Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Andrew Bolt's Blog,6/4/18; Bolt admits to his blindness and lack of forsight; Bolt proves to be just Credlin's and Abbott's camp follower yet again;Turnbull needs do nothing;
Bolt has run his career eyes closed so not seeing what's going on should be no surprise. Abbott out of sheer self-interest and no national concern changed the very nature and direction of Australia's success in avoiding the consequences of the GFC. But then rather than ensure the continued progress he guaranteed us a 180 degree turn around and has had us going in reverse ever since. All this time Bolt with head down mourning Abbott's departure has missed what had just happened.
While the world has lead transitioning away from polluting and coal, News Corp, the IPA, and the Conservative government here down under have denied Climate Science and Global warming altogether and resisted any transition away from fossil fuels. Not so, however, Global Science, Finance, Investors Technology or 95% of the nations of the world. Leaving Aus and America to stand alone. Even the USA despite Trump's roadblocks is forging ahead. But for a clutch of some dozen ultra-conservative politicians backed by News Corp, the IPA and a few miners the world has changed direction and is transitioning towards clean renewable energy. This change has even gained the approval of well over 50% of the peoples on the planet. Yet here is the Shaman of doom Andrew Bolt still denying the change.
Currently, we have a donor government obliged to corporate interests rather than national ones. Split by internal factions and the personal want for revenge by Tony Abbott Turnbull is faced with challenges on all sides which suggests Abbott and his clutch of robber barons are handing the ALP a laydown Misere in 2019. So Bolt is right never in his or our life have we seen MP's so efficiently destroying this country with politics. As for coal Bolt fails to even ask the question as to why the flood of investors and money is rushing away from coal? How and who Abbott expects to finance the construction of his 40 coal-fired generators if 65% of the current ones will have reached their use-by date by 2030. Abbott's and the Monash Forum's plan is bound for failure just as Mr Nope's MXT or NBN plan was because his cheap technology has also so successfully failed. Abbott and Kelly's pro-coal 'Monash Forum' unlikely to burn brightly or long amongst the smog of lies being spread about AGL Not for sale: Energy giant's boss defies the PM
AGL will defy demands by the Turnbull government to sell its ageing Liddell power plant
Peta Credlin has been stirring up needless strife. Her show on Monday night intensified the sense of leadership drama for Turnbull, but it was all a facade. and Andrew Bolt is riding on her coattailslike this camp follower he is. What we have heard is bags of wind trying to blow back an avalanche of concrete reality a tide that turned a long time ago. Bolt just hates the sound of AGL's global reality.
Recently Bolt tried hard to defend Israel's Good Friday Massacre and tried to convince us they had the right to defend their borders from a hostile force about to push a poorly built fence put up by the poor Israelis. 17 dead and some 700 injured by live bullets some shot in the back running away from the fence and not toward it. Bolt was having a difficult time justifying the human rights crimes witnessed and reported by the World News Agencies which in typical Trump fashion he called Fake News and anti-zionist propaganda of the left. Israel and the IDF first admitted to their atrocity on social media taking the admission down within minutes of becoming aware of the Global Response. They then went into their refusal to cooperate mode with anyone in investigating the event. Bolt conveniently left the Israel response out along with the fact that this was a peaceful protest repeated every year since Christ played ruck for Jerusalem.
What was strange however was why he segued to Immigration and Trump so easily when the two events were totally dissimilar. No Bolt was stuck for an explanation so he plagiarised Fox News "Caravan of Immigrants" which had Trump taking attention away from the fact that he'd failed to raise the money for "The wall Mexicans are going pay for". On any other day, a few Hondurans passing through Mexico to demonstrate against Trump's interference in Honduran politics would have got no attention but Murdoch media used it to give Trump and out. Bolt used his head office story as an excuse for Israel's massacre on Passover their remembrance of what Liberation truly means for them but sure as hell, not for the Palestinians. One could have assumed from Bolt's poorly attempted justification of the State mass shooting of children and their families that he was preparing the same for the mass shooting of Mexicans and Hondurans approaching the USA in protest. Or even suggesting Australia had the right to mass murder the asylum seekers coming here by boat. That's Bolt for you never an original idea of his own just working for the man and head office.
" Israel’s efforts to portray the marchers as armed militants were debunked by Human Rights Watch, which stated that it “could find no evidence of any protester using firearms or any IDF [Israeli army] claim of threatened firearm use at the demonstrations.”
Turnbull should carry on just as Abbott did when he lost 30 Newspolls. He didn't do anything however his Party did.WWTD is simply a false question even a stupid one but not surprising Andrew Bolt is obsessed by it. Turnbull will do what his Party expects of him. So the real question isn't what Cousens Breheny or even Bolt think it's WWLPD. What would the LiberalParty Do?
Poor Tony seems to frame himself without even trying on quite a few TV occasions making us sound like a backwater nation. Here he is on Ch7 with his 28 seconds of Duh nothing to say Duh that went around the worldThe Tony Abbott Wobble - YouTube.
That cone of silence was heard around the world and the sound of laughter came flooding back and did Bolt have anything to say then? He seemed to have missed it.
"The contradictions are endless. Why on earth now would anyone consider investing in a new coal-fired power station after the government, allegedly a friend of the coal industry, has just spent the day trashing the very idea of new coal-fired power stations? Sheridan and Bolt reveal themselves for what they, in fact, are con men complaining the government has given their game away of the great coal con and the promised alchemy of cleaned coal. Investors it seems can't be told the truth that clean coal is simply just an "idea" one however as far as they are concerned that needs promoting as reality. A bit like Abbott's MXT Frankenstein rust bucket of an Internet he sold us that already needs rebuilding even before it's finished.
So gone is the free-market as far as Sheridan and Bolt's are concerned while they haven't personally thrown any of their own money at coal they demand the government turn socialist and throw our money at it. That's just how Libertarian they are not conservatives in any sense of the word. and the want 40 we don't if they will work screw the pollution and CO2 because this is simply adversarial politics of personal interest. Proof in Bolt's own words "Instead, it was the issue the Coalition under Tony Abbott used to eventually storm back into government."Bolt
The market isn't supporting them so screw the market just take it over and use taxpayer money to manipulate the market. Here's the doozie of a lie that accompanies it Germany and China are building "so many" more plants. No Bolt they're building fewer and fewer than what was once proposed years back.
Welcome to Tony Abbott's Liberal Party it will soon start slagging Menzie's off and call him a traitor too. Only Abbott can't Bob's dead. But next best thing is to turn on Howard but get someone to do it and reluctantly wish he was dead. Show him to be outdated. That's Bolt's job panic for Abbott's sake. Howard certainly wasn't as fussed. What the Dad's Army skit from Youtube shows is that the when Monarchists are clutching at straws they'll do anything and what they do is usually so dumb. Bolt needs to bring Prince Charles on to the Bolt Report to try to get attention for that small base.
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