Saturday, 22 June 2019

Fighting Fake News,22/6/19; Medivac and why the sick are "unsafe"; Dutton political pill hiding 100,000 Asylum seekers arriving by plane;

The incident comes amid a worsening mental health crisis on the island.

Man sets himself on fire on Manus Island after being 'denied medical treatment'

 He is the second person on the island to set himself on fire in two weeks, amid a worsening mental health crisis.  The 31-year-old Indian man, who had "severe" health issues, was turned away from the island's health clinic on Friday, Manus detainee Shamindan Kanapadhi said.He had been denied medical treatment for a long time, Mr Kanapadhi said. "Stressed" and "anguished", he self-harmed before locking himself in his room in the island's Hillside compound and setting it on fire about 1pm.

Australia's Concentration Camp  Australia's Shame. It will take a lot of years for Australian Politics to live this down Dutton doesn't care, what's mental illness or two? However what might otherwise have been. The refusal of the NZ deal makes it even worse. What is worse is Dutton and the LNP have encouraged desperate peoples to take to boats from Africa to South America on the basis of saving people from drowning!!!

Imran Mohammed 22 just graduated from high school jailed by the LNP for 5 years in Australia a country that stole opportunity from many people for little more than political self -interest rather than National Interest and Pride Australia's shame. (ODT)

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 Vales Point Power Station.

Fund set up to fight climate change considers 'insane' idea to give money to coal-fired power

  1. The multi-billion-dollar Emissions Reduction Fund is under review and one idea being considered is to use taxpayer money to subsidise power generators, including coal-fired stations.


Johnson's confrontation with his latest girlfriend should make Conservative MPs panic about making him Prime Minister: "Police were called to the home of Boris Johnson and his partner, Carrie Symonds, ... after neighbours heard a loud altercation involving screaming, shouting and banging... Symonds could be heard telling Johnson to 'get off me'."

4h Link


Bolt's favourite for becoming the new UK PM has always been an unsavoury character with an explosive personality and he's proved it. Boris doesn't have a problem he is and always has been the problem. He wanted to be PM over and above working for Great Britain which in all probability will become Little Britain (ODT)



Bolt's negativity is far more demonstrated in his tone here regarding May than his attitude to Boris. Johnson has been Britains sniping Abbott with the support of Murdoch ensuring any leadership other than his own would not be able to function. Turnbull like May resigned. The result is that no effective government is currently available to run either country. (ODT)


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