In Israel and in the United States, activists are using human shields to smash through the borders. And reporters are spinning for them."Bolt
Is this all Bolt can say how long how many days has it taken for Bolt to flip the argument and turn the IDF and it's 100 snipers into the victims necessarily defending themselves from rock throwing teenagers and families protesting with guns trained on them by Hamas activists. When 17 people were killed and 700 injured by live bullets many shot in the back all coming from Israel and Bolt calls his editorial, the real facts while calling the majority of the world's MSM media is nothing other than left-wing spin. One knows when Fake News is being manufactured at News Corp because Bolt is so bad at it modelling himself on Fox News an organization whose intellectual integrity is No News, so bad it keeps losing its advertisers.
Bolt asks how much can you believe the world's most reputable journalists and media? Well, a lot actually much more than New Corp and as much as Australia trusts our ABC. What’s behind the protests in the Gaza Strip? | Gaza | Al Jazeera
For Israel, There’s Little Political Cost to Killing Palestinians
In fact because:
1) Israel has rejected any cooperation in any external investigations.
2) The IDF confirmed what had happened on social media and immediately took down that confirmation when they became aware of the world reaction to what they had done. They have been doing it for years. Israel Rejects Calls for Probe of Gaza Violence
Israel admits, then deletes, responsibility for Gaza killings | The Electronic Intifada

From the mouth of an Israeli soldier Andrew Bolt
"I was on the border with Gaza six years ago. The same marchers, the same protest. Even the orders to open fire at crowds of people remained the same." ex IDF
As soldiers, we too were told to open fire at protesters in Gaza | +972 Magazine
Soldiers have a privilege. Every three or six months they move to a different area. They see only a fraction of Gaza’s despair, but before they even have a chance to process or think about it, they move on to see the despair in Hebron, Ramallah, and Nablus.
3) Bolt even unconvincingly suggests Israeli engineering is so pathetic that the protesters a minority that did approach the fence but never got near it could have in any way smashed it down? Video shows Palestinian shot dead with back to Israeli snipers | Israeli–Palestinian conflict News |
4) Just how unconvincing is Bolt pointing out his singular and trivial anomalies, what he calls questions as reasons for disregarding the majority of media reports and an event where people were killed and hundreds wounded. Not a single Israeli was hurt and no single case of an armed Palestinian attack on any Israelis recorded. No, not a single case in what was intended to be a peaceful protest that's been going on yearly for decades. Bolt tries to spin the story that this was a Hamas inspired event when it was a ritual that existed before Hamas came to power.
"We need to know more," says Bolt as if this is a first-time event and when Israel has publicly stated it will not cooperate in "knowing more".Videos show Israeli soldiers sniping unarmed protesters in Gaza | +972 Magazine
5) Bolt tells us Israel is only defending its borders as if Israel was shrinking. How is it his victims have illegally occupied 17.5% more Palestinian land this year? More than in one year ever before and he's is calling that defending its borders? Bolt is such a liar twisting words with the singular intent to deny the truth of what has happened. He has to be called out for just that. Israel is expanding not shrinking.
6) So where does Bolt actually get his facts from? He hasn't any and is simply calling what occurred the real facts reported by rest of the world as "Fake News". He hasn't any of his own nor does he make any attempt to offer any. Now that's propaganda and media spin.As for Hondurans passing through Mexico to the US border Bolt hasn't a clue what they intend doing but he wants to somehow associate these events both protests as if they have a common thread, the threat of "invasion". Are the Hondurans armed? Has the media accompanying them less integrity than News Corp? As we have always said Bolt believes in the power of opinion too lazy for facts because they generally don't support his narratives. So single events are selected to make wild generalizations that have the substance of smoke.
These events are both a test and according to Bolt of countries right to defend themselves forgoing any arguments on human rights and International law suggesting that what's occurring on Israel's expanding borders is righteous despite the body count. That the US is entitled to threaten Mexico for allowing people to legally pass through its territory without US permission on the basis that the US is allowed to demand that Mexico should forgo its sovereign rights in the interests of America. Hypocrisy, contradiction speculation, lies ignoring of human rights and murder are facts that should be set aside. Set aside to justify the murder of 17 people and the wounding of hundreds of others women children and totally innocent people expressing their right to be heard by the armies and nations Bolt calls victims.
Shooting Protesters in Cold Blood: How Israel Became a Typical Middle Eastern Dictatorship
The Israeli army snipers who were ordered to shoot unarmed Palestinian protesters last Friday at the Gaza border, killing 17 outright and wounding hundreds of others, were acting according to the contemporary script of Middle Eastern dictators.
The Israeli army initially admitted in a tweet that the tactic was premeditated and precise, but then deleted the tweet, as the Israeli peace group B’tselem pointed out:
Here are 66 local news stations airing Sinclair’s brainwashing anti-media promo
Is this a coincidence that Andrew Bolt is doing much the same on his showThe Bolt Report recently decrying the World's Main Stream Media as being Left-Wing, Corrupt and issuing Fake News. Does he do anything original? (ODT)
In March, CNN’s Brian Stelter obtained internal documents sent to Sinclair Broadcast Group’s local TV news stations requiring them to film and air short promotional segments decrying “biased and false news” and accusing unnamed mainstream media figures of bias. The script, obtained by CNN, focuses on the mainstream press, attacking unspecified "national media outlets" for publishing "fake stories." At points, the script appears to echo President Donald Trump's attacks on press with cries of "fake news." (Though the final version of the script, as NPR noted in an interview with a Sinclair executive about the promotional spots, no longer included "the word national ... coupled to the word media.")
Many in South Africa and in the Left are mourning the death
of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. And some of those mourners are
frightening. What kind of woman are they worshipping? My editorial from
The Bolt Report.
Many in South Africa and in the Left are mourning the death
of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. And some of those mourners are
frightening. What kind of woman are they worshipping? My editorial from
The Bolt Report.
Such inverted morality: "Current and former drug addicts could be paid to help heroin users shoot up at Victoria’s first supervised drug-taking centre. A job listing for the North Richmond centre asks applicants to disclose their drug experiences... “Applicants with lived experience of substance use are encouraged to apply,” the document states."
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