The wind dies and South Australia once more pays, greedy for the imported coal-fired power its leaders foolishly claimed was destroying the planet. Earlier today the wind died to produce zero power. Check how little power was generated in Victoria and South Australia near lunchtime.
You have to be amused at Bolt's efforts to try to convince us that the world now regrets wind power and all those generators in the seas off Holland and other countries. The problem while Bolt is generating negative power on wind the world is running positively on it and are increasing their wind farms without subsidies. However, they mustn't read Andrew Bolt?
There is no word of blackouts from conservative sping doctor is there just a load of hot wind.
Andrew Bolt's Great Communicator
The Tony Abbott Wobble - YouTube
Let's start holding people to account as Malcolm Turnbull hurtles to his 30th losing Newspoll next week - behind Labor for 18 months. On the day Turnbull took the Prime Ministership I wrote: "He stole it by boasting of superior communication skills he does not have." Here's some of those who praised what turned out to be his great weakness.
Criticism coming from Andrew Bolt our most famous Indigenous communicator according to Andrew Bolt whose popularity is huge off a small base has dignified us on his review of our PM communication skills. What he leaves out is the yardstick he was being compared to at the time and that was the great Mr Canadia himself Tony Abbott whose the 28 seconds of silence went around the world making him the worlds worst OECD leader. Bolt himself was laughed at by Jim Bolger ex NZ Conservative PM when he tried to communicate his thoughts on Indigeneity. Bolger laughed and left Bolt in silence like a child who'd embarrassed themselves. Communication just isn't Bolt's world of expertise.
Abbott's method of operation :
1) Steal the Monash name and treat the family like doormats don't bother asking about using it.
2) Ignore the world and Science altogether and assume you can deny warming with Murdoch on side and that Australians merely have a hip pocket conscience and no memory for the lies and broken promises of Abbott's last election which by the way he didn't win Labour Lost
3) Marry Immigration with Infrastructure don't do anything about infrastructure which Abbott is an expert on just talk about it and you create yourself a political issue of overcrowding. Then blame Immigration for doing nothing. It's easy when you know how just forget Australia.
Abbott's method of operation :
1) Steal the Monash name and treat the family like doormats don't bother asking about using it.
2) Ignore the world and Science altogether and assume you can deny warming with Murdoch on side and that Australians merely have a hip pocket conscience and no memory for the lies and broken promises of Abbott's last election which by the way he didn't win Labour Lost
3) Marry Immigration with Infrastructure don't do anything about infrastructure which Abbott is an expert on just talk about it and you create yourself a political issue of overcrowding. Then blame Immigration for doing nothing. It's easy when you know how just forget Australia.
Does the ABC take any responsibility after deceptively turning Voller from offender into hero-victim?: "Three people have been charged after a violent confrontation ... as indigenous protesters tried to force their way into the Games Opening Ceremony. A 20-year-old Northern Territory former youth detainee Dylan Voller was charged."
Column Are we mad? The Left is crying for South African anti-apartheid crusader Winnie Mandela at the same time it’s importing apartheid to Australia. The politics of race doesn’t get crazier than this. Mandela was actually the evil she condemned - and now the evil of apartheid is pushed here by both sides of politics. Check this list.

The back door
Why does Morrison bag the sort of policy that might help the Liberals win the next election?: "Tony Abbott has backed the immediate replacement of ageing coal-fired power plants with new ones and taken a swipe at Scott Morrison after the Treasurer slapped down the demands of a new pro-coal group within the Coalition." Terry McCrann whacks back.
Column Tony Abbott’s critics are right. He’s pushing this plan for more coal-fired electricity knowing it will hurt Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. But Abbott’s critics are wrong. That doesn’t make his plan bad. Yet it’s precisely because Abbott thought of better policies first, that Turnbull and his team reject what could save them.
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