Monday, 9 April 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 9/4/18; Andrew Bolt seems so diappointed he still hasn't a dog in the race;

'Picking refugees' is an oxymoron and typical of the authors at the Australian. Picking refugees, not by their need but our's and our's being so selective and racist that who Bolt prefers aren't really refugees at all. Picking asylum seekers is another contradiction and if they come by boat Bolt favours the Israeli IDF approach just shoot them if they seem to be approaching our borders. If they come by plane do as the neo-nazis want to vet them before they arrive. Like Austria, Australia should look around the world falsify the urgency of people declare them refugees and recruit and induce them to come such as the  White South African Farmers Call them refugees even if they don't declare themselves to be. Even pay them to come to make us appear to be fulfilling our obligations. Whether they want to or not it's for our political appearance sake. 
Dutton got his ideas from News Corp who simply took them from the Austrian extreme right-wing group called by many Austria's Hipster Nazi Party. Isn't it strange how Peter Dutton and then Tony Abbott jumped on their bandwagon and that they are drawn to these groups like Britain First? Abbott actually made up facts and figures that were outright BS false facts. He publicly declared 400 white farmers were murdered in 2017 which simply didn't happen 
However here is the man behind their ideas now the man they don't mention by name because of his global reputation so I won't either. Nevertheless, they have invited him to Australia and he's not even a farmer let alone South African nor in need of refugee status but the Conservatives have stolen his ideas and Bolt is pushing them. 
 The American Weekly Standard magazine has dubbed it “Nazism for hipsters”. Hit the link below and read about him. That man behind Dutton's, Abbott's and Bolt's thought bubble.

 The man behind the far-right hipsters

Image result for Image of a winner

 Bolt has been waiting for such a long time;
 He has finally spilt his seed,
 It's  a PAYWALL

 “The headline has become the fact and that it’s not changing,"  News  Corp controls the headline.  Government by media has become commonplace staid and do nothing thanks to the assistance of commentators like Andrew Bolt. Whose job is the PAYWALL us to News Corp. Newspoll their tool. If it were the stock exchange there'd be a valid case to call this insider trading  and the manipulation of our democratic rights
John Stirton Polling expert: added 
“If the Newspoll is saying, again and again, you’re failing rather than that there’s light at the end of the tunnel, it becomes self-fulfilling ... The party says things still aren't working.
“That makes Turnbull’s job much more difficult. He won’t get any credit for having a good week."
When polls were better, a leader felt more able to take risks, he said.
“The lesson is to forget about the polls and get on with it. Which is absolutely what the electorate would like to see.”
Mr Stirton said a broad interpretation of all polls indicated voters would like “to have Turnbull but not his party and would like to have Labor but not its leader”.
Mr Stirton said the right wing of the Liberal Party - and in particular, the division being created by its open tussles with Mr Turnbull - were turning people off the party as a whole. Stirton polling expert  Changes to Newspoll might make it hard for Turnbull to break out, pollster says

Image result for Image of a grinning winner


Column     Malcolm Turnbull will stay prime minister for a while yet, no matter how many more polls he loses. The Liberals are so bitterly divided they’d rather die under Turnbull than agree to a replacement who is more likely to save them. So forget 30 losing Newspolls. He'll smash the record.  


 Andrew Bolt says"The Liberals are so bitterly divided they’d rather die under Turnbull than agree to a replacement who is more likely to save them." However, he doesn't dare say who that might be.That they the conservatives and only they are determined to wreck the LNP in much the same way ISIS is intent on destroying real Islam they too are intent on trashing the Liberal Party 
They are the children intent on destruction if they aren't allowed to win. 
  Bolt still tries to convince us the Liberal Party is really a Conservative Party. It's not what the people want it's what they need. Never mind that the polls show 75% of those who vote Liberal want Turnbull and 62% of all the voting public want him. If that's the case it goes to show just how much of a minority Andrew Bolt speaks for and how much like ISIS media he is. If it's the case and ISIS is a cancer that that Bolt says represents Islam it follows the Conservatives are a cancer that represents the Liberal Party

Andrew Bolt obsessed with Waleed Ali largely because Waleed Ali doesn't give a rats about him. So obsessed that he even lies about what Ali did or didn't say on the Project. I'll give Andrew Bolt the benefit of the doubt and simply say he doesn't understand the Queen's English. Does the man he has pictured here look fearful?  The lie"But on Thursday he really exposed himself, backing the Greens’ insane plan for a “universal wage” of more than $20,000 for everyone, even if they were rich or work-shy bludgers."Bolt. What Ali said was that given the fact that predictions have suggested that automated technology might result in 40% unemployment the idea of a universal wage might be an idea worth further consideration. which isn't support. However, Bolt's tone sounds far more freaked than the grinner pictured above.
Fearful Bolt throwing dead herrings in your path. No comment because it would be too obvious that he's trying to call 10 kids guilty " by association" which could bring "vilification " complaints against him. No other reason other than he knows that's what he'd prefer to do.
No mention about the falling out of 13-19-year-olds over dope deals he can't say that but the ABC and other media can.


Abbott takes clean power to the grave of coal power. He talks the economics of power but fails to mention what it is the 'free market' wants. In their frustration, these 'free market' crusaders are calling for a socialist solution to provide them what they want. They want to invest your money Australia into a horse and buggy technology and in the same breathe to try to sell you on the idea that it's clean. Clean to mine and clean to burn as clean as the bikes they're riding.
News Corp gaining up on Turnbull In Andrew Bolt's own words WHO RAISED THEM? They certainly aren't journalist's but they certainly are poor losers showing little more than sour grapes.  Hardly the sign of men with ideas to offer. "Clennell notes the indecisiveness and the lack of firepower in Turnbull's staff."Bolt
There seems to be an 'open door' at Turnbull's PMO there certainly wasn't one at Abbott's. Remember how Bolt kept saying they needed a change of staff a Tony whose name is forgotten to come in and save them from the disaster Credlin had created. Tony Tony who?  He never came and was simply the forgotten man who left the Party because he didn't want to be a loser
Touted by who? Uhlmann certainly doesn't mention who and neither does Andrew Bolt which immediately makes it suspicious. However, he makes a wish about the ABC. But then Bolt makes a lot of unsuccessful wishes, doesn't he. Like he wishes he could command the Trust the ABC commands. The ratings the Insiders get and the prestige that goes with it.
However, the Conservatives of the UK are certainly laughing at the Monarchist Tony Abbott as is Prince Charles and his mother it would seem. 

 Yes of course America is a "regime". It is Trump's quid pro quo relationship with the Saudi's and  Israeli's which is more quid than quo on the American side after all Trump supports Israel in everything even mass murder just as he does the Saudis and what they are currently doing in the Yemen "  Note the words "Trump regime", as if it were a regime like Iran's fascist Islamic one or Syria's dictator." Bolt 
 America is increasingly like a fascist regime and Trump is its dictatorial President. America afterall has a Special Ops Forces  present in 149 countries and Bolt says the US aren't ball breakers who when they say jump expect others to say how high? Brutal well, Trump was personally heard to ask a drone operator why he didn't destroy a suspect's house? The operator said because he had a family and children. Bolt asked why was that stopping him from blowing the place to bits?
It's clear Bolt works for News Corp which currently is running point guard for anything Trump does and protects him from all his mistakes. Currently his policies even appear to be run by Fox News who currently support an American dictatorship.
It's one that has assisted terrorists in Syria with the silent help of Israel. While Bolt promised to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem Israel serves them in the Middle East. Yes its a quid pro quo relationship. We were notified of  Israel's alliance with terrorists  by Shari Markson who saw it up close and personal but who shut up when threatened by Mossad, the IDF and News Corp. She didn't write about what it was she saw.  Dictators have no ethics they keep their activities hidden from public view and don't trust anyone and Trump fits that picture perfectly. The problem is he's not good at it.

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