bolt the C>>T was deadly serious in supporting them. There doesn't seem to be the outcry except for from Bolt to this humour.

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As for Impartial well  in the strict meaning of the term, the ABC is
adjective: impartial
  1. treating all rivals or disputants equally. Compare and contrast the ABC with SKY News and the truth will be revealed. The ABC isn't just a single program neither is Sky news but there is a significant difference.

    "the minister cannot be impartial in the way that a judge would be"
    synonyms:unbiased, unprejudiced, neutral, non-partisan, non-discriminatory, anti-discrimination, disinterested, uninvolved, uncommitted, detached, dispassionate, objective, open-minded, equitable, even-handed, fair, fair-minded, just; More
    without favouritism, free from discrimination, with no axe to grind, without fear or favour;
    informalon the fence

    "the referee is obliged to be impartial"
    antonyms:biased, partisan

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