Monday, 19 March 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/3/18; Bolt calling Abbott the Liberal Keating; Who are th C..Ts really? Peter Foster was jailed for selling false product how can Sky News get away with it?; Invitation toPeter Dutton;

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Yet again Bolt repeats and repeats himself like a Hampster in a barrel. Yes, Australians want a functioning government and those that don't step up to the mark are dispatched. Since Abbott became Opposition leader Australia hasn't he either a two-party Democracy or a functioning Government. All we have had was years of abuse, fake alarm and Nope Nope Nope and it has continued to date ensuring we have no functioning government.
We have had however a government fighting, not an opposition but plagued by internal disunity, disloyalty and a private media supporting a conservative cabal within the Liberal party itself driven by the self-interests of donors and in particular the IPA and corporate interests particularly News Corp why? Because globally in the Anglosphere governments have increasingly followed the money. The donor path to policy and have become part of the MSM mainstream media business model. It couldn't be any clearer than in the USA with Trump totally in step with the Corporate World Murdoch and Sinclair and their abuse of the term News and Democracy.
We see it with News Corp, 2GB and Sky here driving the extreme right wing policies and economic and interests while distracting and dividing the country with false flag alarmist preoccupation with social division in order to fragment the country. Well, it seems Australians are sick to death of it.
Unfortunately, a correction is needed and one driven by the economic needs of the productive force of the nation and not just those rent seekers that just control the purse strings. The country needs to unionize the workers who this countries wealth is dependant on and it needs a government to support the interests of the 90% and not the just the non-productive 10% or should I say 1% and the 9% non-productive lackeys  they employ for illusion's sake like Andrew Bolt
The fact that Bolt really doesn't like is that the ALP doesn't really need to do much at all as long as people as stupid as Bolt are trying to sell Tony Abbott as the Paul Keating of the Liberals.


On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: Bill Shorten rises, but where is Malcolm? Watch the South African racist that white farmers fear. Peta Credlin and Josh Frydenberg on the fall of Jay Weatherill and his mad green government. Plus ABC "comedians" say that people wanting to save black children are white "c...s".

Bolt really is little more than a weekly repetitive talking head. His blog,column,guest spot on Price and the Bolt Report are rpetitive repeats on a theme occassionally interupted by guests to support that theme. One wonders whether or not it's less Bolt and mor producers that do the work of scripting the theatre
Where is Malcolm only Abbott has the power of a Keating has been running for days. It's a surprise they haven't  gone even further back in history and called Abbott Caesar. Truth Abbott has been Australia's most embarrassing leader not just domestically but globally a literal laughing stock, a joke with his 28 seconds of dumb silence in a TV interview topping of with Canadia and shirtfronting Putin and knighting Prince Philip. He even wanted to be a part of NATO  but was turned down.
 Bolt's guests Credlin and Frydenberg are there to repeat the failure of Green Power and show how Climate Change bankrupted a State. Truth is all three ignore the math and the statistics and the science that shows S.A was in fact the most energy progressive government in trnsition in the country. 16 years and the change of electoral boundaries brought ALP undone not any landslide.
Bolt doesn't want to save children he wants to blame blacks. If he wanted to save children he'd be up in arms about all Australian children and the paucity of services provided to safeguard them from domestic violence. Indigenous kids in the NT suffer more due to theft of $2 billion dollars and 0.5 Billion dollar cut back in services poorly delivered. Yes Bolt's a C..T. Simply because he blames Abos and their culture and ignores the poverty, homelessness, drugs, alchohol and mental health issues that accompany white culture across the country. 300,000 whites must also be adopting the black way of life too due to their poverty etc etc. That's the problem not colour or culture but systemic lack of opportunity for an ever increasing number of Australians. The fact is it occurs more frequently among urban whites and is ignored and hidden however the Indigenous are serviced more intensely only by policing and that they are 30% of the NT population so much more visible.. Every week we here of a white males jailed for murdering a child. Bolt hardly ever discusses it. When he does he hints that  Child services are to blame yes for not their funding but poor delivery only not that they don't take a holistic approach. Year in year out Bolt has been doing nothing more than repeating himself and protecting the ultra conservative side of Politics.

Listen to Bolt and who do you hear Tony Abbott "In fact, it was decisive. It silences Shorten’s rivals, rewards his boldness, mutes criticism of his big new tax grab and clears his way to becoming prime minister within the year." Wasn't that Abbott's catch cry against Julia? But rather than telling Abbott to join the Liberal Party Bolt is telling Turnbull to piss off. That is, unfortunately, the very essence of conservative and fascist action destroy the Party. Abbott's been little more than dead weight and Bolt's his News Corp marionette.

Repeat repeat repeat. The fact $ 2billion dollars of social welfare money went missing in the NT. Consequence Indigenous Australians in remote communities are offered the worlds worst Health, Housing, Employment and education services. They are the worlds most policed peoples incarcerated and demeaned as we see  Andrew Bolt doing. Whites are murdering babies and Bolt focuses his laser on the Indigenous rather than the theft of human services they are entitled to so yes there is no objectivity here and the word C..T is appropriate. 
There are estimates that 300,000 Australians are homeless the majority suffering Mental Health issues  Health, Housing  Education and Employment services are ignoring them too and they like the Indigenous "Abos Bolts preferred term" are the most policed. How do we know 30% of our prisons are Mental Health Hospitals, Drug addiction and domestic violence facilities. Strange whites are turning blacks and even in our cities proof White culture is the catalyst for the social problems people face and the C..TS are those like Bolt that blame them. So we call them what we think they are in the most attention-grabbing vernacular.

 SKY NEWS  a haven for non-productive C..TS. News Corp an Oxymoron. If Australia's biggest conman Peter Foster can be jailed for selling Fake, not as advertised product. How does Sky News get away with it?

  • What You Need To Know About Attacks On White South African Farmers

  • A Guide To South Africa's Farming Land Repossession Debate

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      South African revolutionaries call Dutton’s bluff

     South African revolutionaries call Dutton’s bluff
    The Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania has called on Australia’s Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton to “come to our country and collect all his fellow racists who feel that they cannot live together with normal people and go live where they are accepted in that unbecoming society. 
    "This follows Dutton’s call to fast-track visa applications by white South African farmers who he said were facing “horrific circumstances” of being murdered and having their land taken away.
    He said they deserved to be resettled in a “civilised country”, a clear slur on South Africa.
    He said they would be “hard-working and not become dependent on welfare”, a clear slur on non-white refugees accepted into Australia.
    He said "They're the sorts of migrants that we want to bring into our country," a clear slur on the unfortunates stranded in Nauru and in Papua New Guinea.
    He said all of this after only recently stating that Australia should further reduce the number of migrants coming to Australia."

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