What a klutz Andrew Bolt is saying the Liberals are too divided to dump Turnbull when 75% of Liberals voters want him retained and the Party MPs are their representatives. 75% hardly sounds too divided or that disagreement even means they want to. Surely if you can't agree on who to replace him it's the flip side of you don't want to replace him because he's the best you've got?. Bolt's simply playing his game of flipping adding nothing to the debate.
The Conservatives in the Party are too gutless to form their own Party and without the numbers can't control the Party nevertheless they seem to want to sink the ship and come back as a formal opposition again. Bolt claims he's not doing because Abbott's his "mate" it's because he has the best policies. He said the same when Abbott was PM however he's done a 180-degree turn since then.Abbott's reversed policies showing he simply can't be trusted. So why would anyone support him? Who signed the Paris Climate Agreement, Abbott. Who introduced emissions targets, Abbott. etc. Who today claims they are idiotic and cancelling the Paris agreement is the way to go Abbott. According to him coal is king and needs to be Nationalized stuff the free market. Who introduced us to the Frankenstein MXT copper to the node now NBN Abbott, and took us from 30th to over 50th in the world. Abbott. Who gave the Pacific to China Abbott and who says he has logically the best strategic policies Andrew Bolt, why? Because he works for News Corp the PR office for the IPA.
This is why they are clowns Peter Dutton Captain Boomgate has literally taken up the words of the Austrian Neo-Nazi Martin Sellner and he and Abbott have adopted them as their own Refugee policy along with Andrew Bolt's support. Abbott's now totally cuckoo quoting false facts and figures as if real. The 59 murders that occurred in 2017 have become 400 in Abbott's hands. White SouthAfrican Farmers have been branded and defined as refugees in need of rescue by this trio. A factless farce that began in Austria with a group called Hope not Hate known as Nazism for Hipsters and came to us via News Corp has been taken up as they once took up the ideas of Britain First. That's the calibre of these Conservatives in the womb of the Liberal Party
The Liberals aren't too divided they just happen to have worms among them who want to eat and destroy the host.
The one thing is clear what the 18months of headlines in the News Corp Stable did to the polls taken was the same as done to Australian Muslims. 2850 anti - Muslim headlines turned 9% dislike into 30% Islamophobia just what the Right -Wing wanted to gain traction with Abbott's Cronulla cry get with TEAM Australia. In the same vein, their constant Turnbull phobia ensured 30 negative polls. However what is surprising is the polls aren't worse and there is only a 4% trivial gap and Turnbull still remains the most favoured leader of the Party and preferred PM. When Abbott had 30 negative polls he was the most unpopular politician in the country despite News Corp's and Bolt's efforts to save him in and outside of his Party. A big difference never raised by Bolt. So the circumstance now is significantly different and not comparable as Bolt's editorial would have it.
75% Liberal voters want Turnbull to stay Bolt doesn't mention that, does he? He talks about a Party with wings one wing incredibly stunted which he doesn't mention and there is in Bolt's words not any doubt News Corp and he will continue to undermine Australian politics
Can you imagine a politician saying to his constituents I'm not interested in the top job I don't have the ambition to be the best for your sake? How long would he last? Yes, Bolt is playing word games twisting what comes naturally into some conspiracy that is afoot against Turnbull. You think Richmond footballers don't want to be the best footballers they can be and with it comes the top job.
Barnaby Joyce is Bolt's new key for setting the deadline the Liberal Party would enjoy that wouldn't they the junior partner dictating what should be done. Just how many tails are attempting to wag this dog? However, notice Joyce said it's up to Turnbull to groom the alternative. Bolt simply can't lie in bed straight can he?
Abbott cut Foreign Aid, Cut the ABC Budget and got Rid of Radio Australia the heartbeat of the Pacific. He surely was the Pillock of the Pacific who kicked an own goal ( Old Dog)
China has approached Vanuatu about building a permanent military presence in the South Pacific in a globally significant move that could see the rising superpower sail warships on Australia’s doorstep. Fairfax Media can reveal there have been preliminary discussions between the Chinese and Vanuatu governments about a military build-up in the island nation.
Bolt obviously disapproves of the UN in all it's capacities because he'd rather the survival of the fittest to determine the conduct of Sovereign states. Except of course if the sovereign states were Russia or China.
He gives little consideration to the fact that the last conservative government talked the talk and was going to shirtfront Putin and as the pivot of the Pacific Abbott was going to be a bulwark against China but in cutting Foreign Aid has given the Chineses the opportunity to build a military base 3 hours off the shore of our Eastern Border. So it's all well and good to brag you don't need rules but without the UN and its limitations Bolt has no room for complaint.
Ten months ago Robert Mueller was appointed as a special investigator into claims Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. No proof of collusion has been found. Instead, Mueller is reduced to requesting an FBI raid on Trump's lawyer, reportedly investigating a lawful payment to shut up a porn star over a one-night stand years ago.
Trump sacked 2 heads of the FBI Comey and McCabe and appointed his own Christopher Wray as the head. Yet his own appointee head has given the nod to the raid on Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen. Bolt with little to say mockingly asks if Stormy Daniels is Russian. Here we go again calling the FBI crooked even though its head was appointed by Trump. How is it Bolt makes no mention of the fact that the head of the FBI is Trump's man in play?
WSJ Murdoch's masthead which said, " action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”WSJ No mention is made to what "in part" means and who the other party is. Bolt then turns to Right-wing pundit John Hinderaker of PowerLine to support Trump He also makes no reference to the other party involved in the requested for the warrant. So the suggestion it was in the main Mueller sounds rather conspiratorial calling for Trump's appointees to interfere. The trouble is they did they the FBI executed the warrant.
Dutton has a leadership agenda ready to go, according to this well-timed leak: "Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton proposed cutting the annual immigration intake by 20,000 to cabinet colleagues last year but Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison knocked the idea on the head." Dutton has also backed the Monash Forum's call. He's on the move.
Malcolm Turnbull loses his 80th Essential Media poll in a row, behind Labor by 47% to 53. Interestingly, Greens voters prefer Julie Bishop over Tony Abbott as the next leader: 25% to 2%. Coalition voters prefer Abbott over Bishop, 17% to 13% (but nearly half want Turnbull to stay).
Oh, my...Fox accidentally posts the truth for a change, and quickly takes it down.
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