The Coalition works on the theory that “a rising tide lifts all boats”, which is all very well if you happen to own a boat. The majority of the population is either bailing hard to stay afloat, treading water or drowning.
In the last five years, the world’s economies have made a strong recovery. Investment has returned, GDP is growing, profits are up and jobs are being created.
The problem is that all this extra wealth is going to the people who already own boats.
In 2017, the top ten percent owned 50.3 percent of all wealth in Australia. The top one per cent’s share was 22.9 percent while the bottom 60 per cent’s share was 15.3 percent.

" Both sides taunted each other from across the street, with the left-wingers holding signs saying "fight racism" while the right-wingers carried banners saying "let the right ones in".
Dutton's intended political division and success "division". There are currently special humanitarian grounds for letting people in need into Australia no matter colour. South African Farmer in as long as they're White and Commonwealth Athletes out as long as they are Black. However, Dutton wants more than that when he says he want's "like-minded countries" to redefine the meaning of the term "Refugee" In other words he wants other nations along with Australia to break the International Refugee Agreement we signed up to. He's making out White South African Farmers have been excluded by definition and simply can't come here which is simply not the fact but a lie.
Dutton's intent is simply political division based on bullshit and its current success can be seen in the faces of those holding signs up declaring "White Lives Matter ". Dutton has taken up the cause started in Cronulla in 2005 and flipped it from those the right want in rather than out. He's not by any means original and has picked up the ploy from Martin Sellner's Austrian extreme right-wing Party Hope not Hate for Hipster Nazism which is in fact like Britain First in the UK.
Abbott, Dutton Molan and other conservatives took up their anti-Muslim cause as well but dropped them like hot coals when they realized they were serving time for hate-speech in the UK. In or out these extremists are calling for colour and religion and not need to redefine the term refugee and that it be no longer universal no matter colour or creed.
These ultra-conservatives have picked up the same ideas as Britain First but now from Austria's Hope not Hate Party and brought to us via News Corp and the Daily Telegraph and yes regarded as the new Cool Pro-Zionist Israel modern day Nazis
Fact check: Were 400 white South African farmers murdered last year?

The two decisions, both made by immigration authorities in 2015, appear to be at odds with Dutton’s recent stance in support of protecting white South African farmers.
To be granted refugee status, an asylum seeker must have a well-founded fear of persecution for one or more of a number of legislated reasons: race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.
Peter Dutton’s department blocked a white South African farmer’s asylum bid because its evidence showed “the vast majority of crimes against whites are not racially motivated”.
A delegate for Dutton also shut down a second, separate asylum bid by a white South African woman who feared racially motivated persecution, arguing there was no evidence she “had been targeted because of her race or gender or that she would be targeted for this reason upon her return”.
So Dutton's sudden change of heart appears to be purely political and he has taken up the cause of Austria's extreme Right Nationalist Party amplified by News Corp to change the International definition of "refugee" from one of need to one of the arbitrary choice of each nation. In this case only White South African Farmers who own 75% of the arable land. Isn't that simply advocating a hidden White Immigration Policy and trying to hide it under the cover of International Refugee Policy agreement that needs to be dumped or changed?
Courage, love, integrity: "Just eleven weeks into her pregnancy, the wife of Sydney Swans star Gary Rohan was told by doctors that one of her daughters ... has anencephaly, a fatal neural tube defect with no cure... Sadly these babies usually die during birth or soon afterwards." But to abort one twin meant killing the other. Read on.
Choice brave yes given the state of our health services. The right to choose.
Racism is wrong. The Optus ad should not have run - and I suspect it was a prank.
But why are we so blind to the new "good" racism? Bolt
One punching up the other down, One Exclusive the other providing opportunity.
Bolt simply turns to the Philosophy of linguistics to suggest there is no difference between the two ads either they are both racist or neither are. However where language fails us there remains an understandable difference. Reverse racism doesn't exist when there is an unlevel playing field. It doesn't exist in Australia So yes only one ad is good.

Terry McCrann: Last week I suggested that Tony Abbott had presented the government with a policy and political package that would in 2018 offer it the best chance of repeating the success of 2013." But then Turnbull rejected both Abbott and the policies. The Liberals' choice is clear.
Ergo infers some logic but there is no logic in a circular argument. The Abbott LNP did nothing to remedy Australia's infrastructure problem which may have caused overcrowding. So rather than deal with that infrastructure problem turn it into an Immigration problem because you wouldn't want to amplify Abbott's failure in an election Ergo move the goal posts and ignore the cause no simply change the cause. Abbott no longer matters. However, Immigration is not the problem in Australia it's become the convenient excuse to hide the impotence of successive LNP governments
Anthony Dillon, an academic with Aboriginal ancestors, on the censoring of Sunrise: "It has been the insistence that those Australians with Aboriginal ancestry be seen as another race separate to other Australians that has contributed to the deplorable state far too many Aboriginal Australians are in today." Non-Aborigines have a right to say so.
According to Bolt, we are all Australian citizens and that removes the issue domestically and globally that the indigenous population of Australia are the most disadvantaged and have been for over 200 years. However, as citizens Bolt can ignore the fact and simply say some citizens have brought disadvantage on themselves those that define as Aboriginal have because for 200 years they have resisted the benefits of citizenship. For Bolt a simple change of language redefines reality. There are severely disadvantaged citizens. Disadvantage brought on by the failure of the political solutions to the systematic production of disadvantage that has existed for over 200 years
If Australia were the AFL it would be clear that the system discards it's no longer useful but damaged and unwanted to the wilderness to fend for themselves. The working class, being the players. Bolt in media commentary somehow believes he's a cut above these prols somewhere near the top, why because of his possessions accumulated over some 30 years. However, he seems to be living in a fool's paradise because fundamentally he's a prol whose time will come to be discarded he just may have found time to tuck away a few more dollars than those the system discarded but that's all. His citizenship rank, however, will not make him a permanent member of any privileged class and his drop in favour will not be anything he has control over then or now.
Chris Kenny on the self-serving claims that leadership changes come at too high a cost: "If a new leader succeeds, the costs are immediately recouped. We really see costs only if the switch fails." Examples of success: Rudd replacing Gillard, Turnbull replacing Abbott (until he stuffed up).
How is it that Abbott who never had a high note poll wise was let go because of the costs he posed for the Liberals is the on one regarded as having 2 "significant" successes. However during his term in office almost equalled Gorton's record of the least number of bills passed. Kenny seems to think Gillard who broke records in achieving the rate at which bills were rubber-stamped by a hostile Senate was an underachiever. She passed some 103 more Bolls than Abbott.
Kenny seems to focus on the show and not the production rate of Governments. What however are the interests of the Australian public, product or just performance of a superficial kind? Gillard Government saved Australia from the pain that other OECD countries felt and are still feeling 8 years down the track and made us the envy of the world. Obviously a trivial achievement to Kenny and Bolt who enjoyed the painless occasion while deriding it.
If things were different Abbott would be a superstar. We know that but they're not and reality shows he's not. So bolt is describing fantasy. Tony Abbott hasn't had a positive public political rating since he entered politics. Yes, he has won the seat of Warringah a poll that counts. However, he only won the leadership of his party by 1 vote and became PM at the behest of the self- destruction of the ALP none of which put's him on a pedestal of being "so right" or in Bolt's view the king.
The want and need to cut Immigration numbers comes as a need to cover up the underachievement of Tony Abbott and the conservatives for decades on infrastructure. Abbott blocked rather than promoted any progress and now puts the blame on Immigration.
30 polls need to be explained? Yes, Abbott would be the first to ask but not the context. Nor the fact that Murdoch media have been determined to ensure Turnbull would never better those polls in the hope of a swell of new enthusiasm for captain nope which hasn't happened.75% of Liberal voters don't want a change. So no Abbott isn't right.
On coal, Abbott has become a government regulator not only does he want Hazelwood not shut but 40 more plants built as 65% of coal powered generators are coming to their lives end. All this against market and expert advice so no Abbott's not right if he were, in this case, he could also walk on water.
The price of electricity is not dependant on renewables again both experts and the Industry itself has said that in fact today the cost of coal power generation is more expensive. so Abbott is wrong again
Abbott may have been right on this point but it was never his like Abbott does and has done in the past he's taken Jackie Lambie's position as he has in the past taken Pauline Hanson's not acknowledging either which simply makes him a political opportunist and not right.
Why should Coal be subsidized? Besides subsidies aside the market has said otherwise and is divesting from coal Abbott has jumped to the socialist, no communist position of demanding Coal be nationalised. When in fact it was the Liberals that sold Liddell to AGL. Not right just a political opportunist.
The hate for Abbott is a mix of the fact that 1) he's a professional disruptor. 2) A careerist whose self-interest overrides all. 3) He his record of achievements of which Chriss Kenny claims are Abbott's were actually stolen and in fact have cost Australia it's once highly held world reputation. Furthermore, because he's the closest thing that News Corp can have relationship wise in Australia to what they have with Donald Trump in the US, a perfect fit.
The real message Bolt is sending is here is his obsessive antagonism, Miranda Devine. She made him lose his cool publicly and no one especially a woman does that. When it comes to Miranda what little objectivity, emphasis on the little, he has is lost
1) Universities threaten white Anglo-Saxon privilege and the status quo established since invasion day. Talking culture, race, power competency in science and promoting reasoned thinking are all dangerous
2) The paranoia of any diminishing of privilege inherited and rarely earned. Superannuation an example,
3) Total rejection of the Paris accords initially signed by Tony Abbott.
4) Rejection of emissions targets again signed by Tony Abbott
5) Blaming the cost of electricity on renewables over and above the analysis of experts and fact checks.
6) Applying democratic and meritocratic principles to the selection of cultural and government bodies heads.
7) Crying the stupidity of the NBN again whose existence was due Tony Abbott
8) Fear of any path that allows workers to associate
9)) Fear of the examination of any ideas encouraged in our universities and the ABC
What's being spelt out here is the establishment of fascist cultural control over any progressive or critical ideas or intellect that might enlighten and result in changes to both structure and culture that supports the current hierarchy of privilege and power currently embedded in Australia. In other words, Bolt leaves material control to the market but demands total control of ideas and speech by the established hierarchy not from any basis of fairness or equality but simply from restrictionless and unregulated power thundering from the top down to resist any unacceptable changes that might decrease the illusion tradition provides. Conservatives resist any reasoned or critical analysis of data that might diminish the social fog.
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