Abbott single-handedly destroys Ramsay Centre for Cheering On White People
In a remarkable achievement, it took just a single article in an obscure publication for Tony Abbott to destroy the aspirations of the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation. What a tremendous wrecker he is!
In a remarkable achievement, it took just a single article in an obscure publication for Tony Abbott to completely destroy the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilis [...] 

IPA puppet MP Fifield won't be going to the election with his current posturing. All attitude he can't deny his stance will be acknowledged as a disservice to Australia why? This is coupled with his defence of the Tony Abbott's biggest failure the NBN. (ODT)
One reason why they line up is they actually know the public regards it as a trusted and credible media outlet.
The Australia Institute at the weekend released an ABC question taken from its earlier ReachTEL poll in Mayo that showed crossbencher Rebecca Sharkie leading Liberal Georgina Downer 58-42% in two-party terms. The June 5 poll asked: “In the budget, the government cut the ABC’s funding by A$83.7 million. Do you think funding for the ABC should be reduced, increased, or stay the same?” Nearly three quarters said funding should be increased (40.5%) or stay the same (33.5%), with only 23% saying it should be decreased.
Last week Shorten promised a Labor government would restore that funding. The Liberal council motion has played into his hands.
The internet is Speakers Corner the only space individuals have to express their views. Bolt's complaint is that he can't any longer or never could dominate it as he could when we got our news in print. He can't be overheard above the din as he once could when the internet didn't exist. Murdoch's power of influence has been diminished and that was the core of his business model. He hasn't the grip in Australia that he has with Fox News in America.
Who owns the largest print media space here News Corp 66%. However, it no longer dominates as it once did either and its flagship The Australian is haemorrhaging money and has to be supported by offshore funds. They also own Foxtel but it's Australian Fox equivalent Sky No News hasn't gained traction. Bolt loves to say he is "highly rated off a small base" Digitally Murdoch's variety of websites and the sites of his conservative friends such as the IPA don't seem to have been able to capture the space against the freedom the internet provides. So what we see here is a great corporate whinge calling "freedom" the "Intelectual Dark Web" The debate "Fake" and it's supported by our current LNP MPs with their direct attack on the ABC Fifield and Guy working quid pro quo for News Corp.
Currently, what Bolt calls the voice of individual Australians relishing the freedom to be heard as the Dark Web when it's Speakers Corner, Freedom Park a space Murdochians want but can't control without taking down the ABC Australia's most trusted public media source which has found a foothold. The LNP have tried to shackle it financially by ensuring it funds have remained the equivalent of what they were in 1985 and saying their not cuts but efficiency measures but even that hasn't satisfied them.
Tony Abbott succeeded in 2013 getting rid of Radio Australia with his $200mill efficiency measure election lie that has resulted in a freebie to China. He demolished Radio Australia the heartbeat of the Pacific for 75 years coupled with his foreign aid cuts he opened the gate to China which the LNP are at a loss to explain or admit is now their problem. Abbott once called the Pivot of the Pacific turned out to be the Pillock instead. The Europhile focussing on the Ukraine and Putin and wanting to be an honorary member of NATO.
So basically the ultra-conservatives, the IPA, and Murdoch are now crying for the sale of the "good bits" the commercially viable bits of the ABC leaving us the taxpayers holding the bag to pay for all the other services. Which MP will take that to the people in the next election it won't be Matthew Guy or Fifield, will it? It only leaves the likes of Bolt and other Murdoch lackey's baying at the moon the IPA, Quadrant, The Spectator, and the Ramsay Foundation et al crying it's the Dark Web a myth of their making. Footage from Liberal Party meeting reveals who voted to sell the ABC
Brian Burston has lost the plot. I remember him boasting to me three times that he'd never desert Pauline Hanson. And now he links up with Clive Palmer, of all people: "The Courier Mail reported this morning Senator Burston would be unveiled as the first parliamentary member of Mr Palmer’s new United Australia Party."
I'm listening to ABC presenter Hamish Macdonald grill the Finance Minister about the sale of the ABC - something Macdonald and every other ABC presenter I've heard from clearly opposes. Macdonald then demands to know if the ABC is biased. Here's an answer: name a single ABC presenter who agrees to a sale and admits to the obvious bias.
Column I'm not surprised to hear that playwright Dorothy Hewett virtually pimped out her underaged daughters. The arts community has a history of smashing the sexual mores that protect children. Check a VCE English text for students that celebrates sex with an 11 -year-old. And check the record of the artists who raped Hewett's daughters.
New Liberal Senator Lucy Gichuhi didn't just get taxpayers to pay for two relatives to fly to Adelaide for her birthday party. She also got them to pay to fly her back to Kenya, where she complained on TV that she was paid just $200,000 a year - "that's not a lot of money".
ABC newsreader Juanita Phillips: "Perhaps any study of Western Civilisation could examine how and why violence against women is such an integral and accepted part of it." Could Phillips name defenders of Western civilisation who "accept" violence against women, or is this just another fact-free rant of one of the Leftists dominating the ABC?
Column You know the ABC — so dangerously big and biased — should be sold, because check how the big parties reacted to that very idea. The Turnbull Government is too scared of the ABC to do what its federal council wants, and Labor immediately offers the ABC even more cash to keep totting the Left's horn.

It's three years since Donald Trump announced he was running for President. Watch how the media laughed. How hard they've worked since to destroy the man who exposed their ignorance and arrogance.
No Bolt I think you missed the mark and the point. The Pew Poll in America has shown Trump to be every bit as bad as CNN said three years ago. He remains the most hated President to date and the majority of the country disagree with him not on just one issue but every issue. So I suggest you go back and check the meaning of Clown.
Bolt supports a President who actually admits to being a clown with his "locker room banter", that pays hookers to maintain their silence, that says if he was single would love to date his own daughter and has sent the White house administration into a tailspin. Why is Bolt doing this because Rupert Murdoch has become the voice of the American administration and Fox News have become Trump's paid town criers and jesters? It is the paid for Trump News Free zone.
Bolt supports a President who actually admits to being a clown with his "locker room banter", that pays hookers to maintain their silence, that says if he was single would love to date his own daughter and has sent the White house administration into a tailspin. Why is Bolt doing this because Rupert Murdoch has become the voice of the American administration and Fox News have become Trump's paid town criers and jesters? It is the paid for Trump News Free zone.
Bolt ignorance. Why is Trump so determined to start a war with Iran? 1) They don't have nuclear weapons. 2) They aren't as openly belligerent as Nth Korea 3) They aren't supporting terrorists in Syria. Why has Trump turned his back on human rights and why is he treating Nth Korea as if it were the new Israel? Is he about to move the US embassy to Pyongyang?
There is no agreement signed that hasn't been signed before and what has been signed is weaker than what was signed by Clinton before. The Americans are laughing because a boy asked Trump to bend over and grab hold of his ankles and he has.

Malcolm Turnbull loses his 34th Newspoll in a row: 48 per cent to Labor's 52. But the Prime Minister no longer thinks polls matter, as he did when Tony Abbott lost 30.
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