Jesus wasn't white: he was a brown-skinned ... - The Conversation
There is no way Jesus would get into Bolt's Australia he'd still be unknown and in the Middle East

Evidence from the committal hearing: "Detective Superintendent Paul Sheridan ... confirmed Cardinal Pell was the subject of a dedicated police investigation for 12 months before a complaint was made... Asked whether the operation was a 'get Pell operation' [he] said 'I wouldn’t use those words but I guess you could term it the way you did'."
"This raises very many important questions which I cannot canvas here.
No comments, for legal reasons."Bolt
because it seems no other media organization has that problem. Fairfax has freely reported what has been going on in Pell's committal hearing. Bolt's actually building up to flying another false flag crying crocodile tears that he can't because he's somehow the persecuted exception. That the eyes of the law are on him denying him free speech. What Bolt bullshit and it doesn't float. What we are seeing is just your average commital, due process to see if there might be charges to answer and if the police have sufficient evidence for the DPP to lay charges and bring Pell to trial. Pell might be famous but in the eyes of the court, he's just another man and Andrew Bolt's being a wanker using Pell to yell look at me I'm the victim here.
"That horror is not white racism or colonialism. It is the terrible dysfunction in Aboriginal culture."Bolt
Even Bolt now can't bring himself to insist the rapes actually took place. Despite the medical report that the boy wasn't physically hurt Bolt even flags allegations as reality. What's more, he makes the wildest racist generalizations from this alleged evidence saying they were caused by "dysfunctional Aboriginal Culture". Bolt uses the term as would any colonial or member of an Aussie KKK group telling us it's the way "boongs and niggas think". You can't get more racist than that,
The fact is more children throughout history have been abused, molested, violently treated and even killed by white Christian men who have gotten away with it. If and when abuse was done to Indigenous kids and only luck would determine if it was dealt with at all. If the children were white or coloured and the culprit of Bolt's class, a clergyman or an official, people tended to look the other way. Their focus was entirely in the direction of the poor whites and laser-like on the Indigenous Australians. The recent Report just released shows nothing has changed.
Bolt's focus on Indigenous Culture is a false flag telling us not to look in the direction of middle-class respectability which is more drugged up more alcohol-fueled, more promiscuous and bent but simply less visible in their dysfunction. Simply look at the number of rehab centres, private mental health clinics, hospitals and counsellors that have sprung up in recent years. It's boom town for dysfunction that's fast becoming normalized for the rich.
The dysfunction Bolt's talking about is poverty and it's increasingly spreading across Australia and we see it in the increasing homelessness in our cities which conservatives now want to police, hide and move out to camps on the edge of town no doubt. As for Indigenous Culture well it's been polluted by the poverty and lack of services provided. It's been on the edge of towns since the invasion. The social problems the indigenous face have developed is because of white culture and it comes with mass poverty and it's now happening to more and more white Australians who Bolt doesn't mention. They must be becoming Indigenous too if we are to believe anything he has to say.
Yes, Bolt's a racist who hasn't for a moment acknowledged the dysfunctional Justice, Education, Health, employment etc etc systems that ensure Australian poverty. The Indigenous remain more incarcerated and at the bottom of the ladder of every aspect of Australian life because they were the first and Bolt blames them for their oppressed state and not the system that ensures his privilege is maintained.

Even Bolt now can't bring himself to insist the rapes actually took place. Despite the medical report that the boy wasn't physically hurt Bolt even flags allegations as reality. What's more, he makes the wildest racist generalizations from this alleged evidence saying they were caused by "dysfunctional Aboriginal Culture". Bolt uses the term as would any colonial or member of an Aussie KKK group telling us it's the way "boongs and niggas think". You can't get more racist than that,
The fact is more children throughout history have been abused, molested, violently treated and even killed by white Christian men who have gotten away with it. If and when abuse was done to Indigenous kids and only luck would determine if it was dealt with at all. If the children were white or coloured and the culprit of Bolt's class, a clergyman or an official, people tended to look the other way. Their focus was entirely in the direction of the poor whites and laser-like on the Indigenous Australians. The recent Report just released shows nothing has changed.
Bolt's focus on Indigenous Culture is a false flag telling us not to look in the direction of middle-class respectability which is more drugged up more alcohol-fueled, more promiscuous and bent but simply less visible in their dysfunction. Simply look at the number of rehab centres, private mental health clinics, hospitals and counsellors that have sprung up in recent years. It's boom town for dysfunction that's fast becoming normalized for the rich.
The dysfunction Bolt's talking about is poverty and it's increasingly spreading across Australia and we see it in the increasing homelessness in our cities which conservatives now want to police, hide and move out to camps on the edge of town no doubt. As for Indigenous Culture well it's been polluted by the poverty and lack of services provided. It's been on the edge of towns since the invasion. The social problems the indigenous face have developed is because of white culture and it comes with mass poverty and it's now happening to more and more white Australians who Bolt doesn't mention. They must be becoming Indigenous too if we are to believe anything he has to say.
Yes, Bolt's a racist who hasn't for a moment acknowledged the dysfunctional Justice, Education, Health, employment etc etc systems that ensure Australian poverty. The Indigenous remain more incarcerated and at the bottom of the ladder of every aspect of Australian life because they were the first and Bolt blames them for their oppressed state and not the system that ensures his privilege is maintained.

No Bolt it wasn't a very bad and unexpected blow it was a very reasoned and expected piece of logic from Senator Tim Storer who is a first-class economist who denied the policy being passed and who couldn't be bribed. He made that judgement on a very bad policy denying the government the numbers. Bolt's not telling you who Tim Storer, in fact, is or his level of expertise. It's a reminder of the days when Tony Abbott failed to have bills passed in record numbers but Gillard broke the record doing it. It's not and "unexpected blow" or bad luck it's bad policy.
A new green fascism is replacing reason and debate with superstitions, fear mongering and bullying, and it is making us poorer and dumber. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
This talk of new fascism is coming from the man that tells us Science is just another Religion and is talking about its rise when the Greens seem to be losing their influence. Does he know what he's even talking about?
So Science is just another Religion and it's it's based on false faith that green power is necessary to save the planet or that there's any urgency to move in that direction. Bolt's premise progress is just a matter minor adjustments to economic interests and our social patterns of behaviour and our relationships that have become institutionalized over time. Slowly slowly over time and yes Science and technology will fix it. That sounds as if science isn't just another Religion after all. It just needs to be incorporated into the total control of current business interests.
Any attempt at radical change is far too dangerous for the likes of Bolt and the IPA and BCA, even if the intent is good. In simple terms don't rock the effen boat or we will need to withdraw scientific funding of heretical research.
If everyone in steerage expects to share the top deck a boat it will sink.The trouble is Australia isn't a boat it's what it's citizens made it what it is over time and they can change it's direction too. Should they want to problem solve do it with factual evidence logic and reason applying expertise and scientific methods to the task, not just interest? So why don't members of the Business Community and the IPA not want to pledge transparency or the paying of their taxes as a goal for our betterment?
Hollywood hates Donald Trump. But sees what happens when someone on TV doesn't: "Roseanne has returned to US television screens overnight after a two-decade hiatus, winning rave reviews [as] a pill-popping, Trump-voting grandma... The two episodes averaged ... 18.1 million viewers, making it the ... highest-rated sitcom in recent memory."
Roseanne Connor a fictitious character loves Trump but Roseanne Barr the actress who plays her certainly doesn't
"Despite their demographic similarities, however, neither Roseanne comports to the stereotypes about Trump supporters. The fictional one has a biracial granddaughter and a grandson who enjoys wearing clothing typically worn by girls. The real one differs from the mold even more. She ran for president in 2012 as a Green Party candidate, was a vociferous critic of President George W. Bush, is friendly with left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore and still emphatically favors LGBT rights and legal access to abortion. Barr even anticipated the #MeToo” movement by a full year by publicly promoting accusations that comedian Louis C.K. had sexually harassed women."
Remember "Till Death Do Us Part" and "All in the Family" they were comedies too. It doesn't mean these were Tory or GOP loving shows or that the casts actually represented themselves. Bolt seems to have no clue what comedy is. Barr is just making a return to something that was tried and true years ago. This is floating nothing new except the time and the money.
Arnaud Beltrame was a Catholic. Radouane Lakdim was a Muslim. Each followed what they took as the dictates of their faith. Lakdim was holding a woman hostage in a bloody siege in France, done for the Islamic State, when Beltrame decided he had to do something. Henry Ergas describes his act of grace - and a story of two cultures.
First Rotherham: some 20 rapists, 1200 victims. Then Rochdale: nine men preying on underaged girls. Then Telford: dozens of abusers, hundreds of victims. Now Oxford, and yet another Muslim rape ring: "Seven men have been found guilty of grooming and sexually abusing teenage girls 'on a massive scale'." UPDATE: I missed six more.
Warne: "Hysteria"
I feel sorry for Steve Smith. Yes, he made a big mistake, letting Dave Warner persuade him to cheat. But in these pile-on days, it seems we have trouble landing in a spot between defending someone and destroying them. Smith has lost the captaincy, his reputation, millions of dollars and his career during his one-year ban. He is shattered. Enough.
Column How many times will the Greens and populists deny the science that insists fracking is safe? What more must scientists do to defeat this organised ignorance that has left us so short of gas? This week a third scientific review — this time in the Northern Territory — confirmed the findings of the previous two: fracking, done properly, is safe.
They even lied about the cheating. It was sandpaper: "David Warner has been revealed as the orchestrator of an extraordinary cheating plot to alter the ball using sandpaper... Smith and his vice-captain Warner copped one-year suspensions from all forms of cricket, with Warner banned from ever leading his country."
Bolt's simply trying to shift deck chairs on the Titanic concerned about Smith's mental state and turning on Warner. Who was captain? Who could have said no?
He's not concerned about the mental state of the children on Manus why Smith when he was even lying when appearing to tell the truth. Bolt has no concern about the mental state of anyone he's helped get sacked and there are many. He even has no concern for some people he's cheered being sent out of Australia to where they came from and been killed. A case in point an Aghani Hazari who begged that his life would end if sent home and it did. Did Bolt mouth any concern for Peter Slipper's Mental State?
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