Thursday, 5 April 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,5/4/18; Abbott's Wobble; Apartheid is here and it's been here since Invasion Day; Knock Knock whose there ? Abbott's claims fact checked guess the result;

Image result for Images of the best wind power generators


The wind dies and South Australia once more pays, greedy for the imported coal-fired power its leaders foolishly claimed was destroying the planet. Earlier today the wind died to produce zero power. Check how little power was generated in Victoria and South Australia near lunchtime.


You have to be amused at Bolt's efforts to try to convince us that the world now regrets wind power and all those generators in the seas off Holland and other countries. The problem while Bolt is generating negative power on wind the world is running positively on it and are increasing their wind farms without subsidies.  However, they mustn't read Andrew Bolt?
There is no word of blackouts from conservative sping doctor is there just a load of hot wind.

 Image result for Image of Abbotts 28 secs of silence 

Andrew Bolt's Great Communicator

The Tony Abbott Wobble - YouTube


Let's start holding people to account as Malcolm Turnbull hurtles to his 30th losing Newspoll next week - behind Labor for 18 months.  On the day Turnbull took the Prime Ministership I wrote: "He stole it by boasting of superior communication skills he does not have." Here's some of those who praised what turned out to be his great weakness.


 Criticism coming from Andrew Bolt our most famous Indigenous communicator according to Andrew Bolt whose popularity is huge off a small base has dignified us on his review of our PM communication skills. What he leaves out is the yardstick he was being compared to at the time and that was the great Mr Canadia himself Tony Abbott whose the 28 seconds of silence went around the world making him the worlds worst OECD leader. Bolt himself was laughed at by Jim Bolger ex NZ Conservative PM when he tried to communicate his thoughts on Indigeneity. Bolger laughed and left Bolt in silence like a child who'd embarrassed themselves. Communication just isn't Bolt's world of expertise.
Abbott's method of operation :
1) Steal the Monash name and treat the family like doormats don't bother asking about using it.
2) Ignore the world  and Science altogether and assume you can deny warming with Murdoch on side and that Australians merely have a hip pocket conscience and no memory for the lies and broken promises of Abbott's last election which by the way he didn't win Labour Lost
3) Marry Immigration with Infrastructure  don't do anything about infrastructure which Abbott is an expert on just talk about  it and you create yourself a political issue of overcrowding. Then blame Immigration for doing nothing. It's easy when you know how just forget Australia.






 Now here is a bit of Chicken Little fear-mongering reminds me of when Abbott was in opposition telling us the sky was falling in yet we actually had the best economy in the world and Wayne Swann was voted the world best treasurer.  Bolt's "exclusive analysis" unnamed is just a PAYWALL to the AUSTRALIAN a News Free zone.
"A new Greens proposal for the government to pay welfare to all Australians would more than double the social security bill, smash the ­incentive to work and force the top marginal tax rate up to 78 percent, according to exclusive analysis."Bolt
By the way, after a year of doing nothing and not passing any bills, Abbott and Hockey said they'd fixed the budget. That's all it took. 
Capitalists aren't dumb they know with an expanding GDP and cost-cutting their profits at over 30% and poverty increasing due to 10-20 people to every job on offer something needs to be done and they need to pay for it even Rupert Murdoch said that. The band-aid for that temporary fix to allow the system to continue is universal income. It's not whether you do or don't want to work Capitalism operates better on a large pool of unemployed of which a very few want to opt out. What's Bolt's solution call them bludgers and "let them eat cake" typical of the upper class who fear the loss of privilege? Mind you Bolt wouldn't dare call his boss reckless.
 2,000,000 bludgers for 220,000 jobs

  Stop it! - » The Australian Independent Media Network

 I am getting so sick and tired of seeing the constant stream of Murdoch News Corp and LNP Government bash-a-welfare-bludger propaganda stories in the media, all done in the name of turning the general population against people who are seeking employment, or are in receipt of any Social Security payment for that matter.


" Some protesters said “don’t shoot, don’t shoot” as they struggled with police who tried to subdue them."Reported
"Pathetic, borrowing a fake claim from the US to make them look more heroic and the police as the real lawbreakers:" Bolt 
The "Fake Claim" Bolt's referring to was Stephen Clark  Sacramento Police Shot Unarmed Black Man in Yard 20 Times 
As for Dylan logic would dictate that after the treatment he experienced in Don Dale if he weren't an activist today then things would be abnormal. Bolt, on the other hand, is abnormal because his only defence these days is the Trump defence "Fake News"

Winnie Mandela was jailed but not found guilty of the crimes that Andrew Bolt so readily accuses her of. After Bolt's punch-up in Carlton Bolt called on Christians to get up and fight. Winnie often called Africans to do the same. Bolt says she was guilty but himself not. Winnie certainly was forceful in speech and an activist but that freedom of speech Bolt begs for it appears is not as free to everyone in Bolt's world. He doesn't just reserve a right of reply he wan's people shut down imprisoned or fired even after they're dead.

Image result for Images of apartheid
The back door

Bolt is repeating what he posted three days ago so my reply is the same
Apartheid is an institutionalized legal system entirely based on differences of colour. It has little or nothing to do with multicultural diversity and the social history disadvantage.

 Bolt claims he's for equality but spends an inordinate amount of time negatively stereotyping Aborigines, Muslims, Sudanese, etc, etc selling us the myth that we would be well to do if only we were more like him. Denying our multicultural society and had a one glove fits all to our social issues. As far as he's concerned we are a monocultural, white patriarchy, a Western Christian European nation in the Pacific. A nation of citizens who ought to all think alike and have the same values as his. Bolt is more like the middle-aged greying conservative white man who is suffering, a victim of the new Racism, Genderism that's threatening his loss of privilege. 
According to Andrew Bolt recognition of a diversity of any kind and the need to help better others by closing gaps in income and wealth is a threat. Those he negatively singles out are dysfunctional outcasts as far as he's concerned, mutants that simply don't fit in. Any disadvantage they feel has largely been brought on by themselves or by a terrible misjudgement due to our Immigration policies.
  However, we aren't waiting for Apartheid it's already here and it's systemic. It has been with us for over 200 years and is amplified in some of our indigenous communities. Furthermore, it's been generational. But it's becoming increasingly evident among all of us in multicultural Australia that the Apartheid division is more material one known as poverty, "systemic economic poverty" disadvantage, lack of opportunity and appropriate services to redress the widening gap on every social dimension. Primarily jobs, housing health and education etc aren't available equally to all Australia's citizens.
Australians are being forced to the edge to the fringe of Bolt's normal society and it's not just based on colour alone anymore. It is becoming increasingly paler and whiter and visible on the streets of our cities and towns.
Yes, what has been significantly racial since the invasion and generationally lasting in the case of some Indigenous Australian families non -Indigenous Australians are fast catching up and what Bolt calls dysfunctional Aboriginal Culture is, in fact, the Culture of Poverty. We see the same survival behaviours emerging no matter peoples colour however their colour still determines the treatment the further north and west one goes. and is more amplified the worse the material conditions are and it originates systematically from the top down which Bolt denies
If there are any comparisons to be made we can take a warning from the USA where 50% of the nation is now on the poverty line and the numbers growing.  Even Andrew Bolt's boss Rupert Murdoch declared it's the USA's greatest problem America this century is facing the shrinking of its middle class and a widening income and wealth gap and we are moving in the same direction. Murdoch and others at the top see it as the nations foremost problem but are failing to address the cause.
 Bolt's complaint about the "Aboriginal waiting room" is simply a misdirection evidenced by his denial that Indigenous Australia has been the hardest and longest group mistreated, so harshly driven into poverty taking on the culture of survival that accompanies it, denying he's the cause. That it is Apartheid material and has been foisted on Indigenous Australians the longest. Meanwhile, Bolt basks in a Culture of privilege which happens to be white, which he didn't acquire by merit or talent of his own but simply by marriage.  He didn't even inherit his good fortune but was taught to shmooze that who and not what you know is more important. Unlike those with poverty forced on them, he's protected from a  death by a thousand cuts because his social class protects itself at all costs when their privilege is under threat. It's harder for an Indigenous Australian to enter Bolt's normal Australia than it once was for a Jew to enter the Melbourne Club or for a Catholic to once become an endorsed member of the Liberal Party. The struggle continues today and Bolt holds the megaphone telling us the poor are to be blamed for their inadequacies and he earned his position by merit and merit alone.


Fact check: Were 400 white South African farmers murdered last year?


The claim

The plight of South Africa's farmers caught the attention of local politicians recently when Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton suggested white farmers were being persecuted and deserved "special attention" under Australia's humanitarian immigration program.
Defending Mr Dutton's comments, former prime minister Tony Abbott told 2GB's Ray Hadley "there is a very serious situation developing in South Africa. Something like 400 white farmers have been murdered, brutally murdered, over the last 12 months".
Mr Abbott made his claim on March 19, 2018, four days after Senator David Leyonhjelm urged Australia's immigration and foreign affairs ministers to help South Africa's farmers.
In letters to both, he said: "In the last year more than 400 white farmers have been killed."
Were 400 white South African farmers murdered in the last year? RMIT ABC Fact Check investigates.

Protecting ABBOTT at all costs over and above science good sense and world progress. The planet is warming and CO2 is warming it. The street is on fire and Bolt sees no sense to turn on a hose because "me" is greater than "we".Look what Abbott's MXT NBN has done for us helped put us in reverse.

By 2030 65% of Australia's aging coal-fired plants will be over 40 years old and totally unroadworthy. Building or restoring a rust bucket to a shiny new FJ Holden might be an act of nostalgia but it will still be a fossil fuel guzzler spewing CO2.  It won't be producing efficient energy or spinning its wheels via clean electricity just dirty fuel. In fact, Bolt can't name a single coal plant on the planet that does that now produce clean electricity. The very notion of cleanER coal by 2-5% might be truly filtered but is still dirty energy compared to renewables. There is no alchemy and if there were it would cost.
. Remember when Abbott promised a better Internet system with patchworked fixed MXT to the node technology.  It's turned out to be a white elephant the FJ and it's put us 50th or 60th on the world ladder. He thought it was just an entertainment toy. It was his vision we couldn't afford the luxury which in less than decade is now a necessity. Abbott's approach to problem-solving policies for Australia has put us going reverse globally and Mr Nope Nope Nope is a shoo-in to keep trying to do that again. When he was PM and anyone in his party went Knock Knock on his door they had to get an appointment with Credlin first. There was no lunching and planning in the Monkey Pod Room in those days he was in the driver's seat and going flat chat in reverse. He almost broke new records of other Liberal PMs in doing nothing and not passing bills. Abbott was waving but not drowning then going nowhere.

Bolt kept promising he'd changed, he'd changed so much so even he shut up because he looked the fool. But he's back doing it now.You see Bolt relies on the fact Australians don't actually make global comparisons if they did they'd see just how far we are lagging behind on just about every front. Conservatives try to sell us that we are ahead of the world because we aren't facing the problems of other countries when in fact we are not even catching up. Our great economy is in fact among the worst on the OECD ladder.  Bolt has however managed to raise Islamophobia up from 9% to 30% News Corp printed 2,850 Islamophobic articles in the past 12 months. They're doing the same for African Christian immigrants, Bolt's been on about Aboriginal Culture too as being the cause of child molestation despite Royal Commissions and the committal hearing of Pell and the arrest of 19  white folks arrested on child pornography charges. Yes, we are ahead and would be even more if only Abbott were back. What an unprecedented load of BS presented as News. Peter Foster our greatest con man was jailed for less. Bolt's been found guilty of "Fake News" yet News Corp can continue to publish it.
 Recently Bolt mocked Julia Baird told us Aborigines were culturally predisposed to child molestation while failing to mention they are in the main practising Christians unlike him. How dare Baird say Christians are predisposed to domestic violence and dysfunction. The man is a fool

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