Game Over: Even Oil Giant BP is betting on Electric Car Boom
London (AFP) – British energy major BP on Thursday bought the nation’s largest electric vehicle charging firm, as it bets on booming demand in the coming decades.The announcement mirrors similar moves by Anglo-Dutch rival Shell and France’s Total to expand into the charging of electric vehicles (EVs) which experts forecast will surge in popularity.
Another nail in the coffin of Bolt's struggling arguments. BP, Shell, AGL, Origin the biggest names in the business are pouring money into an alternative future and Bolt is the Dutch boy whose got his appendage stuck in an imaginary dam as the real one burst ages ago.

France Charges 10 White Nationalist Terrorists in Plot to Blow up Muslims
French authorities have charged 10 suspected far-right extremists in connection with an alleged plot to attack Muslims
The nine men and one woman aged 32 to 69 were arrested in raids across France on Saturday.
They appeared before a judge on Wednesday evening and were charged with “criminal terrorist conspiracy”, the source said.
Several were also charged with violations of firearms laws and the manufacture or possession of explosive devices.
Police have linked the ten to a little-known group called Action des Forces Operationnelles (Operational Forces Action), which urges French people to combat Muslims, or what it calls “the enemy within”.
The suspects had an “ill-defined plan to commit a violent act targeting people of the Muslim faith”, a source close to the investigation told AFP on Monday.
Terrorism has no religion in a secular state. Vilification has no place in a secular state either and Bolt is a professional vilifier whose tools of trade are false facts, provocation and incitement to violence.

Malka Leifer, the former Melbourne school principal and accused child molester, came to live here in 2016 after an Israeli judge found she was mentally unfit to face extradition to Australia. And here, even though she is wanted by Victoria Police on 74 counts of alleged sexual assault and rape involving girls, one resident claims Leifer was able to continue abusing children, including his own teenage daughter, without consequence.
Andrew Bolt has been very vocal about Paedophilia in the Australian Indigenous Community and very silent about the same in White Western Christian Culture. His silence amplifies his bias, ethnocentricism and racism when he ignores events like this. His silence is a palpable denial that the crime is far from an indigenous one. Bolt's Judeo-Christian Culture which he claims protects children seems to fail dramatically when it comes to this Orthodox community. It's customs seem extremely allied to Islamic orthodoxy as well.
Daniel says the women carry most of the burden. “They get the welfare money, for having around 10 children, and they sometimes work hard jobs simultaneously. The men do nothing, just pretend to study the Bible.”
Daniel has no doubt that, if she is freed, Leifer will be back in Emmanuel.
“It’s Sodom and Gomorrah in Emmanuel,” he says.
“Child abuse, paedophilia… it’s rampant.”"
The nine men and one woman aged 32 to 69 were arrested in raids across France on Saturday.
They appeared before a judge on Wednesday evening and were charged with “criminal terrorist conspiracy”, the source said.
Several were also charged with violations of firearms laws and the manufacture or possession of explosive devices.
Police have linked the ten to a little-known group called Action des Forces Operationnelles (Operational Forces Action), which urges French people to combat Muslims, or what it calls “the enemy within”.
The suspects had an “ill-defined plan to commit a violent act targeting people of the Muslim faith”, a source close to the investigation told AFP on Monday.
Terrorism has no religion in a secular state. Vilification has no place in a secular state either and Bolt is a professional vilifier whose tools of trade are false facts, provocation and incitement to violence.

Middle-income Australia has a new look, and it's not pretty | Greg Jericho | Business | The Guardian
Let us be honest: Australia is a nation whose politicians are for the most part drawn from similar socio-economic (and education) backgrounds, covered by journalists who (including myself) come from similar backgrounds, and where any interruption to this course of events – such as when Ricky Muir was elected to the Senate – is greeted with a barely disguised level of condescension that someone not university educated or white collar has deigned to enter the sanctum.It is a situation of course not solely devoted to income – gender and especially race are also major factors at play. In positions of power, we remain a very white, relatively well-paid male nation (and I speak as one of that group).Malcolm Turnbull's latest recruit - former Family First Senator Lucy Gichuhi - has been dumped by Liberal members to an unwinnable fourth spot on the Senate ticket for South Australia: Andrew Bolt
It is, after all, a racist government that had her slip under the radar for a moment in time when the Senate was shakier and desperate. Now it's time rid themselves of her simply look who actually rules us in the post above. (ODT)
A haven for paedophiles: The ultra-Orthodox settlement where Malka Leifer hides
Atop the shadow-cast hills at the northern end of the West Bank, in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish settlement of Emmanuel, abusers of children have found a safe haven.Malka Leifer, the former Melbourne school principal and accused child molester, came to live here in 2016 after an Israeli judge found she was mentally unfit to face extradition to Australia. And here, even though she is wanted by Victoria Police on 74 counts of alleged sexual assault and rape involving girls, one resident claims Leifer was able to continue abusing children, including his own teenage daughter, without consequence.
Andrew Bolt has been very vocal about Paedophilia in the Australian Indigenous Community and very silent about the same in White Western Christian Culture. His silence amplifies his bias, ethnocentricism and racism when he ignores events like this. His silence is a palpable denial that the crime is far from an indigenous one. Bolt's Judeo-Christian Culture which he claims protects children seems to fail dramatically when it comes to this Orthodox community. It's customs seem extremely allied to Islamic orthodoxy as well.
Daniel says the women carry most of the burden. “They get the welfare money, for having around 10 children, and they sometimes work hard jobs simultaneously. The men do nothing, just pretend to study the Bible.”
"Leifer is currently behind bars awaiting the outcome of her extradition trial. Her lawyer is arguing – as Leifer has argued for years – that she is mentally unfit to face trial or to be returned to Australia. That case is bogged down in the Israeli courts.
Defence lawyer, Yehuda Fried said he believed Leifer would be released at her next bail hearing on Sunday, which she has been ordered to attend despite pleading psychosis.Daniel has no doubt that, if she is freed, Leifer will be back in Emmanuel.
“It’s Sodom and Gomorrah in Emmanuel,” he says.
“Child abuse, paedophilia… it’s rampant.”"
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