Column Thursday is the 10th anniversary of our elite’s shame, when they showed how easily they could be flattered into parroting Labor’s lines. On April 19, 2008, 1000 of our “best and brightest”, hand-picked by new prime minister Kevin Rudd, took over our Parliament House despite being selected, not elected. What followed must not be forgotten.
Here we have a Democratically elected government which Bolt says was lead by a Fascist whose Party was about to take Australia out of the 2008 GFC unscathed, How Bolshie of him. So in Bolt what we have is an intellectual simpleton it's simply amazing he doesn't find it too hard find his way around in broad daylight. But then Bolt is also a self -confessed recluse. He along with a minority of ultra-Conservatives lead by Tony Abbott define a population of 75% voters who claim to be Liberals and 62% of all Australian voters have declared they don't want Abbott back. The Party he once lead don't want the man who barricaded himself behind the skirts of Peta Credlin back and Andrew Bolt calls Rudd a Fascist. When the very definition of Fascism is a singular Party leader in an alliance with the Corporate world and might I add obsessed with flags uniforms and pomp.
Column Yassmin Abdel-Magied — professional Muslim victim — has just shown why the Greens are such a menace. She had been due to speak in New York last week when she was blocked at the border for submitting a dodgy visa application. But trust Greens leader Richard Di Natale to blame Donald Trump.
New Zealand saves the world: "New Zealand will stop issuing permits for offshore oil and gas exploration as it moves to combat climate change." Meanwhile: " A new discovery off the coast of Bahrain is estimated to contain at least 80 billion barrels of tight oil ... Russia’s entire oil reserve is 80 billion barrels."
“When it comes to climate change, our plan is clear,” said Ms Ardern, a member of the centre-left Labor Party. “We are committed to the goal of becoming a net zero emissions economy by 2050.”
Ms Ardern said she hoped New Zealand’s electricity system would rely completely on renewable energy sources by 2035." Ahearn
"The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand criticized the government for not consulting the industry, saying that alternative energy sources were not yet ready to meet demand and that oil would have to be imported from other countries at a higher cost." They seem to overlook the fact there are currently enough permits and oil to last for decades to come. Why be greedy if it's not necessary? The Industry spoke person simply rattled off the same old same old that's been answered worldwide. There is no argument that it's better for the ocean environment, renewables are cheaper and worldwide have created more jobs than fossil fuels and coal put together. So why lie?
" In Australia, plans to drill for natural gas offshore in the Great Australian Bight, known as Australia’s Galápagos, have drawn criticism from the fishing and tourism industries, which the potential of a spill is too great a risk."

Another warning that those pushing the new racism are - literally - playing with fire: "Vision has emerged of the Commonwealth Games surfboard countdown clock being set alight by protesters... The message attached to the video declares the fire was lit in support of the Stolenwealth Games protesters, who were detained by police in the past week."
"This actually trades on the myth that Aboriginal prisoners face a higher rate of deaths in custody than do white prisoners, thanks to racism:" Bolt
What Bolt doesn't say but the Royal Commission found. Linguistic flips exist reverse racism doesn't.
Deaths in custody: Death in black and white
"At the time the royal commission was established in 1989, First Australians were more likely to die in custody than non-Indigenous Australians. This is no longer the case," he said.
With respect, minister, this is beside the point. The issue is whether Indigenous people are more likely to be placed in custody or prison because of their Aboriginality, with the inevitable result that lives are destroyed and lost.
On this, the royal commission was explicit: "An examination of the lives of the 99 (deaths investigated) shows that facts associated in every case with their Aboriginality played a significant, and in most cases dominant, role in their being in custody and dying in custody."
The situation now was summed up by the Chief Justice of Western Australia, Wayne Martin, who said in a speech last year: "Aboriginal people are much more likely to be questioned by police than non-Aboriginal people. When questioned, they are more likely to be arrested rather than proceeded against by summons. If they are arrested, Aboriginal people are much more likely to be remanded in custody than given bail.
"Aboriginal people are much more likely to plead guilty than going to trial, and if they go to trial, they are much more likely to be convicted. If Aboriginal people are convicted, they are much more likely to be imprisoned than non-Aboriginal people, and at the end of their term of imprisonment they are much less likely to get parole than non-Aboriginal people."
As Patrick Dodson, one of the commissioners, reported this week, the rate at which Indigenous people are imprisoned has more than doubled over the past 25 years; the incarceration of Indigenous women has risen by 74 percent in the past 15 years; and Indigenous youths now comprise more than 50 percent of juveniles in detention.
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