Monday, 30 April 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 30/4/18; Newspoll changed it's methodology and Andrew Bolt doesn't even consider the possibility; News Corp claim the Royal Commission is doing more harm than good;

Barrie Cassidy's explanation of Newspolls 51:49 31rst poll asks the question that Andrew Bolt avoids. Was Newspoll's change in methodology more accurate than previous? If so has the result been closer all this time? This very possibility can't even be considered by Bolt because of his anti-Turnbull bias.

Maserati-driving tax agent steals $1.3 million

Maserati-driving tax agent steals $1.3 million

"Their tax agent promised them an "efficient tax planning arrangement". Now the ATO is pursuing clients for taxes they thought they had already "

When there's no honour among thieves even when they are all high rollers making money it seems it's never enough. The theory is if thieves rip each other off nobody will complain.
 Tony Abbott sacked 3,500 highly knowledgeable and trained ATO tax investigators and where did they take their knowledge? They became guns for hire by the Tax minimization and evasion industries. They knew the loopholes better than anyone and could make or promise to make money Abbott also ensured the sacking of 200 ASIC financial regulators and where did they go? They were reemployed by the banking and finance industries to cut corners. Who are conservative pundits now trying to blame for the systemic corruption and scams the Royal Commission is now but ASIC for not being sufficiently vigilant and the ATO for not doing their job? There is not a single word of Tony Abbott's or the neoliberal thinking and assistance in any of this.
Chris Kenny, Terry McCrann Andrew Bolt et al from Murdoch's News Corp and the IPA's John Roskam  are calling this Royal Commission and it's findings and process a witch hunt and the unjust release of information to the public and the handing of bullets to the Socialist left, Unions and Communist thinkers to take over at the next election. That's the real crime here because they are the better managers.
According to them the loss of faith in the myth of financial service is much worse than catching rogue elements of white collar crime or revealing it's systemic corruption. Why because share prices will fall and the union Super funds might withdraw their money from the banks. In other words, the system is better off not revealing or being charged with wholesale theft. It should not be changed and the practice never publicly revealed.
Not for a second do these righteous self-serving neoliberals consider that the system, profit at all cost, needs changing from giving service to Australian's to servicing us, its clients, like livestock.

However the masking and fogging continues with Peter Dutton declaring Industry Super Funds as "union" dominated when in fact they are an equal partnership between business and Unions and it's reflected in their equal representation on boards and which in terms of benchmark returns have out performed the others. One might ask why Dutton simply is lying about the structure of these funds if he doesn't know why he is such an ignorant.


Weak border control, weak policing: "Police are yet to make any arrests after a group of African youths jumped on cars and pelted police with objects as party­goers turned violent on the streets of North Melbourne... Up to 50 ... African males and females had been at the four-star flat."

So how often have we heard I'm indigenous Bolt tell us there is no such thing as race and Aboriginals ( just a white man's colonial word) are dividing the country with their racism which doesn't really exist. Not, however, today because colour is all important for Bolt. This is not only the longest post but also the most Murdochian. With statements  "the youths looked Sudanese" "African" and "Foreign" it addresses things not exceptional and seen before in my 70 years of living in Melbourne. How do Sudanese look different from any other kids acting out other than they are black?
 African or not Andrew Bolt one day claims stereotyping by race colour or creed isn't Australian but then he completely indulges himself in his bigotry when it comes to activity od kids. Youth gangs fight and out of control teenagers have existed since I was a boy 70 years ago. Teenagers out of control have been a fixture of Melbourne life. However, the media and politics have never paid as much attention to these events until they saw how it could be applied to political advantage since the Cronulla riots in 2005.
The significant difference what was once regarded as simply as a law and order issue has been expanded to be an Immigration one as well. One that is demanding not just more policing but the policing of a minority singled out. Not of banks corporations or business that do far more financial harm but one that focuses on more surveillance of a group, their punishment and even their right to exist. A group, in fact, that does less harm but is more visible. Kids busting out and breaking has always been regarded as a part of growing up but not it seems if you are identified as black, African or "seem"  Sudanese then you become a political gift for conservative white western nationalists of the worst kind.
Airbnb parties have been a regular problem across Australia which the industry claims is not representative but an exception. Trashing houses and disturbance is not new. Nevertheless, this has been part of a party business operating within a business that has not been an uncommon problem but a serial one across Australia generally caused by the young and results in the destruction to property. However, it's not always a feature of News Corp's front page or the media unless Black and African. Remember when Bolt and News Corp declared StKilda a riot of 200 members of an African gang on the foreshore. It turned out to be completely false. It turned out to be a beat up by the media of an event that was, in fact, a backpackers party common to the area where fights aren't uncommon. But because some Africans were involved it became front page news and bullshit that they were the cause, wrong. The police and reality lost control to the media narrative and the public were sold a pup, alternative facts, which is highly likely the case here as well. But news has little or nothing to do with the Herald Sun's agenda.

Andrew Bolt shows he hasn't a clue about "Bad Comedy" and good. Wolf was an exceptionally poor act and her audience let her know it and it wasn't just the fact of content. It wasn't a comic delivery. The room, however, was packed. "Some of the most Prominent White House correspondents are threatening not to attend next year."  In Trump's own words did any walk out and who are they but unnamed. Where are the sources for a statement like this when Sanders and other significant Trump staff stayed?
Bolt should compare bad comedy with bad comedy such as Milo's and not make stupid remarks like" Yet Wolf would swear that she is actually the more moral one. That's what allows her to be so vicious. " No she wouldn't she just bombed. Had it been Joan Rivers roasting everyone the difference would have shown. Had it been Milo the audience would have walked out and maybe they should have here but nobody did and yes they will all be back next year.
After seeing Donald Trump's Twitter posts.


Bolt never really makes international comparisons does he certainly never draws attention to the PISA International comparison on education which clearly shows Australia going backwards compared with other OECD countries. No, he sticks blindly to his own backyard and makes the Gonski recommendations sound ridiculous. The Scandinavian countries since the 70's have delivered equal public education and done away with private education and are streaks ahead of Bolt's preferred private system of user pays according to their means. Again economy of scale in these countries has provided better teacher training better pay and better outcomes for individuals all for free. So Bolt's comment can you imagine the bureaucracy it takes is debunked. In Finland with today's technology 600 administrators run 1 million students in Finland. In America, it takes 1500 to run 600,000 students. The teachers in Finland run their own schools and yes the Headmaster also has time to teach. Teachers are paid more have ratios of 4 to 20 students and have better status generally than here. Less is spent on administration and advertising across the board and a far better and more equal outcome delivered. Bolt pays $30,000 per annum to send his son to Scotch and he doesn't do it for the education it delivers either but the social mix. One needs to remember merit didn't deliver Bolt his social mobility marriage did. Meritocracy is the least of Bolt's concerns because true meritocracy would have ensured Bolt limited success.
Kids in Finland don't even begin school as Bolt knows it until they are 7 and they graduate bi or trilingual with better results than his kids knowing that if they get into Uni that too is free. Meanwhile, they make friends across all classes rich, poor, handicapped and multicultural without the problem of helicopter parents worrying about the quality of their education. There is no secondary industry of tutoring and private educators camp followers of a dysfunctional system as there is here.
What Bolt can't comprehend taking the competition out of education by making it totally public and not a competition but equal to all not only reduces the costs but allows money to be poured into teaching as a career and not just an add-on to a degree. Teaching in Nordic countries is actually a degree you train for from day one of a 5-year course and not just tacked on as an afterthought as is the case here. Schools work as a team of teachers and identify those that need help as teachers and not just students. But then Bolt doesn't grasp this given he never actually finished any course. The pressure in schools is reduced, performance is improved and attention is given to where it's needed.
It's about time GST were collected on religious donations too or more it's time Religion was taxed as any other business. After all magicians and sceptics are. Abbott went out of his way to tax Science in this country particularly the CSIRO or anything to do with Climate Change. He was into buying the technology of others rather than developing our own and he initiated the construction of the Frankenstein monster the NBN is today making us 50th in the world and having Minister Fifield telling us its the best given our budget.
Bolt is about as amusing as  Ms Wolf the comedian above but rather than stay I'll walk out on this PAYWALL POST

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