Liar's Poker Election of 2019
'The next world shock, we don't escape': Australia's record-breaking economic run in jeopardy
Australia hasn't recorded two straight quarters of economic contraction since the first half of 1991, but traders are betting that streak is now in jeopardy
Australia you have been conned AGAIN!!
Time to flick climate emergency switch: a plea
Ian Dunlop
Ian Dunlop is a former oil, gas and coal industry executive. He was chairman of the Australian Coal Association and CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
He is a co-author of the report What Lies Beneath: the understatement of existential climate risk, published by the Breakthrough Centre for Climate Restoration, and a member of the Club of Rome’s Climate Emergency Plan.But Australia still has its head in the sand. We are among the most exposed to this threat, yet we return a government that has been incapable of delivering any credible climate or energy policy.
The Parliament we have just elected needs to understand the emergency, and to address it. And yet it cannot even agree on the beginnings of an energy policy.
Three decades of dangerous delays mean it is now impossible to limit temperature increases to 1.5C, and probably to 2C, unless global leaders commit to emergency action. Australia is not exempt.
But there has been minimal discussion of what emergency action actually means.
Nation states will soon come to realise that it means action akin to wartime. Business as usual must be suspended – politically, socially and corporately. It requires an all-encompassing commitment to reduce emissions and address the threat.
all these fuel types are now able to compete with the cost of developing new power plants based on fossil fuels such as oil and gas, which typically range from $0.05/kWh to over $0.15/kWh.
The take less time to develop and are a massive boost to employment to boot apart from being CLEAN (ODT)
Renewable Energy Costs Take Another Tumble, Making Fossil Fuels Look More Expensive Than Ever
The most attractive renewable energy sources, from a cost perspective, are onshore wind and solar PV. IRENA says onshore wind costs of $0.03-0.04/kWh are now possible in places with good natural resources and the right regulatory and institutional frameworks.all these fuel types are now able to compete with the cost of developing new power plants based on fossil fuels such as oil and gas, which typically range from $0.05/kWh to over $0.15/kWh.
The take less time to develop and are a massive boost to employment to boot apart from being CLEAN (ODT)
Bank manager hid employee's fraud to hide his own $500K fraud, police say
A senior manager at the Commonwealth Bank, who stole almost half a million dollars, failed to report a member of his team for fraudulently transferring an alleged $64,000 lest his own fraud be discovered, police allege.
LNP politicians voted 26 times against a bank Royal Commission. Matthias Corman did little or next to nothing about the conflict of interest that the banking system developed. He intends to do nothing about the trailing commission's Mortgage Brokers, and Financial planners receive when giving advice to clients. In fact, the LNP see bank fraud as a rare event rather than a regular one often hidden from view. We voted for a government that will now claim a mandate to do nothing rather than a mandate to do something.
These were a group of MP's that since being elected in 2013 have served themselves more than they have their electorates. They have dipped into their expense accounts as a private source of extra income Matthias Corman, Stuart Robert, Tony Abbott, George Christensen, etc. and the list keeps going on. However, they made a unanimous scream when Peter Slipper was accused of a $900 Cabcharge. They did the same When Craig Thomson was caught, but they all excused themselves when caught out for worse behaviour.
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