But to assume that “freedom” and “government” are engaged in a zero-sum battle is to miss entirely the role of economic coercion in the decisions we make in daily life and to the extent that governments can reduce the weight of that burden on everyone. Through, free education we could actually increase individual freedom to live the lives we want. If healthcare were a free right of citizens, then it’s easier to leave a crappy job, start a new company and relieve the family from worry.. If every school is good and uni is free, parents wouldn't have to strain to salt away money for tuition, and new graduates wouldn't start their adult lives with student loan debt. If women and men fare equally well in the workplace, and parental leave was paid, then each family could determine the childcare arrangements that make the most sense for them. People could choose to stay together. The conditions that make certain decisions “rational” are, themselves, subject to conscious change the very changes Bolt says is impossible but really means shouldn't happen.
However, the reality is the truth Bolt hides while The American Dream he so worships is failing with 40% living on or below the poverty line and domestic violence on the rise. With income and wealth gap increasing why would Bolt even consider we follow that the American Dream. Is the unfettered privatisation without regulation the rabbit hole we should go down? Particularly when it's perfectly clear that other countries are faring far better while we are fast slipping to the bottom of the ladder of OECD countries. Why are the Nordic countries faring so much better than we are and any rational social policies following them vehemently mocked and denied by Bolt and the conservatives?
A Public independent ABC is not just mocked and scorned but needs to be stopped according to Bolt. Universal Education is impossible, Health and child care unrealistic your taxes will rise with these universal schemes. Taxes need to be cut to keep you on the wheel of dependence and not raised to rationally cut costs. Costs of Advertising and irrational duplication of unwanted administration brought on by competition and unnecessary privatisation. When faced with the proof of the benefits, those policies have delivered elsewhere and the individual freedoms delivered Bolt's arguments don't have a leg to stand on other than he and his kids will somehow be disadvantaged when in fact they won't they'd be freed.
Bolt argues multiculturalism is a complication we face that other countries don't it's a blind stats prove that multicultural schools in Nordic countries do as well as the homogenous schools do. and homogenous schools here and in the USA fare no better on average. Bolt if fully aware of this so why the lie?
The World Happiness Report ranks 155 countries from 1 to 10 in terms of happiness and is based on a survey of 1,000 people from each country. The measure is based on real GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy and people’s perception of their freedom to make life choices, generosity, and perceptions of corruption.
In the latest report, the Nordic countries lead the way, with Norway, Denmark and Iceland at the top of the list, while the Central African Republic, Burundi and Tanzania lag behind with low scores in GDP per capita, social support and people’s freedom to makes life choices.
Proof that Bolt encourages failure is his constant denial of what's been proven possible
Three recommendations from the second Gonski report show its utter uselessness. The first - and most cited - is a ludicrous platitude. The second is guff expressed in barbarous English. The third recommends the third report to do what the first two didn't - tell us how to improve secondary schooling. Read and weep.
2) Costs saved have been put 5 years of teaching education and not just a tacked education degree after a 3-year course
3) What Bolt mock actually works in Nordic countries Finland has been a consistent example for 2 decades.
3) Teachers with classes of 1-20 work as teams and successfully do what Bolt claims they can't assist students to work at their own pace without shame. If teachers fall behind they too are easily recognized and supported to improve their skills why because competition has been exchanged for the independence of individuals to be themselves. The very outcomes prove Bolt's the idiot.
4) What Bolt calls "useless" has had a history of success elsewhere and his arguments that it won't work here have been also proven wrong. All Bolt is battling for has shown to be a failure in creating "smart" Australian government policies yet a success elsewhere.
Australia's equal opportunity and Bolt's stressless model of education and debt. Is he paying his kids HECS fees? I did plus their Private Education Fees. Equal opportunity my arse
So, if you’re already overseas or you’re planning on heading overseas for more than 183 days and you have a HELP or TSL debt, it’s important to understand your new obligations. Here’s what should you do:
- Before you move overseas log in to your myGov account and turn off the security code feature (unless you’ll still have access to your Australian mobile number).
- Notify the Tax Office within seven days of leaving Australia if you intend to move or reside overseas for more than 183 days in any 12-month period.
- Even if your worldwide income is small, you will need to lodge a non-lodgement advice form annually. Otherwise, you need to report your worldwide income annually.
- If your worldwide income exceeds the minimum HELP and TSL repayment thresholds, you will be required to make a repayment of your HELP or TSL liability. This may be in the form of a compulsory repayment or an overseas levy.
- If all this seems too hard and you’re concerned it will be missed, consider repaying your HELP or TSL debt in full.
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